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The Overreacting to IGAU


Tom Brady appreciate your answer. Excited to see your aquaman in action this weekend good luck at civil war. Ill tune into blackulas stream if I get a chance.

P.s. dont fuck up cause you know hollywood leader of the TB fan club chef will be watching! lol


Mad scientist
his old damage? yes, especially since he can still do high damaging combos. His super that you prob never got to see? NO!

As of right now he's fine. People need to stfu at this point about him being "broke".
the damage i can understand. but what about the advantage on the sword spin? They completely took it out. I honestly didn't think that was necessary.

Tom Brady

Tom Brady appreciate your answer. Excited to see your aquaman in action this weekend good luck at civil war. Ill tune into blackulas stream if I get a chance.

P.s. dont fuck up cause you know hollywood leader of the TB fan club chef will be watching! lol
Thanks man.

the damage i can understand. but what about the advantage on the sword spin? They completely took it out. I honestly didn't think that was necessary.
Yeah, that actually pissed me off. That was a bit much IMO.


Yo, what? You're on call here? Haha.

Can you explain how the buffer system works in detail?
How are cancel windows determined?
Why double-tapping doesn't work?
Can you get f.3MB out on the first frame of wakeup if someone has a meaty limb in your face?

If any of these have been answered already, just say "Explained" and I'll go hunt them down.



My blades will find your heart
Do you have any catwoman advice? Like playstyle wise, is she more of a wait and punish character, or rushdown?


This one's for you
Hey Tom, I've heard people talk about being able to block while inputting attacks to try to interrupt pressure (I guess you could call it an option select). How is this going to change string staggering, continous offense, and rushdown in general?


Is there something we've yet to discover about Bane? I've been trying to get my mind around how to get in with him but he seems horrible at it compared to Grundy and Doomsday.

Looking from what he can do he's very good in the corner, is he one of the best? Why does he get a speed Nerf in cool down when he doesn't get a speed buff when it's active?

Tom Brady

Yo, what? You're on call here? Haha.

Can you explain how the buffer system works in detail?
How are cancel windows determined?
Why double-tapping doesn't work?
Can you get f.3MB out on the first frame of wakeup if someone has a meaty limb in your face?

If any of these have been answered already, just say "Explained" and I'll go hunt them down.

1. The "buffer system" stores your directional inputs for a small amount of frames, allowing you to buffer special move commands.

2. I do not know how NRS determined the cancel window on each attack.

3. because this game uses chains and cancels, not links. this means that you have to input the command early, not double tap.

4. no

how come green lantern's trait is special move cancelable but raven's isnt? )=
Hers kind of is. you can jump up and trait, then cancel trait with a teleport and drop down on your opponent with an attack.

Do you have any catwoman advice? Like playstyle wise, is she more of a wait and punish character, or rushdown?
She uses a safe 50/50 mix up so she has to get in.

Hey Tom, I've heard people talk about being able to block while inputting attacks to try to interrupt pressure (I guess you could call it an option select). How is this going to change string staggering, continous offense, and rushdown in general?
This only applies to a few situations, A lot of the time you can just do a a different attack that will beat hit them if they mash.

Is there something we've yet to discover about Bane? I've been trying to get my mind around how to get in with him but he seems horrible at it compared to Grundy and Doomsday.

Looking from what he can do he's very good in the corner, is he one of the best? Why does he get a speed Nerf in cool down when he doesn't get a speed buff when it's active?

Bane is very good, the game is less than one week old, it takes time for people to understand some of his stuff.

I'm not sure why his drawback is so bad after is juice runs out.


Traits seem pretty terribly balanced. Some like batman aquaman and grundy and superman have amazing traits then you have bane with his massive downside catwomans who gets massive damage scaling sinestros who takes forever and a day to activate. Do you think traits need to be rebalanced so they are equally (or close to equal) as effective for each character.


Ya'll stingy
Hers kind of is. you can jump up and trait, then cancel trait with a teleport and drop down on your opponent with an attack.
thats what ive been doing but its so telegraphed. people can smell it a mile away. plus thats not a good thing to be doing if your opponent has a high projectile

i was playing online today and both me and my opponent got the first hit but he got the meter bonus because hes player one. shouldnt we both get it?


I ask this not in an "OMG PLEASE BUFF" sort of way, but rather in a "What am I missing here?" sort of way...

What does Catwoman have over the other rushdown characters in this game? I feel like Nightwing significantly out-ranges her, but has similar speed. Or take Killer Frost, who has great projectiles, along with a safe slide that hits low; when compared to Catwoman's mid-hitting dash that is unsafe, it feels underwhelming.

