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Stick or Pad


After watching the Power Up tournament, I noticed mixed variety of stick vs pad users. Coming from a SF stick playing back ground, I'm curious on what are everybody thoughts on what is better. MK has a very unique 4 attack button (and 1 block) layout which makes pads much more viable vs the SF 6 attack button set up. Tom Brady and Reo both used pads. So enough of my rambling, what is better to gain the edge?


Guardian of Outworld
There was a similar post recently on a similar topic. Though the topic was more along the lines of "is stick compulsory for high level MK play"

I'll sum it up, in my opinion, though the argument is too strong.

- Stick is superior to pad in more ways than pad is superior to stick. Examine the numerous factors on both sides.
- Preference comes down to how good your execution is with either. Some people can't use sticks, others can't use pads as good.
- Good players can win no matter what they use, because once the execution barrier is gone, it just comes down to the end user - their abilities as a player.

So enough of my rambling, what is better to gain the edge?
Stick is better, but only if you can handle it. Spending alot of time to get yourself there.


If you want the best option, get a hitbox.

If stuck between stick or pad, generally people of all skill levels prefer pad for ease of use. You don't need 6 buttons like you do in mvc and sf4, and it's nice to have block on a shoulder.


There was a similar post recently on a similar topic. Though the topic was more along the lines of "is stick compulsory for high level MK play"

I'll sum it up, in my opinion, though the argument is too strong.

- Stick is superior to pad in more ways than pad is superior to stick. Examine the numerous factors on both sides.
- Preference comes down to how good your execution is with either. Some people can't use sticks, others can't use pads as good.
- Good players can win no matter what they use, because once the execution barrier is gone, it just comes down to the end user - their abilities as a player.

Stick is better, but only if you can handle it. Spending alot of time to get yourself there.
Then explain why top players drop the stick to go pad for MK9. You could make the argument that stick is superior to pad on games like MvC3 or SSF4, but I don't think MK9 qualifies under that.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
Ive been using pad all my life so shifting to stick might be a difficult task for me, so Im sticking with pad. Plus ive been playing MK with a pad since the Sega days.
To repeat what was already said lol, jus go with what makes you feel most comfortable. I own a fightstick, fightpad, and stock pad in which I use my fightpad for the majority of the fighting games i play. I only use my stick for specific games.


Guardian of Outworld
Then explain why top players drop the stick to go pad for MK9. You could make the argument that stick is superior to pad on games like MvC3 or SSF4, but I don't think MK9 qualifies under that.
Everytime a thread like this comes up, we always get the "its preference" thing. A subset of the population using a certain pad or stick doesn't represent the entire group. You'll get a more accurate answer if you survey the percentage of those on pad vs those on sticks at high level play.

It would be good to get an opinion from those who are equally skilled at both. I would imagine that with the pad being compulsory on all PS3s, we would eventually have new high level players playing purely on pads, due to the accessibility of pad and the sheer bulk of new players.

But the question was specially "what yields the greater edge" and to answer "preference" you have to imply that stick and pad are equal in the realms of MK9.


Everytime a thread like this comes up, we always get the "its preference" thing. A subset of the population using a certain pad or stick doesn't represent the entire group. You'll get a more accurate answer if you survey the percentage of those on pad vs those on sticks at high level play.

It would be good to get an opinion from those who are equally skilled at both. I would imagine that with the pad being compulsory on all PS3s, we would eventually have new high level players playing purely on pads, due to the accessibility of pad and the sheer bulk of new players.

But the question was specially "what yields the greater edge" and to answer "preference" you have to imply that stick and pad are equal in the realms of MK9.
Well put. After analyzing some of the responses in threads like this one and watching high level players, I've come to the conclusion that both controls are viable at the moment. In the SF scene, its practically unanimous that stick is the way to go. Pad players there are usually mocked and considered underdogs. MK seems to be an exception to the rule which is why I posed the question to begin with.
I appreciate evansgambit's reply since it echoed my frustration when given the "preference" response. So while MK's unique control scheme allows it more viability in what control one uses, one of them beats out the other by milliseconds. And that is what might grant you win in high level play once you've leveled up all other aspects of the game. Only time will tell.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Well put. After analyzing some of the responses in threads like this one and watching high level players, I've come to the conclusion that both controls are viable at the moment. In the SF scene, its practically unanimous that stick is the way to go. Pad players there are usually mocked and considered underdogs. MK seems to be an exception to the rule which is why I posed the question to begin with.
I appreciate evansgambit's reply since it echoed my frustration when given the "preference" response. So while MK's unique control scheme allows it more viability in what control one uses, one of them beats out the other by milliseconds. And that is what might grant you win in high level play once you've leveled up all other aspects of the game. Only time will tell.
you ever heard of Inthul or Wolfkrone?
Its all about preference. I grew up playing MK in the arcades. I currently own several Mk arcade machines in my dinning room arcade. I wanted an AIAB but the price was/is crazy high. The PDP sticks are great and I will use the stick exclusively.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
It's simply preference, I prefer pads. Even SSF4 pad tournament players use 'em - Wolfkrone and Vangief for instance. Unless I can get a free PDP, Madcatz TE or Hori, I doubt I'll ever make an attempt to transition! Buggers are expensive!
I too come from a Capcom fighter background and play those exclusively on a TE. I struggled to learn MK on my stick for a while until last night when I saw that Floe and Justin Wong were playing MK on PS3 pads. Today I turned the game on for the first time in a while and tried it out on my Dual Shock, and everything is SO much easier. Because you don't need diagonals, the precision of a stick is kind of lost on the game. Also, having block on the upper right trigger is soooo much better (again, something we're not used to.) Just my .02!


Head Cage

Just to show you what a pad player is capable of!

edit: can't seem to link the video directly in the forum, but that's Vangief vs Wong in the semi-finals at EVO.
LOL i remember watching this and I was like wtf a pad user doing walking 360's?

Its personally based on preference man....I use stick b/c feel much more comfortable using it than a pad. I can never go back to pads for fighters ever.


try them all: pad, stick, hitbox, keyboard. give them all a fair shot and you will find out which one is better for you.


try them all: pad, stick, hitbox, keyboard. give them all a fair shot and you will find out which one is better for you.
Whats the cheapest device that will let me use my keyboard on both PS3 and 360? I use to play SF4 on keyboard and I think that was the peak of my nerd bashing.


I bought a TE-S Stick a few weeks ago from Fry's and I absolutely love it. I find I have an easier time doing combos on it than a fightpad. This might be because I've always played fighting games using a stick so my hand placement just feels more natural.

However, that's not to say the pad is in any way at a disadvantage when playing MK9. As others have stated since MK doesn't care about diagonals when doing moves the precise nature of a stick isn't strictly required. For me I find the button layout more comfortable (and more nostalgic)

There are other reasons to choose a stick over a pad, my kid loves using the stick when she plays pac-man on xbla, and many xbla games play fantastic with it (simpsons, x-men arcade, tmnt, ikaruga, etc...)

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I just use a DS3 for MK. Simple inputs, and the dpad is responsive even for Kano's balls. If I had it on 360, I'd HIGHLY consider buying the stick, though...not a fan of that dpad at all.