Yeah, whats everyone's thoughts on Grundy's chain grab becoming clashable? It's super strong by not being clashable, but becomes super weak if it does become clashable. Maybe make the last hit before getting 2x on a given buff clashable or something, idk. Not sure how that should be approached, or if everyone should just get fucked for eating a grundy chain grab.
maybe naked chain grab unclashable but chain grab in a combo becomes clashable? thoughts? Imo it needs tweaks and should be toned down slightly. It's just too strong in its current form... in addition the less chip chain could stand to have its damage output increased slightly to make it more valuable and competitive with defense/power chains
maybe naked chain grab unclashable but chain grab in a combo becomes clashable? thoughts? Imo it needs tweaks and should be toned down slightly. It's just too strong in its current form... in addition the less chip chain could stand to have its damage output increased slightly to make it more valuable and competitive with defense/power chains