1 2 3 drink
Its awesome tool for mix ups, more damaging combos, and it regenerates fast + u can cancel it.Meh. It is ok, but its not really game changing. Just some additional projectiles.
Its awesome tool for mix ups, more damaging combos, and it regenerates fast + u can cancel it.Meh. It is ok, but its not really game changing. Just some additional projectiles.
Dude, flash's trait is amazing. You never want to do a naked trait though. Just hit confirm and cancel into it. He makes him get some if the best meter less damage in the game.Flashes start up time is super long. Its not top five. A simple projectile will cancel it.
Cyborg's trait is almost useless. I've only really been able to use it effectively once under circumstances that will likey not repeat: While using Cyborg I once played against an opponent who seemed to not really know the game and, while he was using a character w/out a ranged option, was standing on the other side of the screen waiting for me to walk into an environmental hazard trap. I just waited patiently on my side of the screen and re-filled my health before I began a ranged barrage.Deathstroke's trait is garbage, and I don't think there's a good way to balance it. It will either have to be bottom 5 or top 5 with the way it's designed.
If Hawkwoman could block while flying, I'd say her trait was top 5. As it stands, definitely bottom 5.
Joker's trait would be up there if he didn't lose his Ha's so easily.
I've yet to see anyone get any good use out of Cyborg's trait. Seems useless since almost every character had a fast ranged option.
Yeah I posted that hastily just because I never faced a decent Flash. I changed my mind about it.Dude, flash's trait is amazing. You never want to do a naked trait though. Just hit confirm and cancel into it. He makes him get some if the best meter less damage in the game.
He's a hard character to learn and use on a decent level, understandable.Yeah I posted that hastily just because I never faced a decent Flash. I changed my mind about it.
Yeah, but he gets torn up after his trait wears off.No love for Bane? His amored f+2 shuts shit down.
Yep.Yeah, but he gets torn up after his trait wears off.
Dude his trait is amazing,Flashes is good but the fact you can't block during it and pushblock cancels it doesn't make it very good to use it raw. Using it to add 5% dmg to combos is alright but I don't think that helps its case for being top 5. If it ends up having very powerful setups using it then it could be top 5 but right now I don't see it.