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Community's Agreement about B*******


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
This thread was meant for "people who actually know what they're doing and would like the game to grow and flourish in the tournament scene". Which is the vocal minority of Injustice players who'll play the game competitively.
Cossner I have no problem with treating scrubs who complain about tactics that they cannot beat or those who complain about silly details with contempt. (you can, nonetheless, dislike someone but still treat them respectfully) However, one paragraph in particular from your first post bothered me. That one is:

Cossner said:
So I propose an agreement between the real members of the community, who's voice actually counts for something. With people who actually know what they're doing and would like the game to grow and flourish in the tournament scene
What you said in that post reeks of elitism. You might have been joking about the "real" members of the community, but what it implies is that only the Mortal Kombat community will the ones to win the tournaments.

I just want to remind you that some of us started out as filthy casuals, and there are many other games in which I remain a filthy casual. If you try to enclose the community, then you will fail to face those filthy causals, many of whom have huge motivation and devotion to the game. Eventually they will want to learn about the game more, and will want to ask questions and comment about the game. If more people treated them with kindness our community would be able to grow much healthier.


Go to hell.
Cossner I have no problem with treating scrubs who complain about tactics that they cannot beat or those who complain about silly details with contempt. (you can, nonetheless, dislike someone but still treat them respectfully) However, one paragraph in particular from your first post bothered me. That one is:

What you said in that post reeks of elitism. You might have been joking about the "real" members of the community, but what it implies is that only the Mortal Kombat community will the ones to win the tournaments.

I just want to remind you that most us started out as filthy casuals, and there are many other games in which I remain a filthy casual. If you try to enclose the community, then you will fail to face those filthy causals, many of whom have huge motivation and devotion to the game. Eventually they will want to learn about the game more, and will want to ask questions and comment about the game. If more people treated them with kindness our community would be able to grow much healthier.
The moment you do something like come on to a gaming site to learn about the game, you are no longer a filthy casual. xx420xBLAZe4L1Fe69xx is a filthy casual. If you are motivated and trying to adapt and get better, you aren't a filthy casual.

Like, I'm a filthy casual in Dark Souls. I should have no say in balance in that game. I have no idea what I'm doing, so I shut up and listen to people like EpicNameBro or some shit. If you have no idea what you're doing in MK, then you should keep your damn mouth shut and leave balance to your Tom Brady or REO types.


King of the Jobbers 2015
I just want to remind you that most us started out as filthy casuals, and there are many other games in which I remain a filthy casual. If you try to enclose the community, then you will fail to face those filthy causals, many of whom have huge motivation and devotion to the game. Eventually they will want to learn about the game more, and will want to ask questions and comment about the game. If more people treated them with kindness our community would be able to grow much healthier.
There's a difference between being a beginner and a Filthy Casual™ (which is a synonym for Scrub, except it's trademarked). If they have huge motivation and devotion to the game, they're not Filthy Casuals™.

But I can't stop Timmy from making threads. Injustice being Timmy's first fighting game. He likes to win by grabbing full screen and jump kicking. Is he a real community member? Or did he just make an account in a forum? Does he care about the game? Why would I make an agreement with him about watching his words and find stuff before calling foul, if he clearly doesn't give a shit about deep gameplay mechanics? Then again, that's not the point of this thread.

This is secretly an EGP Wonder_Chef bashing thread.
This is not a Filthy Casual™ bashing thread, for starters. I, as in me, don't care about their opinions.
But you seem like you care enough to make a topic that pretty much is saying that you are an elitist and would like them to know that they are in hostile territory if they show their faces around here.

Sure, I don't wanna pay for what Filthy Casuals™ complain about in the first 3 months for the next 1, 2, 3, 4 years I remain playing this game. But that's not the point of this thread. Point is, before crying for nerfs and buffs, let's figure out the game so it can be slowly patched when needed, so that MK doesn't happen again.
Let's be honest, that MK9 patch job stuff was overexxagerated. The only two patches that ever made any difference where the two big ones that actually changed properties of moves and added armor. The other patches were mainly hotfixes that tried to fix some of the lag and got rid of some glitches and bugs. But because it was happening constantly, everyone thought it was NRS basically changing the game everytime they released one.

