I dont like that Lex's face look like Bruce Willis, but the suit is awesome.
I dont like wonderwoman manface and body proportions looks weird but during gameplay it is true I dont notice much of it.
I Think joker looks too thin but so far his animation looks great (except his supeer)
I dont like Demo's Batman outfit but love his Demo's alternate (yes, I know it is just a little change in color but make a lot of difference for me)
I like all flash costumes but not his stance and walking animation
I dont like Raven's weird face but all the rest (stance, specials, animations, etc) look great.
I dont like bald Black Adam, but his main outfit looks great, and I like a lot his stance and special movements (when he trhow out the lighting rays with one arm while the other remains cross to his chest...awesome!)
I like Green arrow's main outfit but his tv series' outfit is just meh.
I dont like Cyborg main outfit but his alternate looks great (yes, with the red tubes around and all)
Catwoman and Deathstroke are awesome in every sense (except Deathstroke's pirate costume)
I dont like Shazam hood (*rise flame shield*) but stance, animation, etc looks perfect.
And finally... dont like that grandpa's Aquaman face... he looks like the guy from OBS, but I'm amazed by his gameplay, I really didnt think NRS could make Aquaman playstyle strikingly attractive.