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Iron Man 3 General Discussion (discussing its negative reviews and why you didn't like it) Spoilers

Krafty Matt

You guys (and girls) are forgetting something. Marvel approves everything before it hits the screen. They signed off on this, they very company that made Iron Man and the Mandarin in the first place.

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Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
I think I am in the minority but I loved the second one and barely enjoyed the first. It felt more gritty and didn't have that Sunday morning cartoon vibe. I don't know what to think about the third, I prob just go see GI Joe instead lol.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Mandarin is pretty much Iron Man's Zod. And they made him a bitch for that pretty boy lava guy. A movie is only as good as its villain, especially a superhero movie. What really pissed me off was the promise it showed in the beginning. Those terrorist Mandarin promos were awesome. If they continue this franchise for the love of god let Favreau direct. These other guys don't know wtf they're doing.
Was that lava guy in the comics?


Stay Puft
I never read any of the comics and I had no clue that the Mandarin is a big villain and I thought the twist with him was extremely stupid, I wanted to see him in action. Killian seemed really generic and dull, really forgettable.


Neutral Skipper
Nothing too special. I liked the movie for the most part, but boy did they fuck up the Mandarin bad. Bring on Man of Steel baby, I've had good feels about dat shit from the very beginning.


Obviously no one here has read the Extremis storyline or even an issue of Iron Man for that matter. "Who's the lava man?" seriously? Its a good tie-in considering the main aspect of the IM universe is a lot more grounded, not relying on "magic power rings" or faux sci-fi. I'll even quote a wiki article for reference, since that's the credo nowadays.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremis_(comics)It even notes there that Mandarin attempted to spread the Extremis virus to infect the human race. And its pretty clear that Tony uses the Extremis tech on himself to rid himself of the arc reactor. Even in the movie he boldly stated if he was close to cracking the code 20 years ago while drunk it should be no problem now (when Pepper was infected), so its highly likely he was able to adapt the tech on himself.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
This movie was horrible and it alienated all the Iron Man fans that wanted to see the true Mandarin after they screwed up and didn't put him in either of the other 2 films. They should change the name of the films to Iron Dowdy Jr. cause without him all 3 movies would have blown big time. Up until I seen this movie I thought Elektra was the worst that Marvel had to offer but I see I was wrong I would much rather sit through that shitty film again than watch this one again. It's sad too cause the director for this movie did all the Lethal Weapons and Last Action Hero so I know he is a good director/writer but he said numerous times that he didn't like the Mandarin character and he was nothing but a racist terrorist so I guess he felt he needed to butcher the character to make himself feel better about it. Man of Steel should have opened along side this crap just so it could have blown it up.

Deleted member 5032

I despised IM3. Too many reasons to list while typing on my phone, but it was the biggest piece of garbage I'd seen in a long time.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Not reading the thread or commenting again till i see it some time in the next couple days.

I think my Man Of Steel hype is going to kill it for anything standing in the way of MoS for me, but i'm looking forward to IM3. lol


I liked it. Its a comic book movie and better than most of them which are predictable clichés. Just good fun action, didn't take itself too seriously, and stark is probably the most realistic hero I've seen in comic book movies... he's actually human and relatable. I didn't know this was the last one would have loved for pepper to keep her powers and fight with im, she was a badass at the end.


im going to rant my ass off so please dont mind my cussing

i saw this a week early and it was pure bull shit

shane black wanted another fucking lethal weapon and he got it by doing this

i dont blame the cast but man how can you call it ironman when you have tony out of the armor pretty much the whole movie? also what in the hell was up with turning mandarin into a drugg addicted movie actor? i dont even read the iron man comics and i thought what they did to a great talent that is ben kinglsey was insulting to him as an actor

no really that mandarin twist felt like some wayans brother shit from scary movie 1 and 2 and i was waiting for chris pratt to storm in and bust a cap into mandarins skull like he did in zero dark thirty

pepper i thought was bad ass but her having powers was horrible ( seriously lava people? wtf shane black)

imo i think it wouldve been better if pepper died to add to the emotional part of tony's charachter but w/e

i did like guy pearces role but sadly its forgetable and a throw away

rhodey........ nice to see him in but yea couldve been done a hell uv alot better

the only possitive things i can say for this film was its ending in regards to tony's decision and the start of the film. everything after that was just pure garbage . im glad i saw this online and didnt pay a cent because i had hopes for this film and this sucked harder than green lantern

also anyone notice during the credits it stated tony stark will be back and not ironman will be back?


It was bad but nothing can touch Spider-man 3 level of awful, At least there was no singing and dancing in coffee shops by emo Peter Parker in IM3.
as far as im concerned spidey 3 is better than im3 i say that because at least spidey 3 felt like spiderman wile ironman 3 didnt feel anything at all like its hero ( and no im no fan of spidey 3 but lets be real here)


I really hope they don't fuck up Man of Steel, or at least not this bad.
i am more woried about the rest of phase 2 now honestly. i love game of thrones and am psyched they got alan taylor to direct the dark world but now im like oh god please dont mettle with his script and direction

same with captain america 2 and guardians


First 10 minutes when they were talking about Advanced Idea Mechanics, I got all pumped up a shit and they weren't even that good. The movie was good, just wasn't what I was really expecting with the trailer. Mandarin didn't really do shit and Extremis was relegated to something completely different.


First 10 minutes when they were talking about Advanced Idea Mechanics, I got all pumped up a shit and they weren't even that good. The movie was good, just wasn't what I was really expecting with the trailer. Mandarin didn't really do shit and Extremis was relegated to something completely different.
dude the first 20 to 30 minutes was great but the rest is bullshit

as i said i dont read the ironman books but man turning mandarin from a terrorist to an actor is like turning osama bin laden into a one giant conspiracy theory

i watched this as a movie goer not a marvel fan ( even though i am) but it still sucked


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
i hated the end with pepper it looked so stupid with her killing him and jumping of of tony's knee into the sky. and they made the mandarin into a joke