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The thought of Inustice becoming mainstream?


Part-Time Kano Hostage
What will it take for this game to get to Marvel's level and tournament entry? Or even SF.
1. If the game has alot of depth at the highest level.

2. If the netcode is really amazing.

Injustice already has the fanbase because its DC characters. If it has these two things in addition I think that's literally all it would take for anyone even remotely interested to take it to the next level. And that's alot of people.


too smart to play MKX
Was there any doubt that this game would be mainstream?

I don't think any fighter I've ever found tolerable has managed to get it's way into the mainstream. I don't know how I'll be able to handle a game with a developer that isn't doing it's damnedest to pretend it doesn't exist.

As long as NRS listens to those who matter.

Wouldn't want to see a good character become OPd because scrubs can't use him/her.

Rip Torn

What will it take for this game to get to Marvel's level and tournament entry? Or even SF.
First and foremost it has to be a solid fighting game with interesting balanced mechanics. If that is the case, the rest will fall into place.

We want mainstream. We want to be on that LoL/Starcraft level where the money is flowing and players can actually get real sponsors and VSM/GGA/EGP are getting 50k viewers on a weekday night.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I hope it goes mainstream. A fighting game series becoming the next Gears of Bro or Call of Teabagging? YES.

I like the idea of FGC growing and people demanding more from fighters in terms of content. NRS is setting the bar for single player content to unlock, enjoy and dive into for fighting games and honestly without that the genre is likely going to oversaturate itself and stop pulling profit with only a vocal minority buying titles. Hell...I think MK9 is the only one that DID pull profit. Both Marvels failed and SF x Tekken was the worst thing ever in sales.

If showing up with a licensed, tourney worthy fighter that had a TON of single player content was enough to turn fighters mainstream I would be soooooo pleased. It would set a trend in fighting games demanding more than just online and a half ass arcade or story. Plus if Injustice blows up huge in particular can you imagine the rosters we could see in the future? Look at who it already has! It'd be a parade of niche awesome later if it got huge. Warring factions like the JSA, TT, SS, DP, and Outsiders all appearing later. Crazy amounts of roster potential and story potential for this world in sequels. Here's hoping its a big deal. If it is we may see some amazing things come to this series later that otherwise may never have seen a roster slot in a fighting game ever.


Injustice will become so mainstream that everyone and their mother will play the game.
It will become so mainstream that the MK9 pro players who switch to Injustice and maybe dominate there as well will have a lot of fangirls and finally get laid, especially on tournaments.


As long as NRS listens to those who matter.
Those "who matter" in the case you're making would be tournament players, but they will be most likely playing the game anyway. What would make the game "mainstream" is for everyone else to play it. NRS listening to tournament players would benefit the game on the tournament level for sure, but it wouldn't change much in terms of mainstream appeal. Your average "scrub" will be playing the game for Batman, not because it is well balanced. So in that regard, the game will almost assuredly be mainstream.


This guy looks kind of tuff...
We will be put to the side like mk9. Maybe first few months we will have all the hype. But it will die down. Capcom fans to loyal

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Those "who matter" in the case you're making would be tournament players, but they will be most likely playing the game anyway. What would make the game "mainstream" is for everyone else to play it. NRS listening to tournament players would benefit the game on the tournament level for sure, but it wouldn't change much in terms of mainstream appeal. Your average "scrub" will be playing the game for Batman, not because it is well balanced. So in that regard, the game will almost assuredly be mainstream.
You didn't get my point. Read the line below that. But I agree with yours too.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Fighting games give such a different kind of rush that I feel competitive people love, but the sad thing is most people don't even remotely know/care about fighting games because of low sales and general lack of knowledge on how they work.

Maybe it is a little too hopeful to think it'll be as mainstream as games that have 100,000 players playing at any point of the day but either way if the mainstream at least understands why fighting games are amazing because of this game, I'd be happy.

