Alright look, before I give my thoughts on the matchups I play alot I just wanna say a couple things.......
Waiting until HG "falls down/her flying time runs out" is NOT and should not be a valid tactic . I think you guys saw a video or something of somebody getting hit after their flight timed out and they got hit by KF's super and lost. Let me tell you something. Ask most of the HG players who are worth a damn. My flying time ends, WHEN I WANT IT TO. I'll press fly and drop out of my own flight before my flighttime ends by itself and I do it quite often. Sometimes, I'll air dive out of it. The time I do it the most is after I MT and you block it.
Underestimate her inclose game at your own peril. Does HG have great 50/50 mixups like CW or WW? No. But her D1 and her D2 are top 3 in the game. Her sweep is fast and has good range and mixes up well with her lightning fast IAdive kick. Standing 3 hits multiple times and sets up the 3~WE/MC tech beautifully and is tough to get around for someone getting up. So you can think "Oh, I'll just get in close and take her out!" Naw buddy. You gotta cut through some D1s and D2s first.
HG vs Bane
6-4 (HG advantage)
This is not the easy matchup many think even though there's really no way for Bane to stop her lame game. Bane has a really, really good dash, so he can block an air MT and dash in. BUT he's also really tall and really wide and his jump is as slow as growing grass. He's not gonna jump attack you out of any air MTs or air MCs.
But once he gets venom and you decide to play the ground game, it's his advantage. Many of HGs attacks are one hitters and Bane (with venom) eats those things for breakfast. Most Bane's don't use his venomed charge from mid-range but vs HG it is a viable tactic. MC and WE 3 get run over. Up close venomed double punch runs through d1, d2, and anything else other than a well placed 3. DP is 0 on block and HGs d1 and Bane's d1 are 6 frames. However, there's pretty much nothing stopping him from doing another DP or god forbid a command grab. On knockdown, Bane with venom is incredible. DP is gonna rip you a new one and only leaves you with MC and blocking as options. But MC gets eaten by Bane's jumping D3 so you have to keep it unpredictable vs his wakeup. Push block if you can because that'll give you room to fly and take the steam out of his attack again. Be aware, Bane's B23 is +5 on block and his D1 is +17 on hit (yeah that's right, +17) lots of banes you to block the B23 and frame trap you so you can't get away. BUT..... you can WE the 3 of the B23.
Most smart Banes only use meter for clash. The good thing about this though, even if you lose you get sent full screen so you can play keepaway again.
Once Bane's venom goes into debuff, he's pretty much like a prostitute going to her pimp without money, so prepare to rape his face. Go after him hard and don't be scared to get hit because even if you do his combos won't do jack in debuff. NEVER let him get away without intelligently managing his venom time. If you see that meter with an "X", go fuck him up. And once you knock him down with sweep or an air to air d3, the 3~WE tech rapes his face (even if he's got venom).
Overall, HG has the matchup advantage if she plays lame and goes to town on him during bebuff. Alternate between backdash and MC on wakeup and push block if you feel the pressure. Dont worry about holding onto meter because a clash is the best thing to happen to HG in this matchup.