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General/Other The Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
When did I ever downplay my characters? I said Freddy was top 5-6 and never said anything else.

I do not know that Deathstroke is "bull shit" because the game was officially released less than a week ago. Moreover, REO and Tom tell me that he is not top 5. I have said and will say again. If Deathstroke turns out to be this simple-minded S+ zoning character, I agree that he will need to be toned down immediately.

Also, you should not even post in this thread after how wrong you were with respect to Superman.
I like how Death gets blown up in every thread lol
LMAO seriously it is funny

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Regardless of your stance on the subject, can we admit the "I haven't lost to X character, so hes OK" posts in general are dumb?

In MK9 there are many characters where there is only 1 or 2 people can give me problems. Obviously until I played those people, I didn't have any problems beating that character. Even then, it is from the perspective of your character, who may have specialized tools that others do not have.
This is extremely true

You have mediocre deathstroke players playing randoms in ranked saying "Yo bro he's not that bad Ive played them"

This is not how we come to terms.


Destroyer of Lazy
Ahhh... beautiful day... taking kids to the ballfield to work on some things... and people are still crying on a one week old game? What is with this mindset? What is tops in the beginning is hardly ever tops in the end reguardless of nerfs/buffs. I remember in SF4 when ppl thought CViper was horrible... how'd that turn out? Let the game breathe a little... Most of the cast can punish this dude hard and easy... you can bait the wakeups and punish as well... he really feels like he's playing as designed... like most other good heavy zoners in fighting games... I really don't understand all this... thank God you guys don't make VG's. I've been playing FG's since SF1 you adapt... learn your character... maybe even have an alt for matchup reasons... I'm sorry if you can't get it done with your favorite... it happens in FG's that there will always be mathup problems... but to say that he is a matchup problem for 3/4s of the cast is ludicrous. Maybe 1/4 which is 6 characters so that's being very generous... if you want to get better... train up... less time here whining.


To be perfectly honest. I don't know if deathstroke is OP or not yet. I certainly haven't developed him into the highest level of play yet, No one has with any char.

There could be a failsafe every character has that blows him up and we haven't found it yet. He could have shit we haven't found that destroys the entire cast completely.. I don't know. None of you do. So can we stop talking about this shit and keep exploring the game please?

I undesrstand that people are concerned. That's ok. Concern is fine. but we have work to do, we have shit to find, Matchups to determine, and the game needs to be explored WAAAY more. Everybody just breath right now.
Reactions: Jy0


Destroyer of Lazy
To be perfectly honest. I don't know if deathstroke is OP or not yet. I certainly haven't developed him into the highest level of play yet, No one has with any char.

There could be a failsafe every character has that blows him up and we haven't found it yet. He could have shit we haven't found that destroys the entire cast completely.. I don't know. None of you do. So can we stop talking about this shit and keep exploring the game please?

I undesrstand that people are concerned. That's ok. Concern is fine. but we have work to do, we have shit to find, Matchups to determine, and the game needs to be explored WAAAY more. Everybody just breath right now.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
umm.... no.

u literally cannot leave the ground in that match. and the flight cancels up close get blown up by sword flip if a player has good reactions. not sure what DS you are playing but they must suck
Oh honey...we clearly have never met. HawkGirl is def. useful in this match. Are you REALLY assuming every DS I've played is trash? Are you really assuming HG can't get off the ground in this MU? LOL...stop theory fighting.


Destroyer of Lazy
add to my previous nerf list of:
nerfs on a one week old game? :confused:
You haven't even had time to really TRY and counter it. Let's see.... Batman should only always be able to call one bat but only once per match... deathstroke shouldn't be able to shoot in the air and his guns should backfire half the time... KF should only slide backwards... solomon grundy shouldn't be able to dash... Doomsday should die if he doesn't kill someone after his armor is activated. supes should get kryptonite poisoning after every heat blast... black adam should age 5000 years and die if he does his super... catwoman should fight naked... HAWKGIRL'S WINGS SHOULD BURN IF SHE FLIES TO HIGH (sigh) whiners ;)

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
i honestly dont think deathstroke is that great of a character. if anything he should stay the same until people figure out how to deal with his shit and then take it from there. we can already tell that he is relatively weak up close. and if im not mistaken after blocking any gunshots you basically get a free dash?
look at m2dave being a crybaby because he might not be able to spam his way to victory like he did with freddy

lets try to remember here that deathstroke can fight up close, but i want to play reactionarily against this character but i cant dash after a 10 frame low pistol so im forced to jump and he can easily counter that.....

im sure we will adjust and use the stage but i'd like someone to prove to me how to get around that caliber of zoning consistently, when the other player is really high level like my buddy boy anti-static.... just because deathstroke and doomsday didnt win the tournament doesn't mean they aren't potentially problematic...


Grind to Win
i honestly dont think deathstroke is that great of a character. if anything he should stay the same until people figure out how to deal with his shit and then take it from there. we can already tell that he is relatively weak up close. and if im not mistaken after blocking any gunshots you basically get a free dash?
Yup Yup


Teh God Himself
If my character was getting blown up and I feared nerfs I'd start exploring the MU myself and make the case for why it's fine. You could argue you shouldn't have to do that but if you truly fear nerfs that's the path I take.

So far everyone is just screaming to level up and giving vague advice or saying stuff like "just walk forward and block".
yea walk forward at .253 mph in game lololol the walk speed is retarded slow in Injustice xD


Teh God Himself
why not dash after blocking low? recovery on assault riffle and low shots is pretty ass
yes I know that but like 16bit was saying people giving vague advice to people who are complaining telling them to walk n block xD and its just making them saltier


The loved
I honestly think there's alot of downplaying going on right now. I don't agree with a knee-jerk reaction patch just because some people are getting spammed hard online in the first few weeks of the game, but I do think that when the time comes for a balance update, Deathstroke is going to get nerfed. His machine gun special stays active for too long and he gains so much meter from using it so he always has a grenade to toss in at the end of it.

Sword spin pushes back really far, even on block so some characters like GA have a hard time getting started on mounting anything against a knocked down DS who just wakes up sword spin (no GA CANNOT outzone DS, it's just not gonna happen. Fire arrows aren't THAT good.)

We still need to give this game time to develop it's metagame. Sure I think DS is pretty strong, but an immediate nerf is not the answer. We need to really dig deep and study these characters.


Total scrub
I support this thread as well. I've been playing DS since release, and I can say with certainty that a good player of any character can overcome the zoning. There's no need for a nerf to any character this early in the game. My hope is that NRS is collating data from all the matches online and trying to identify potential tweaks that way rather than sailing the salty seas in forums online

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I still haven't lost to a Deathstroke yet so I don't see how he's OP yet.

ESPECIALLY not with characters like Superman and Nightwing in this game. I would rather fight a deathstroke 100% of the time over those characters.

I mean, he's fucking Superman, and he's A+ Tier for sure, but he really gives you THAT much pain?
I support this thread as well. I've been playing DS since release, and I can say with certainty that a good player of any character can overcome the zoning. There's no need for a nerf to any character this early in the game. My hope is that NRS is collating data from all the matches online and trying to identify potential tweaks that way rather than sailing the salty seas in forums online
the data full of 99% shitty players???