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Evil Dead *spoilers*


What did you guys think of Evil Dead? As a huge fan of the first three movies, I was pretty excited to go see this one.

I will get my negative rant out of the way first. The movie was enjoyable until the girl came back to life which personally turned me off very much. Aside from that distasteful direction, it did have some other quirks I disliked. Why the heck would they kill the character who was supposed to portray Ash? You're telling me some junkie teenager was THE CHOSEN one to defeat the demon? Terrible. The guy who played Ash was pretty disappointing as well. It felt like they wanted to rush all three original movies into one which was a bade move. This movie could have been so much better if they didn't go through with some of the questionable decisions.

Now moving onto some of the positive from the film that I actually liked. I really appreciated the gore and some of the brutal scenes. I thought it was well done and definitely entertaining - almost amazing. The bathroom fight, nail gun and crowbar face-off, and the chainsaw blood fountain was kick ass. That's about all I found good about the movie.

4/10 overall.

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XBL: zydrate101
rotten tomatoes disagrees with it's 81% lol :p.

The characters name is david and they explained ahead of time he is NOT ash. I agree about her coming back though i was a little confused but i think it had quite a satisfying ending. It went all out with the gore and the awful cliche lines that you can't help but love. Everyone was cheering at the theater . The last time i was at a movie where people went this wild was scream 4. I miss slasher movies ,all we get is stupid paranormal activity movies now.

I for one didn't like the original dead movie though so take that as you will. 7/10 for me. It has it's faults for sure.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
What did you guys think of Evil Dead? As a huge fan of the first three movies, I was pretty excited to go see this one.

4/10 overall.

Sent from my mobile
it was okay, my girlfriend was scared as balls, but i feel like the movie had no scares, the gore was awesome though.

the whole her coming back to life like just out of nowhere was retarded, i thought she just got revived and then came out from under ground, but it turned out mia's demon counter part was still under ground, i don't get where mia's body came from. good thing i ate before i watched mia throw up all over that chick :( another thing was how did the guy with the glasses get infected? did he get bit....or everyone who dies comes back in demon-like form?
Oh man why did i read this lol. I was so hyped for the movie too.
But seriously, you can't top the original. Doesn't matter how good special effects are now.


Go to hell.
This is one big fucking spoiler, so if you went in here even with the tags saying spoilers but don't want spoilers you're dumb and keep I went with about ten people, and we laughed. Hard. The movie wasn't scary like it was supposed to be, but it was very unsettling.

The tentacle rape scene, the junkie pulling her hand off from under the car, blonde bimbo doctor cutting her arm off, etc. The dialogue was atrocious and I laughed more than once, "Come down here and let me suck your cock pretty boy!" in the demon voice had me rolling.

The atmosphere was decent, and I don't usually squirm but the violence was pretty top notch. The music direction was good and I liked the noises the monsters would make and the signature indicator that death was about to happen. The sounds of things was good as well, like what's her name doing a Joker impression.

The ending was loltarded. And everyone in the movie was dumb, double tap that shit plskthx. And the professor who read and wrote the prayer out loud DESPITE BEING SPECIFICALLY TOLD NOT TO is a retard.

I like the girl who survived as an actor though.

If you go in expecting gross shit to happen and to get some laughs, you'll like it. 7/10. But if you want to be scared or really like Evil Dead, well you're fucked. 4/10 seems appropriate.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
whenu say original do u mean original original? or do u mean dead by dawn or whatever the title was?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
As a huge fan of the original; I expected it to be pretty mediocre over all. Appears that it was indeed true. "Horror" movies are garbage these days. I'll rent it/watch it on netflix one day. Not gonna waste my time with it.


Go to hell.
No, it's a "sequel"
They "retell" the first one with a bunch of different shit in the beginning. But it's technically a sequel.
Yeah, it's a retelling. It's very different from the original though. It takes itself a lot more seriously. It tries a lot harder to be horrific and scary.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
imma go with what ign said o3o, i'd give everything an 8 or 9 unless its the shitiest of the shit >.>. the ninjabread man game is one of those shitiest of the shit instances o3o

Big Frog

I'm a old horror junkie, and this is the last time I give in to seeing a remake. I should have learned by now. After the remake of the remake of The Thing I should have just stopped. There's been so many times where I told myself to stop seeing these remakes. No more.

Gore and barf were good. That's it IMO.