If you have deep knowledge of the game, and you've played it at the highest level, then yeah. If this is your first fighting game and you don't know the difference between a normal and a special. Then no.
And this is you basically telling people that you are an elitist. I'm sure everyone who frequents this site can tell a post that doe snot bring anything to the table and one that is asking for genuine help on a subject.

And sorry for your miserable experiences in Halo Wars. Then again, that game sucked. Cheers!


Scary Bat
If ain't broke, don't fix it.
If it is, then you probably should.

Fuck the elitism attitude though, I mean really what's the best way to get more casuals to play better, treat them with utter fucking disdain or not be a giant bag of dicks?

It's literally the same as the comic books fan community, " Oh I wish more people read the comics I like" but when someone tries to get involved in the community they're met with "I BET YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE EXACT LENGTH OF SUPERMAN'S DICK!" or some crap.

Let the TYM community instruct potential scrubs how to play, and you can always have the super-elite-tournament threads as well, for those who believe that they have what it takes, then if someone should bitch about "cheap moves" or whatever in that thread, feel free to destroy them.


King of the Jobbers 2015
But you seem like you care enough to make a topic that pretty much is saying that you are an elitist and would like them to know that they are in hostile territory if they show their faces around here.

Let's be honest, that MK9 patch job stuff was overexxagerated. The only two patches that ever made any difference where the two big ones that actually changed properties of moves and added armor. The other patches were mainly hotfixes that tried to fix some of the lag and got rid of some glitches and bugs. But because it was happening constantly, everyone thought it was NRS basically changing the game everytime they released one.
People bitched and moaned more about Kano than Kabal's NDC, and Kabal's NDC was there since day 1. Why didn't it get patched? Because reasons!
And this is you basically telling people that you are an elitist. I'm sure everyone who frequents this site can tell a post that doe snot bring anything to the table and one that is asking for genuine help on a subject.
There's a difference between making a thread like "How can I deal with Doomsday's 50/50 whatever something" to "OMG DOOMSDAY IS BROKEN NERF PLS".

And sorry for your miserable experiences in Halo Wars. Then again, that game sucked. Cheers!


Joker waiting room
If ain't broke, don't fix it.
If it is, then you probably should.

Fuck the elitism attitude though, I mean really what's the best way to get more casuals to play better, treat them with utter fucking disdain or not be a giant bag of dicks?

It's literally the same as the comic books fan community, " Oh I wish more people read the comics I like" but when someone tries to get involved in the community they're met with "I BET YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE EXACT LENGTH OF SUPERMAN'S DICK!" or some crap.

Let the TYM community instruct potential scrubs how to play, and you can always have the super-elite-tournament threads as well, for those who believe that they have what it takes, then if someone should bitch about "cheap moves" or whatever in that thread, feel free to destroy them.
the people who come here already show they wanna learn the game.

ppl really should re-read and understand the article before posting


Kneel before me
I agree with your message and I will gladly smash all your faces into the ground with grundy....next week... without bitching :D


I Pikachu while you shower.
Ban me if you want, I'm tired of this Mexican prick constantly generalizing America and making the American people seem like inbred rednecks.
No we bash people like you not your country you dumb dumb, where did he even bash USA? Also lol at people getting butthurt over this elitesism garbage, COMPETITIVE forum keyword COMPETITIVE. If you want to be a weaksauce scrub who would rather talk about batman stances go to www.mortalkombatonline.com or gamespot.
I agree with everything Cossner is saying regarding Filthy Casual™

There's a difference between educating yourself and finding a solution than saying "OMG you sPAM blk and sPAM the same COMBOS all day, SPAMSPAMSAPM!1!one, cheap OP NERFFFF!!1116". Which all you need to do to see that attitude is read some comments on Youtube or a major gaming website. Filthy Casual™ do not care to actively improve, you present facts and they cry NERF w/o having played the game enough.

