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Things in the past that you miss the most


RM Phanatic
Miss your favorite cartoon? Your best friend from school? Favorite restaurant? What are some of the things you guys miss?

Matador Fiend

Warcraft from vanilla until the crapfest of cataclysm...
Final fantasy XI back in 2004
Having time to go to the gym twice a day and still play MMOs


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
Not gonna lie, I miss the FUCK out of watching Kid's WB cartoons on Saturday mornings. Static Shock, Jackie Chan Adventures, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, then going outside and playing football with my friends. Holy hell those were good times.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
The rule of Genghis Kahn, the spanish inquisition, The crusades, and the disbanding of the Backstreet boys