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List Your Top 5 / Bottom 5 Traits.


I feel like Ares' is necessary, so I guess it should be high tier? It helps him combo past like 30% and he needs the damage output.

Deleted member 5032

Deathstroke's trait is garbage, and I don't think there's a good way to balance it. It will either have to be bottom 5 or top 5 with the way it's designed.

If Hawkwoman could block while flying, I'd say her trait was top 5. As it stands, definitely bottom 5.

Joker's trait would be up there if he didn't lose his Ha's so easily.

I've yet to see anyone get any good use out of Cyborg's trait. Seems useless since almost every character had a fast ranged option.

iTz the Badger

6th Best Bane in Idaho
Only one person mentioned Bane :( well, I think his trait is the most fun at the very least and obviously essential to his game play


PSN: KomboDrop
Flashes start up time is super long. Its not top five. A simple projectile will cancel it.
Dude, flash's trait is amazing. You never want to do a naked trait though. Just hit confirm and cancel into it. He makes him get some if the best meter less damage in the game.


Deathstroke's trait is garbage, and I don't think there's a good way to balance it. It will either have to be bottom 5 or top 5 with the way it's designed.

If Hawkwoman could block while flying, I'd say her trait was top 5. As it stands, definitely bottom 5.

Joker's trait would be up there if he didn't lose his Ha's so easily.

I've yet to see anyone get any good use out of Cyborg's trait. Seems useless since almost every character had a fast ranged option.
Cyborg's trait is almost useless. I've only really been able to use it effectively once under circumstances that will likey not repeat: While using Cyborg I once played against an opponent who seemed to not really know the game and, while he was using a character w/out a ranged option, was standing on the other side of the screen waiting for me to walk into an environmental hazard trap. I just waited patiently on my side of the screen and re-filled my health before I began a ranged barrage.


Get over here!
Dude, flash's trait is amazing. You never want to do a naked trait though. Just hit confirm and cancel into it. He makes him get some if the best meter less damage in the game.
Yeah I posted that hastily just because I never faced a decent Flash. I changed my mind about it.

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
Best 5

Bottom 5
Sinestro [charge? ¬¬]

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Top 5:
Lex Luthor

Bottom 5:
Wonder Woman
I don't even see WW even use her trait. do they even know how? 16 bit on the battle royal vid was the only time I'v ever seen it utilized. He made it look really strong. What about that armor buff? Iv never seen any WW use it to preserve their health in any way before, even when they are fuzzing with life lead.
I think WW players just write off the trait for the wrong reasons


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Add Harley and Cyborg to your bottom 5 traits IMO OP. Good luck getting Cyborg's heal to be worth it and Harley is too random to care about her trait. Both are good enough without master class traits to be viable though. Damned fine characters...Id fear them with stuff like Adam's trait or Lex's trait.


My blades will find your heart
Yeah, but he gets torn up after his trait wears off.

His is actually pretty underwhelming. Gets so much damage for it but then the opponent will get almost the same damage back after if they hit you. The armor makes it pretty good, but it still isnt top 5 by any means.
Most Interesting
Sinestro Orb
Bane Venom
Hawkgirl Flight
Doomsday Heavy Weight
Batman Bats

Least Interesting
Wonder Woman Stance
Aquaman Combo Breaker
Catwoman Combo Extender
Cyborg Regen
Shazam Lightning Fists

Most Powerful
Aquaman Combo Breaker
Raven Chant
Hawkgirl Flight
Batman Bats
Green Arrow Changeable Arrows

Least Powerful
Harley Bag of Tricks
Wonder Woman Stance
Shazam Lightning Fists
Death Stroke Unblockackable Bullets
Catwoman Combo Extender

Disclaimer: I am too unfamiliar with Joker's trait to make an assessment on it. Also the lists aren't in order. Can't really quantify order without a lot more experience.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
Sinestro's trait is not low tier. He can charge it up super easy and get it after only at least three D1's if your opponent isn't smart enough for a wake-up attack. If so, his shackles work just as well. Once he gets it, he can basically work it similar to Batman's by hit-confirming.


1. Batman
2. Grundy
3. Black Adam
4. Doomsday
5. Green Lantern


1. Cyborg
2. Joker
3. Harley Quinn
4. Bane (I only say this because of the immensive damage debuff)
5. Deathstroke (Start-up is huge)


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
1.) Bane's Venom is by far the best trait in the game I've used. The ability to do more damage and gain armor on his attacks set up great pressure situations. Plus the trait is comic book accurate which I love. Bane relies on the Venom.

2.) Batman- Really nice to be able to cover blocked strings or whiffs.

3.) Aquaman- Escaping grounded combos can change the flow of a match,

4.) Flash- Lots of possibilities with the slow down. The timing is different though.

5.) Green Arrow- Different arrows for different situations

I'm not a fan of:
Any character with a different "stance"


Casual Fighter

1) Solomon Grundy
2) Flash
3) Aquaman
4) Batman
5) Doomsday


1) Cyborg
2) Harley Quinn
3) Joker
4) Wonder Woman
5) Deathstroke


Scary Bat
Top 5:
1. Green Arrow- how could you not like this?
2. Doomsday - it's not invincible but it's good
3. Bane - It has it's draw backs but it's a good, well-balanced trait.
4. Solomon Grundy- I hate when it's used against me, so it's probably good.
5. Lex Luthor - Really, really hate when it's used against me.

Worst 5
1. Wonder Woman - I use her a fair bit and pretty much never switch to sword.
2. Nightwing - When I played as Nightwing I pretty much stuck with Escrima.
3. Cyborg - never seen it used as it sort of leaves you open.
4. Joker - It's pretty terribad.
5. Black Adam - Goodness gracious great balls of.. uh... plasma


Flashes is good but the fact you can't block during it and pushblock cancels it doesn't make it very good to use it raw. Using it to add 5% dmg to combos is alright but I don't think that helps its case for being top 5. If it ends up having very powerful setups using it then it could be top 5 but right now I don't see it.
Dude his trait is amazing,

you can turn punishes that would usually be like 7-14% into 30+%,

BnBs go from 41% to 52%

opponent pretty much can't jump without getting wrecked if you have it available, unless they have good air specials

free get in on some characters, if they have no meter its pressure all day, if they do then straight 50/50

Creates a crazy round beginning mindgame for characters that can't deal with it on reaction

i mean the possibilities are endless


The Only Player On The Wii U
5-Black Adam

3-Wonder Woman


Too old for this Shit
1) Batman
2) Catwoman
3) Sinestro
4) Doomsday
5) Grundy

1) Joker
2) Harley Quinn
3) Cyborg
4) Deathstroke
5) Lex Luthor

Possible fixes for the worst traits:
1) the Ha, Ha's go away too quickly for the effort it takes to collect.. Make it parry overheads- OR make the Ha Ha's last much longer.

2) just meh, three random items, one can combo- if lucky and the stars align, however there is no real tactical use.. And a majority of the time you lose said buff by getting smashed during activation. Make more options come out of the box, or make the effects last longer.

3) same as above- by the time you are life healing, you're eating a full combo losing more life than before. This just has to be changed.. But not a fan of Cyborg to care for a fix.

4) I get it.. And don't think it needs fix... Just think it is bad in comparison to others.

5) it's a ghetto Doomsday, but only absorbs 1 hit? Meh.. Lex's suit looks like it should absorb more.. At least 2.