K... just saw it, let's recap the nonsense and the bullshit.
-Mandarin...it's disappointing, then it gets kinda funny then you think about it annoys you, then you realize they really fucked up. Like you know, a huge fuck up.
-Deviated too much from the main plot with the kid and the somewhat irritating dialogue.
-Cartoon bs...at the beginning when he's testing out the suit and says dumb cartoonish shit like "Im the best" and then gets blasted off agaaaaaain. Or when he crashed into the bus after rescuing everyone from the plane carsh and the suit just splatters UMK3 fatality style with like 50 limbs all over the pavement.
-They made Iron Man look like the biggest joke of a hero ever. How does a guy go from taking alien laser blasts to the face, to destroying 100 suits fighting a shirtless Guy Pearce? Movie should have been named Iron Bitch 3
-Destroys all of his suits, removes his arc reactor from his chest, discards arc reactor...I am Ironman....bitch no you're not.
-Worst post-credits scene ever...
-This did nothing to advance the plot of the next avengers movie
Aside from the house getting wrecked and the beginning of the movie the only real plus was seeing Gwenyth Paltrow in a sports bra and panties, i didn't know that woman had that in her.