That's kind of an ironic statement now ^given the amount of drama on SRK lol.
i know it rubs people the wrong way. in fact i typed that in the post you quoted. FChamp says words, those words somehow magically have an aggressive reaction of resistance on the listeners. why? that is control. dont be controlled. Fchamp is no wizard. if what he says is false, we will win, he will appear the fool. if he is right, we talked trash for no damn reason and appear the fool when we could have just played without buying into Filipino Champs game. the art of war states; encourage the arrogance of your enemy
You mentioned "fighting our honor" not exactly what I was referring to but I see what you're saying. I do think it's still pompous and presumptuous on his part concerning "The only reason MK players only win in MK is because I didn't play" nonsense. I mean, as I said initially if he was THAT confident he could own everyone here in MK, then why didn't he do it? One or two reasons. A. He's deep down afraid of everyone in MK or B. He knows he sucks but won't admit it(given the size of his ego based on that statement calling all MK guys out on Injustice alone I'm leaning the ladder honestly)
I don't think or consider him to be controlling anyone(in this case me since I can't speak for others) but all I'm just saying at this point for him to NOT expect some kind of responce by the MKC after saying something like that he's living in a fantasy world. It's not like he said "ok MK guys, I'm coming for you in Injustice!!" He flat out put the MKC down and discredited the winners of past MK tourneys...which isn't right.
It's like a baseball club saying "that team only won the world series because I wasn't in last years playoffs" it's stupid, arrogant and cries sour about something.
I do agree with you on your quote, often the over confident or arrogant players regardless of game, sport etc wind up losing or underestimating their foes. People have done it with me not just in games at times but also in sports, past jobs etc and I LOVE proving them wrong. One of my favorite quotes is "Never Underestimate Your Opponent"