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A 4-year-old boy accidentally killed the wife of a Tennessee sheriff's deputy

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Gun control?

Dumb control is more like it. Stop raising idiots that leave firearms for 4 year old kids to grab. Just fucked the collective lives of the woman that got shot, her family, the kid and the kid's family. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of trauma that kid'll have when he grows up.


A prop on the stage of life.
Why was the safety off? Why was the gun loaded? Was he planning on shooting something immediately? I know you can say that maybe having the gun loaded right away in case an emergency comes up but if you're taking it out of its safe or wherever its from you should at the very least turn the safety on.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
man, if they're gonna have super tight regulations and proceedures to get guns and make them even tighter when more stuff happens, i think i WOULD get guns off the black market as my way of flipping them the bird -.- i mean srsly.


wow dejavu..................... gun supporting conspiracy theorists are ranting again and of course the jack ass that i am i am trolling them


These should be the gun laws:
1. If you are mentally unstable, you cannot own a gun.
2. If you are a felon, you cannot own a gun.
3. If you use a gun while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, you will lose your gun rights unless you are on your own property and it was used in self defense. Obviously the home protection exemption would not include being under the influence of illegal drugs, just alcohol.
4. If your guns are used by anyone except the rightful owner, you will lose your gun rights. If said use results in an accidental death, you will lose your gun rights and you will do prison time. Self defense should also be an exception to this.
5. If you sell your gun without doing thorough background checks, and the sale results in a crime you will do prison time.
6. If you purchase a gun for another person who can't lawfully own a gun, you will lose your gun rights and you will do prison time.
um the first 2 are already established...............

three i agree with

4 is hard

5 is basicly impossible

6 i agree with

Living Corpse

you know fox news is going to have a field day with this and bitch and moan about every gun owner is this and that and are never wrong.
FUX News makes everyone look bad. As soon as there's a school shooting they blame games, or if there's someone getting white supremacists spewing racial slurs at them on online they talk like all gamers are 12 and do this.


FUX News makes everyone look bad. As soon as there's a school shooting they blame games, or if there's someone getting white supremacists spewing racial slurs at them on online they talk like all gamers are 12 and do this.
there has been absolutley no link that violence has been caused by games. if anything its the parents

if parents are stupid enough to allow a 10 year old to play dead space than thats on them. if i had a kid of my own that was 10 there is no way id allow him or her to play such a game till he or she was older