All it takes is one great game from a genre to reignite it. I think it was SF4 for Japan (they even publish frame data and fighting game related news on newspapers sometimes), lets hope it's the dark horse American game Injustice for the western world.


too smart to play MKX
Fighting games give such a different kind of rush that I feel competitive people love, but the sad thing is most people don't even remotely know/care about fighting games because of low sales and general lack of knowledge on how they work.

Maybe it is a little too hopeful to think it'll be as mainstream as games that have 100,000 players playing at any point of the day but either way if the mainstream at least understands why fighting games are amazing because of this game, I'd be happy.

All it takes is one great game from a genre to reignite it. I think it was SF4 for Japan (they even publish frame data and fighting game related news on newspapers sometimes), lets hope it's the dark horse American game Injustice for the western world.
Well just because it's mainstream doesn't mean it has to be a top five game. Is it going to have CoD sales? Hell no. A fighter will never be that popular. Games like CoD, you can ride most of the way to success on reactions alone. It takes a lot of thought to put into it to pull it off at high level, but for online play all it takes is a quick trigger finger and any 13 year old boy mainlining the Mtn Dew and Doritos product tie-ins can post up beast scores. Success in fighting games even online requires character knowledge, spacing control, the ability to read people well enough you can basically fake psychic powers, and a handle on frame data. Frames are the bitch because it means not only do you have to be aware of everything else, but you also have to do math in your head while you're fighting. Fighters are just too complicated and methodical to have the draw power of a shooter.

But that doesn't mean it won't be stupid popular. Are there going to be 100k people online at any moment? Oh hell no. Will you ever have trouble finding a match with a decent connection at almost any time of day? Probably not. I highly doubt this game will be like SCV where you basically have to wait for the weekend because otherwise you risk being quite literally the only human being online.

I think this game has the potential to easily sell 3 million copies in April alone if MK9 did 2 million in it's month of release. I think overall sales figures for Injustice will probably be in the neighborhood of 5 million before the price drop. Which would pretty much make it the best selling single release fighter ever.


I think overall sales figures for Injustice will probably be in the neighborhood of 5 million before the price drop. Which would pretty much make it the best selling single release fighter ever.
The price for fighting game does drop very fast, so it will have to hurry up with that, but I agree. It has the potential to acomplish that, because of all the names behind the game.
The support by various communities seems to be there as well.

I'm curious about the Metacritic-user ratings. Mortal Kombat 9 had great user-ratings and I wonder if the Capcom fanboys will go nuts on Injustice and downrate it, because it probably will overshadow even SF4 when it comes to terms of sales and support.


too smart to play MKX
Well if this game sells 3 million in month one that 60 dollar price tag will stay there for a while.
I'm curious about the Metacritic-user ratings. Mortal Kombat 9 had great user-ratings and I wonder if the Capcom fanboys will go nuts on Injustice and downrate it, because it probably will overshadow even SF4 when it comes to terms of sales and support.
I wouldn't be surprised by that at all.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Games like CoD, you can ride most of the way to success on reactions alone. It takes a lot of thought to put into it to pull it off at high level, but for online play all it takes is a quick trigger finger and any 13 year old boy mainlining the Mtn Dew and Doritos product tie-ins can post up beast scores. Success in fighting games even online requires character knowledge, spacing control, the ability to read people well enough you can basically fake psychic powers, and a handle on frame data. Frames are the bitch because it means not only do you have to be aware of everything else, but you also have to do math in your head while you're fighting. Fighters are just too complicated and methodical to have the draw power of a shooter.
I agree with the principle, but there's one game that completely shoots down everything you had to say about required knowledge:

League of Legends

You can't just hop into a LoL game and beat everyone based on reactions; and experienced players are absolutely ruthless on newcomers. To learn that game truly well takes hours and hours, and all kinds of studying, to learn 100 diff. matchups. But millions of people are doing it, and millions more will do it with DotA2 when it launches.

I think there's more to the story than how complex or noob-friendly the game is. People just like shooting other people and casting spells.