TL;DR: Reveal your Catwoman secrets, ty :)
Bane is very good, the game is less than one week old, it takes time for people to understand some of his stuff.

I'm not sure why his drawback is so bad after is juice runs out.
With respect, people do keep saying this, about the game.

It didn't just pop into existence last week; people have surely been playing/testing it for months. Some insight must be available?

3. because this game uses chains and cancels, not links. this means that you have to input the command early, not double tap.
I think you must be mistaken: sinestro uses links. You cannot for instance chain or just cancel from, eg, b13 into shackles. You have to time the input for shackle correctly.

Either that or there's something wrong in the coding.


1. The "buffer system" stores your directional inputs for a small amount of frames, allowing you to buffer special move commands.

2. I do not know how NRS determined the cancel window on each attack.

3. because this game uses chains and cancels, not links. this means that you have to input the command early, not double tap.

4. no
Thanks a bunch, especially with that MBf.3 wakeup thing. Saves me from having to test. Haha.

The reason I was asking about double-tapping is that in instances where one would normally get a linked special for a tight air juggle, players who double tap and hit early not only don't get a special to come out, but no normals either (Second tap happens during neutral, nothing happens). It's really strange. Was watching Juicebox with some Shazam combos he was trying to pull off, none of us could make heads or tales of why it was happening. Maybe he never really got to neutral, but it seemed like something was up behind the scenes.

Do you think the game wipes the motion buffer after a special move is input, or some hard limit on double-tapping? This is the nature of the buffer questions. It's like NRS has some reaaaaally non-standard input buffer, even for a dial-a system.
Hey Tom, thanks for this. Your info was really helpful to me when MK9 came out, so it's great to have you doing it again.

My questions are about Lex Luthor:
1. He seems to be the least-represented character in the game at this point. Why do you think that is?
2. Do you think he has the tools to be competitive at the highest levels of play? Why or why not?
3. Would you play him competitively yourself? Why or why not?
4. How do I handle characters who have better projectiles than I do? (e.g., Deathstroke, Green Lantern, etc.)
5. What are the three skills I should dedicate myself to learning with him before moving on to anything else?



Come and Get it!
What's the counter to an Armored Wall bounce?
It's no secret at this point that many strings when cancelled into specials moves give a big enough window for the defensive player to pop an EX Wall Bounce. It seems to be a pretty good technique to pop Ex Wall Bounce at this point to absorb whatever specials they try to do and to knock them back and get a combo off of them...

Ex Wall Bounce is pretty good.
Ex Wall Bounce have one hit of armor, are immune to throws? (I use this to counter Grundy's walking bear grab and it works every time) Give huge combos on hit and have slight Frame advantage on block!

Now, in the way that I described at the beginning, if our opponent ex absorbed a special and combos us we're definitely reconsidering doing that same string into whatever special we were trying to do. The question that I have is that IF WE KNOW that our opponent is going to do an Ex wall bounce preemptively in hopes of catching a special, what can we do to COUNTER that?

I'm at a complete loss on this one, it seems that players can armor b3 all day with reckless abandon and have little to no fear. I abuse this move myself on my opponents wake up to catch them waking up with a normal of some kind. I can't find any answers please share some insight on this!

p.s. saw yours and REO's video on deathstroke, great job shedding some much needed light for people struggling


Dojo Trainee
The question that I have is that IF WE KNOW that our opponent is going to do an Ex wall bounce preemptively in hopes of catching a special, what can we do to COUNTER that?
1. Do your own armored move right after theirs, such as your own MB f3_b3. Your armor hit will absorb their hit and you get your punish.

2. At the end of the string back dash where you would have done the special and then punish their whiff.


Come and Get it!
1. Do your own armored move right after theirs, such as your own MB f3_b3. Your armor hit will absorb their hit and you get your punish.
Ya, i thought of this
the only problem I see with this is that if the player using the first wall bounce reacts to the second player trying to ex wall bounce themselves in an attempt to counter, the first player could react as well and cancel their wall bounce into a back dash.

It's great option for those who don't pay attention however It's simply not as solid as I'd like.
Take sf4 for example. Focus attacks can be used in a similar fashion to absorb attacks and out counter hit normals for a crumple however their vulnerable to throws. I'd like a counter such as a throw to be the solid counter to ex wall bounce because as it is now it feels too strong/ not a strong enough weakness.

godlessmode said:
2. At the end of the string back dash where you would have done the special and then punish their whiff.
I suppose this will have to do.