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Best "feels" ever?

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
When your eyes water after taking a nice shit and peeing at the same time, and you feel like screaming, "Sweet Jesus, yeah!"

Signing onto Test Your Might, and getting an E-rection from all the likes in your Alert.

Getting the highest on a class exam after acting like you didn't study around the people you know there.

Getting a friend request on Facebook from someone you actually know.

Looking at a mirror, and realizing you're sexy.

Being alone and letting out a gargantuan fart.


Lt. Boxy Angelman

Dude that is seriously one of my favorite hbk moments ever! They alluded to it months later in another match, but Benjamin caught his foot.
Easily the best looking/sounding superkick ever. I JUMPED out of my chair when that shit hit.

While we're on the subject: Add "Whenever HBK does something awesome" to my list.


Easily the best looking/sounding superkick ever. I JUMPED out of my chair when that shit hit.

While we're on the subject: Add "Whenever HBK does something awesome" to my list.
#2 superkick ever...wrestlemania 12 that poor poor time keeper...


Coming back home after the last day of school.

When you think a girl you find attractive likes you but they're just trying to be "nice".

Opening booster packs and deck boxes from TCGs.

Being kewl.
Hugging the more uncorrupted humans.

Recieving hugs from nice females.

The temporary state of slight euphoria gained by watching an episode of MLP:FiM.

Winning against good players with Kratos, 'specially if they play Kabal, Smoke, Cyrax, or Kenshi.


Yung Kneecaps
Babying someone when many times in a row even when they know its coming but there's just nothing they could do about it and also endless free flow combos in arkham