It reminds me of FIFA in Europe; no matter how deep the game is, the fact that 100's of millions of people love soccer is always going to put a top game in that genre ahead of many others.


too smart to play MKX
Aaaaaaaaaand that's the difference between Black Ops II selling 7.5 million copies in it's first month of release and me just now finding out about League of Legends.

I said CoD/games like it. League of Legends isn't like CoD.

Never said complicated games couldn't be popular. I'm predicting Injustice to sell 5 million at least. I'm saying that for a game to sell like 8 million copies in month one, it needs to offer success via the lizardbrain.
Reactions: RYX


Too many fighting game communities crave mainstream validation of their hobby.

The truth is that fighting games are the last bastion of tough gameplay in all of gaming. They are hard to play and get good at even with so many crappy comeback mechanics and easy combo games.

When fighting games start to suck like every other genre so little Johnny scrub can beat other morons online, I think you will rethink this whole thread.

Like others have said, focus on getting other fighting gamers on board instead of trying to appeal to everyone.

Just look at Starcraft community vs the fighting game community.

I think the only real difference is fighting games have ALOT of competition with eachother, constantly coming out with sequels, and competition fighting games constantly arising. So it divides our community. If there was only 1 REALLY good fighting game. We'd be huge regardless of "difficulty"

Starcraft is VERY difficult.

But they are doing REAL well amongst being a super popular game. And I think that's because lets be serious here... Blizzard is the RTS genre.

Blizzard pretty much only competes with itself in this genre.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Aaaaaaaaaand that's the difference between Black Ops II selling 7.5 million copies in it's first month of release and me just now finding out about League of Legends.
The difference is that Call of Duty became a console game, and has been around for a decade and released a multitude of titles. LoL has been around since 2009 and yet has a physical arena dedicated to it now in LA. CoD didn't have anything close at this point in it's lifecycle.

Just like World of Warcraft, one you start to make millions in revenue, you can market your way into the hearts and minds of regular people. Once LoL has TV commercials and whatnot, you won't be able to escape it :)


too smart to play MKX
I hear that.

I plan on playing Lex Luthor and Doomsday if I don't get Swamp Thing.

I see neither of them being popular... AND I get to reflect a hate for Superman? Score.


Tired, But Strong
CoD and LoL have a lot of other things in their base outside of the actual gameplay going for 'em, as well.

First and foremost, I think the social aspect of both games (in a cooperative sense) is a tremendous draw that also keeps them hooked. You can't really queue together with your friends in a fighter.

Their emphasis on online play is convenient for many players and they've provided strong structure for ranked/league play, which is attractive to players who want to assert their skill.

There're plenty of carrots-on-sticks to keep players playing, as well. More weapons, more perks, more prestiges. More champions and runes, rewards for doing well in each season.

For LoL in particular the Free-to-Play, Pay-to-Not-Grind model is tremendous in creating a large playerbase.

Most of these things are extremely attractive to just about any audience that isn't Japan, which naturally results in a largely Japanese developed genre like fighting games to be built around completely different philosophies. In accordance with this line of thought, NRS as the sole major western dev in fighting games attempting to bring some similar ideas to their games. King of the Hill and the large lobbies are a valiant (but not entirely successful) attempt at creating a strong social atmosphere in the online play. The XP system in Injustice mentioned hither and thither seems to have obvious parallels to the carrot-on-a-stick systems I mentioned above.

Superior netcode, a more in-depth online competitive structure, and incentives to participate in that structure would be key additions to pushing a fighting game into the kind of limelight we see other games in (and I don't think these things necessarily need to come at the expense of local communities/competition, despite what some may think).

But this is just like, my opinion man. All of this.


Worst Injustice Player
I hear that.

I plan on playing Lex Luthor and Doomsday if I don't get Swamp Thing.

I see neither of them being popular... AND I get to reflect a hate for Superman? Score.
Good picks. Those two looked awesome to me as well. I bet Swamp Thing will be DLC. He has potential to have a really cool moveset.