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The Meta-Meta-Meta... game

Characters get nerfed and buffed over time. So, knowing this, after playing through so many fighting games, is it better to start with a low-tier character and master it, while enjoying the buffs that hopefully come in the future?

Case in point, in MK9 I mained Kano and Jax exclusively. Kano was my boy I could destroy anyone with when the game was new, while Jax was my other I enjoyed learning despite losing constantly at first, and enjoyed grinding out the challenge and eventually gaining enough matchup knowledge to do well.

Then what happened? My Kano got nerfed into oblivion, while Jax got all sorts of new tools in patches and hotfixes. Now my Jax is outstanding, while my Kano can only really aspire to be a gigantic pain in your ass before inevitably losing against most matchups.

The problem is, I want my next Jax for Injustice, but I'm not really sure who NRS is looking at buffing in the future. If I ever get a whiff of who that might be, I'm going to learn them right away. I don't enjoy spending so much time grinding out my skills with a character who will always have the Nerf Bat hanging like the Sword of Damacles over his/her head at all times.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
It's best to use whatever character you want to use. Everyone thought C.Viper was low tier in SF4 at first, then she became top tier. Kabal wasn't top tier at first in MK9, and we know how that turned out. Even though I advocate tier whoring, if you want to use a character who may be currently considered "low tier", go for it.

When it all comes down to it, it's the player... not the character.
I like using low-tier characters because of the challenge and the "underdog" factor. Wins are just more satisfying if you know you're not "supposed" to win, and sometimes you discover powerful stuff that most people haven't because everyone else is off using the flavor of the month toons.

However, I'm still bitter about what happened to Kano. My Kano glory days are gone and never coming back, which is why I'm reluctant to pour too much effort into another nerf-candidate.


For what it's worth, my plan:

1) Pick one character. Learn it extremely well
2) Learn the setups and weaknesses of the entire cast
3) If I get bored with character chosen in 1 (or it gets nerfed into oblivion), all of the knowledge gained from 2 to slip into a new character much easier

If you know character X's special move Y is punishable by any move 9 frames or quicker, that will apply to any character you decide to use to fight character X. There may be extra specific punishes and the like, but the basics will serve you with everyone.
Yeah this doesn't really have anything to do with the meta game. Play top tier characters that are just overall good and not for OP, BS reasons. Like black Adam.
I get shit for playing Bane all the time because so many people think he is a weaker character (to early for solid tiers to be set if you ask me) but i love playing him. I don't see him getting nerfed anytime soon, so I am not worried about that and I have so much fun with him.

What it all boils down to is just using someone you enjoy playing. Its more personally rewarding in the end if you ask me.

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