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Best "feels" ever?


Pulling off Nova's TAC infinite online hehe ^.^

Having someone rage quit on my bison online loool

Confirming off a yolo footdive lol

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Do a line of MD, sat on the technics mk2s, mix 2 disgusting tunes together, cut them to pieces.

No feels like that in the world.


The Free Meter Police
Bit of a hypocrite aren't you. There's nothing childish about knocking people for doing something unhealthy or illegal.
Fine one bit of evidence that marijuana is bad for you then come back and talk to me. Drinking beer also isn't great for you either but are you going to go around yelling at people who enjoying hanging out and having some beers? Dude, your argument wasn't well thought out so I won't bash you too hard. And walking across the street when you aren't at a crosswalk is also illegal, what's your point?


The Free Meter Police
Bit of a hypocrite aren't you. There's nothing childish about knocking people for doing something unhealthy or illegal.
And round 2... fight... knocking people for making decisions that don't affect you is, indeed, childish. It's no different than the right wing religious trying to tell gays they can't marry based on the argument that "gays are icky." Your argument is seriously NO different than that.


Dojo Trainee
Fine one bit of evidence that marijuana is bad for you then come back and talk to me. Drinking beer also isn't great for you either but are you going to go around yelling at people who enjoying hanging out and having some beers? Dude, your argument wasn't well thought out so I won't bash you too hard. And walking across the street when you aren't at a crosswalk is also illegal, what's your point?
What argument? I made a comment and you replied. It's quite obvious who's looking for an argument. I didn't make the laws guy. I just abide by them.


The Free Meter Police
What argument? I made a comment and you replied. It's quite obvious who's looking for an argument. I didn't make the laws guy. I just abide by them.
You said there's nothing wrong with knocking someone for making unhealthy decisions that only affect them. That is an argument. And it is incorrect. There's really no point in discussing it further because you've already publicly announced your viewpoint that everyone should live the way you think they should.

You should really look into why marijuana is illegal. My guess is you know nothing about it.

But anyways... you should get high and relax.


Dojo Trainee
And round 2... fight... knocking people for making decisions that don't affect you is, indeed, childish. It's no different than the right wing religious trying to tell gays they can't marry based on the argument that "gays are icky." Your argument is seriously NO different than that.
Childish isn't the right word. I understand that you just want to argue, but choose a more fitting word to describe me please. Also, please tell me where it says in the Bible that same sex marriage shalt not happen because "gays are icky". That's obviously not the reason they're against it, but you chose to make up some idiotic phrase for the sake of argument.


1 2 3 drink
i dont get what that means since english isnt my motherlanguage but whatever, i just think its dumb to tell other what to do or not. who cares if they smoke or eat too much sugar or whatever, and dont get me started on a marihuana discussion cause i can talk hours about it


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
That's what I do, lol, 6:30PM-5AM. You either love it or hate it.
i felt like i had no life, i was so tired from work, that i would wake up the next day at 3pm and then bam 3 hours later i had to go back to work. now it wasn't because i wasn't "fit" i am a basketball player that runs a couple miles everyday for basketball practice, but the motivational endurance was not there, so i felt more tired from walking all night as apposed to running for 3 hours at practice. did they start you at $12.50 an hour?

B W1zZ

i felt like i had no life, i was so tired from work, that i would wake up the next day at 3pm and then bam 3 hours later i had to go back to work. now it wasn't because i wasn't "fit" i am a basketball player that runs a couple miles everyday for basketball practice, but the motivational endurance was not there, so i felt more tired from walking all night as apposed to running for 3 hours at practice. did they start you at $12.50 an hour?
Nah 11.75 (75 for the shift differential working nights). No but I know exactly what your saying about not having a life...the days I do work I don't really have time to game or anything. I'll be getting a dollar raise once i start working through amazon. The days I work I generally only get 2-6 hours of sleep then I'll sleep for like 15 hours on my day off lol.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Nah 11.75 (75 for the shift differential working nights). No but I know exactly what your saying about not having a life...the days I do work I don't really have time to game or anything. I'll be getting a dollar raise once i start working through amazon. The days I work I generally only get 2-6 hours of sleep then I'll sleep for like 15 hours on my day off lol.
well i had donut shift, monday tuesday, thursday, friday so wednesday am sleeping the whole day so another day is wasted because of work you know? then saturday is also gone because am sleeping lol so i felt like my life was too revolved around working, plus mandatory overtime during peak season :(

B W1zZ

well i had donut shift, monday tuesday, thursday, friday so wednesday am sleeping the whole day so another day is wasted because of work you know? then saturday is also gone because am sleeping lol so i felt like my life was too revolved around working, plus mandatory overtime during peak season :(
Yeah my life is revolved around working at the moment but I'd rather be working than not doing shit, lol, and it pays better than a lot of other jobs. Your old shift is called shift 6 where I'm at....i work Thurs-Fri and Sun-Mon, the least desirable shift. People seem to hate shift 10 (my shift) and picking, lol. I'm thinking about getting switched to your old shift eventually. Did you go through the temp agency or were you hired directly through amazon? OT does kind of suck but the money from it is hella nice.