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Question Batman patch changes - May 7th


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
No.. I don't.

I know everyone kan't be top but I wanted her to be up there.. I know the game hasn't been out that long but I don't see much potential and everything I've seen people "discover" isn't something that has changed my opinion on her. Most of it was day 1 stuff for me.

Oh well.. Kounter-picking Injustice Tier Whores like me probably shouldn't komplain.
Um, the game is a wee bit early for an actual tier list. Harley is really good, you make it sound like you are writing her off.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I agree I mean what makes hawk girl cheap? I main bane nothing cheap about him
I think as of now Bane is a pretty fair character, but I see more potential in him than Harley. Though I think he's a harder character to use and he has some pretty bad match ups. (GL??)

Hawkgirl kan be pretty cheap just because of her trait giving her properties other characters don't have. There's characters that kan't chase her when she flies in the air. Her design is flawed in my opinion but outside of that she looks pretty mediocre. She either gets to play her game and screws people over or she's f*cked.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
OmegaK has a cheap harley. I wouldnt exactly call all of her shit 'fair'.
I hope so.. But what exactly isn't "fair"

If I'm konvinced she either
A: Kounter-Picks a good character
B: Goes even (or better) with most of the kast
C: Has more potential than I originally thought

Then I'll pick her up again.

I really like her but I'm prioritizing characters since I have a limited amount of time until May 11th.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I said that

I never even mentioned a tier list... But it's obvious some characters are better than others.
I don't agree. I would say that some characters might take more time than others to see their true potential.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
BurymeinBlack was developing a really good Harley, then he dropped the game completely. The only Harley I've seen since release. R.I.P


Death is my business
I can tell ya her keep away with her guns gives problems to characters with short range ala batman and her crossup medium is darn good + air gun being an overhead with lots a range is nuts + if you ex it its neutral or close to it on block, she s good

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