Today starts 5 days of solid testing which aims to fully document the properties of every single one of Raven's moves and strings, including block-strings, hit-strings, gaps (including which characters can escape and which ones treat them as frame-traps), recovery, ducking, character stances/traits which screw over combos, etc. It will NOT cover damage and gravity scaling, nor will it cover counter-pokes and wiff-punishes. It's very much a defensive guide on what you can get away with when using Raven. If I'm not completely mentally broken after doing this I might look into doing a punishment guide, but not now. Definitely not now
I will be dumping the data in this thread sporadically over the next 5 days (and will then format it into a super-fancy post which will hopefully be stickied), but while I'm doing so I need to ask for a bit of help. Not with the testing itself, but with the properties of other characters.
Still being fairly new to the game, I'm not 100% up on all the tricks that the various characters can do to avoid being hit. On my list of specific things to test are:
Aquaman's fish-oiled body
Cat Woman's low stance
Doomsday's fixed hit-stun trait
Flash's low stance
Grundy's super-move armour
If you know of any other characters which have ways of avoiding hits (or messing up the results of being hit) please post in here so I can be sure to test them all. No need to worry about parries as I've got a list of those already.
This will take a while to do, as I am literally brute-focing most of the tests (testing everything vs everyone) until I'm able to work out the exact frame gaps between moves and extrapolate the rest. Don't start bitching that X combo into Y special hasn't been covered yet until the end of the 5 days!

I will be dumping the data in this thread sporadically over the next 5 days (and will then format it into a super-fancy post which will hopefully be stickied), but while I'm doing so I need to ask for a bit of help. Not with the testing itself, but with the properties of other characters.
Still being fairly new to the game, I'm not 100% up on all the tricks that the various characters can do to avoid being hit. On my list of specific things to test are:
Aquaman's fish-oiled body
Cat Woman's low stance
Doomsday's fixed hit-stun trait
Flash's low stance
Grundy's super-move armour
If you know of any other characters which have ways of avoiding hits (or messing up the results of being hit) please post in here so I can be sure to test them all. No need to worry about parries as I've got a list of those already.
This will take a while to do, as I am literally brute-focing most of the tests (testing everything vs everyone) until I'm able to work out the exact frame gaps between moves and extrapolate the rest. Don't start bitching that X combo into Y special hasn't been covered yet until the end of the 5 days!