Just as Cossner let me give you my sob story regarding Gears of War. Gears of War 1 was a great game, the Rifles were great, it was NOT a shotgun fest at high level/competitive level, ASK anyone, the game boils down to teamfire, map control, power weapon, etc in any of the 4 Gears of War games. But Filthy Casual™ complained that all they see is "people rolling around with shotguns", that was just a bad perception from playing Randoms in Pub who don't know what they're doing so they get bopped on. So for the sequel Gears of War 2, Epic added this EXTREME handicap called "Stopping Power" which basically slowed you down anytime you got shot to literally a standstill. So all the Filthy Casual™ who whined about not getting kills with a Rifle (which isn't even a slaying weapon, it's a support/teamfire weapon in a teambased game) made the game so campish and bad, that the whole Gears of War 2 sequel was garbage. This isn't Cod, Rifles don't kill that great.

Gears of War 3, Epic buffed the Rifles even MOAR! So Filthy Casual™ can get kills because apparently Stopping Power wasn't enough, I mean, it slows you down, and you still can't kill? So that game turned a bit of a mess with literally OP Rifles and ended up with such a campfest.

Epic realized this and for Gears of War: Judgment and guess what? They listened to the Comp community and they REMOVED Stopping Power! Yay, after 6 years it's finally gone! They slightly buffed the Rifles, you can finally get kills with them but you have to have good accuracy and it's not braindead! But nonetheless Filthy Casual™ are crying about it on the forums, but Epic finally realized that their game turned into an inconsistent garbage because they listened to some Filthy Casual™, now they're working with Pros to make balance changes! Yay! And not just Pros, knowledgeable and passionate gamers who understand the game and have valid reasoning.


It'd probably be better if Cossner used the word scrub because that's a bit more universal.

I see what they're saying about elitism, and in truth, that is a problem, the way to deal with elitism is to spread humility by letting everyone speak their mind and have equal footing, and players with a positive attitude correcting misconceptions about supposedly broken aspects of the game.

Another one important change we need to make is to take away, "Who the fuck are you?" Mentality.


I've seen too often people with legitimate opinions and gripes shot down because "top players" look down upon the newer players with their air of superiority dismissing others because of the other players' lack of knowledge.

We need to break the mold, we can't just be like every other fighting game community out there who dismisses anyone who isn't Justin Wong or Chris G, etc.

We do however need to take Cossner's post to heart in that we need to strive to be a community that seeks to adapt and level up.

And I don't feel taking away the elitist attitude while trying to level up is impossible. It isn't mutually exclusive.


1 2 3 drink
It reminds me of a pokersite. Sure any new player can have there say, but they will screw up alot of threads where pokerhands are discussed, making the good players not post much anymore in this those threads. Wich sucks obviously...
I don't agree with this, their is a reason for it. When people bitch, cry and moan about how I whoop them it just adds fuel to my gameplay. I love when people cry about me stomping them...your pain makes me stronger!

It can't be said enough:

Tim Static

But I can't stop Timmy from making threads. Injustice being Timmy's first fighting game. He likes to win by grabbing full screen and jump kicking. Is he a real community member? Or did he just make an account in a forum? Does he care about the game? Why would I make an agreement with him about watching his words and find stuff before calling foul, if he clearly doesn't give a shit about deep gameplay mechanics? Then again, that's not the point of this thread.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I feel like I'm in a fucking Zelda dungeon right now...I'm so fucking lost on where this thread went...

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
You wont be able to silence the 'Filthy Casuals', but it doesn't matter. Without them you wouldnt have a game and you wouldnt have a tournament scene. I was a filthy casual, and then I joined here, we need more of them to help the game evolve, and if it takes a few characters getting nerfed or something, so what. It'll eventually get to the point where thats not needed.

Out of curiosity, have you been to an event? I don't know.
But if you haven't, then you could just throw yourself into the 'Filthy Casuals' bin.