I don´t understand the reversal mechanic, in the tutorial it is used for punishing a special but this isn´t a reversal, it´s a punish.
back to frametrap
Somebody asked Tom Brady: "what makes Nightwing so scary?" and he answered "Blocktraps". This was a little bit confusing to me but it seems that NRS makes a difference between a frametrap and a blocktrap. For me, a frametrap is a blockstring with advantage on block and if the opponent is pressing buttons, he is caught by the follow up. Nightwing in staff seems to have such kind of frametrap. In the past days I haven´t checked a char for proper frametraps (onblock), the pushback on certain moves is hugh and you need to dash, 11X for a follow up is useless, cause first hit whiffs on crouching. But on hit, there are a lot of strings, which the opponent can´t interrupt with a D+1 (respectivly his fastest normal) if you input a follow up (no specialcancel). Maybe i am totaly wrong but it works quite often for me. The opponent thinks the 3 hit string is over, now it´s my turn and he is caught but in my understanding this isn´t a frametrap.