Chris G, Art, etc tested for 10-12 days. All of us only had about 10-12 days on the game at NRS. This is the extent of the testers not NRS staff.
Those testers NEVER played the final retail, patched, or hotfixed copy. They came from a world of Sinestro + on everything, Superman and Nightwing block infinites, Aquaman 100% safe on all attacks, etc etc..
Because I was involved with the book, I actually got to play the retail build along with PL and CDjr for several weeks longer then any part time tester.
I then was then able to later on play the patched version of the game so I could make any updates to the book and any corrections that NRS sent over to prima. I then got more time on the patched version because I made several videos to be used in the Injustice app at some point.
I'm telling you all this for 3 reasons..
1. There are a few people who already know this and day 1 they will cry "WOW.. DAT NIKKA PLAYED DA GAME THOUGH.. DAT NIKKA USING BROKE CHARACTERS YO"
2. This community is known for its "witch hunts", and you are going to know I worked on the guide and the vids for the app anyway because my name is in the book and my voice is on the vids. So, I might as well come out with it now so it never gets brought up after tournaments start up and people find out my involvement.
3. A lot of the info you get from the part time testers is based off of a version of the game that no longer exists and is actually incorrect info. There "broken" characters have long since been changed.