With Catwoman you can also charge a B3 after a knockdown. If they mace charge wait till they go pass you, then back dash and punish with 112. If they Wing Evade release the 3 and wall bounce combo them. Not sure if they press 2 or 3 during the wing evade but I think the B3 will hit them. If not you can meter burn it. If they mace throw then you have all the all the time in the world to B3. But make sure you do it before they meter burn and charge towards you. If they don't have meter and they mace throw then you can forward dash your back 3 and punish with B12D3 or even neutral jump 2. But you have to wait for the mace to go over you before you can dash up. If they wake up super you have all the time to react as well. after they pass you back dash and do cat dash. So all you have to watch out for is Wing Evade and Mace Charge, which is not easy. The other two you can react to easily.
You can do all the same with Cat Stance but you can only punish Wing Evade with Cat Stance 3. Which is fine. It is a lot easier to mash 3 after Cat Stance at the first sign of movement on their wakeup. You will catch everything but the super, which you can still back dash and cat dash after cat stance. But if you do Cat Stance 3 you will still go by their super anyway. Also I don't know how good it is to charge a B3 right in their face. At least with Cat Stance you have other options. But I'm not sure how reliable they are say if your opponent wants to get up at d1 combo punish you.
But I still think its better to go for your basic mixup of dash up back 1 low or f3 overhead. if you meter burn the f3 it will beat all of Hawkgirl's wakeups and pass by her super... most of the time. Depends on how long you hold it which shouldn't be that long. Depends how long it takes you to dash up and how far away you do f3 as well. But you should always look if they have 4 bars anyway. Didn't think I would write so much when I started.