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Who else thinks that the prequel comic should've been in the story mode?


Scary Bat
I had such high hopes for the story... remember all our amazing theories before the game came out? And what we got was total ass. Literally I at the very least expected something on MK9's level of story, if not better! Again the Injustice comic is so awesome and well written, if they had literally put all the comic as the story, scene for scene, it would have made me a lot happier.

I was so excited for alt universes until it was actually done. I thought there would be loads of earths, but instead we only got 1 (or 0) and 5.
So many opportunities to expand on the story too, I mean half the characters didn't even get their own chapters!


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Changed the thread title, is that what you wanted it to say?
Loving the prequel comic, would have padded out the Story Mode. BTW, loved the story mode, but a tad short for my liking.


Scary Bat
Story was alright I guess, I was just saddened due to the fact it didn't fully actualize its potential. I could have been so much more and so much longer. Playing through the prequel would have added some gravitas and some more time to it I think.

EDIT: I mean if you play the story without the comic for a lot of context it, like if you hadn't read it or whatever, it isn't as good.