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Regime or Insurgency?


My english it's not good
Let's speculate:

With so many trailers out about Injustice history mode, wich side do you think the characters will Choose?



Wonder Woman(Hinted everywhere, damm it!)

Flash(Hinted in Aquaman trailer, arguing with him about the subyugation of Atlantis to the regime)

Shazam!(Same as Flash)

Hawkgirl(Hinted in the Aquaman's Trailer, flying above the Regime troops along Superman and others)

Black Adam(Hinted in Lex's Trailer, fighting along Hawkgirl)

Green Lantern(Hinted in the Stroy trailer, facing Batman, wearing the Sinestro Corps suit, maybe under Sinestro's orders)

Sinestro?(Hinted in the Story trailer, Green Lantern wearing his suit)

Nightwing?(Hinted in the Story trailer, fighting with his alt costume against Green Arrow, presumably an Insurgency member)



Cyborg(Hinted in the Story trailer, we can see him many times with Batman)

Green Arrow(Same as Cyborg)

Harley Queen(Hinted in her self trailer, after Mista J death she becomes a Hero. Also in Story trailer she seems to be speaking with Batman via phone)

Aquaman(Hinted in his self trailer, raising his armys against the Regime)

Catwoman?(Hinted in the last comic cover, mentioning that she is the only one siding with Batman)

Deathstroke?(Hinted in the Story trailer, fighting against Wonder Woman. Could be a coincidence and maybe he isn't part of any side)

Lex(Hinted in his self trailer, fighting against many Regime's Members. And when he says that he always choose the wining side is cause he didn't do nothing against the Regime... Until now...)

Neutrals(Aka Switzerland :p )

Doomsday(Doomsday it's a menace to everyone, he may be controlled by someone or be a menace to both sides)

Grundy(Same as Doomsday, in a lesser way)

Bane(Bane is smart enough to be a powerfull ally to any side, but we lack information at this moment)

Raven(Same as Bane)

Joker(Joker is the reason of this story, and he is a menace for both sides. We don't know how will he fit in the story, but it's unlikely to be part of any side)

Ares and Killer Frost(Same as Raven and Bane, surely Ares will aid the insurgency... or maybe empower all in his self propouse...)

Of course, this is all pure speculation, but these are my 2 cents.

What do you think?

PD: And again, forgive my English, it's not my mother Tongue
I think doomsday will be with the Regime. In one of the several twists of the superman/doomsday story he is shown as a more evolved version of the og doomsday and actually fights alongside superman


Soul Kollector
I am going to guess that Lex is on both sides. Additionally, he is likely the cause of all the problems, and the solution to the entire mess.


For the most part your guesses are pretty solid based on what we have. I'm not convinced that Nightwing isn't with Batman though. I also believe there are some exceptions that will eventually switch sides (Flash) or play multiple sides (Luthor).


Green Lantern's alternate has shoulder pads similar to Superman's alternate, so I believe he's with the regime.
Doomsday has to be with the regime, either way Superman's dead, although someone suggested Doomsday could be released by Batman to stop Superman, which is plausible.


My english it's not good
I've just notice that with the exception of Nightwing, all the heroes that joins the Regime have super powers. In the other hand, many of the Insurgency members are common humans(Harley, Batman, Green Arrow...)

Could be possible that Ares empowers all of them for the Insurgency's thriumps sake?


Sinestro's might!
I wonder how Sinestro is going to tie in with all this.

I'd guess after Superman wins over everything, the guardians strip hal of his power or something, and then he turns to sinestro and brings him along to oversee the planet. Sinestro is afterall, an expert in ruling a planet with an iron fist.


Sinestro's might!
We really can't tell with some now that I think of it.

We've seen Hawkgirl vs Lex
Hawkgirl flying with Supermans people
Hawkgirl with Black Adam

This implies that Black Adam works with Shazam, and that's like... wut.


Why would Superman ever accept that Joker, murderer of his wife and child and the one who destroyed his whole city, join his Regime?
Joker started this mess; he's got to be an independent. I think that's why he was seen trying to get Harley Quinn back in the trailer when Lex came to her aid.


There will definitely be more than Regime vs Insurgency. Ulterior motives are easily traits of Joker, Deathstroke, Nightwing, Ares, Luthor and maybe Bane and Catwoman. Black Adam could fit into this category, but can't really tell.
I'm pretty certain Flash changes sides at some point in the game, hence: "It made sense at first. Bad people got what they deserved. But now? It's going too far!"

When I think of Flash turning, I can imagine a lot of other heroes to as well.

Here's my thoughts:

Ares: Definitely a member of the Insurgency, he wants war back on Earth, and the Regime is stopping that.
Joker: Most likely resurrected by Ares, so I have to go with Insurgency.
Deathstroke: With a peaceful Earth, I can imagine there would be no targets for him to take. Most probably an Insurgency member.
Green Arrow: I really want Queen to join the Insurgency, usually him and Bruce see eye to eye, so again Insurgency.
Harley Quinn: After seeing her flirt with Arrow a lot, I think she'll follow her new boyfriend to fight the Regime.
Wonder Woman: She's pretty irrational and lascivious in the comics, so I can imagine she'll stay in the Regime.

Me personally, I'd side with the Insurgency. Superman isn't the sort of hero that you could trust your life with, he's grieving and he's powerful. Also seeing him simply move Atlantis to a desert in the comics, just makes him look sadistic. Can't wait for a crime alley, Superman vs Batman in the game though. The Dark Knight always Returns!