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Injustice - Boon tweets more "big" character reveals coming soon


Well-Known Gay Member
No no no. I know that. But "half naked" is untrue.

Not one of these characters are in thongs.
It's a race thing, but it's a race thing wrote like that for the intention of her being interpretable as a sexual object rather than a character.
Yes, all teams have leaders, but this isn't teams. This is people she sleeps with.
I wonder how many are you gonna find like that? lol like i said ALMOST all of the females - even Wanda - it depends when - she also has open outfits
I think your problem is that you are a big Teen Titans fan and i get it, you had another image of her - but this is the New 52 and many characters have changed - and for now she is very sexual and unfortunately has a short memory - you'll just need to accept it - and like or not her, Arsenal and Red Hood ARE a team :)
Well.. back to the point do I want starfire in game more then Raven yes I do, from what I have read her race doesn´t like the kryptonian that could bring some interesting conflict between the two and batman side also seems be be in need for more super powered people.

Edit: And do we really need a moody demon girl...
I don't want Starfire because I really don't see how she could bring anything new to the table. Raven has telekinesis, magic, teleportation, the Soul Self which could be an interesting character gimmick...Starfire can fly, punch, and throw fireballs. Whoo.
She doesn't have short memory because she is dumb - its a race thing
From what I understand, that's a thing that was thrown in out of nowhere in the New 52, and I really think that cheapens the character more. What's the point of her coming to Earth then? Or trying to learn our culture? And if her race's memory is that bad, then shouldn't she have to kiss some Earthling every morning to relearn the language? No, it makes no sense. They added that in so she could hang around Jason Todd instead of being with the real heroes. No offense to Jason Todd.


bye felicia
No no no. I know that. But "half naked" is untrue.
Don't go down that road. Say what you will about female character writing in the past 20 years, for every female character you can find that's dressed "appropriately" there's a million casual, bikini or pants eradicated by a death ray shots that completely violate their personality and sets the women's rights movement back a hundred years.


I am Michael J. Caboose and I HATE BABIES!
Nowdays they don't create games for little kids and neither do they create comic books for little kids.
Actually start reading some comic books and even in the main stream ones you will see some sick, weird shit like:

1) Blob eating Wasp (where all retarded nay-sayers go bonkers and call it sexism),
2) Antman biting Blobs head off,
3) Magneto breaking Xaviers neck (and all of that in one comic),
4) Spider-Man getting his eye ripped out and then getting slammed to death,
5) Plastic Man killing a man from the inside,
6) Kyle Rayners girlfriend getting killed and stuffed into a freezer,
7) Deathstroke ****ing an underaged girl,
8) Batman breaking Penguins arms and legs to get answers ...

And so on, and so on.
Comic books tend to be very dark sometimes in order to shock the readers and sell more comics. They tend to show a lot of skin, because they know that sex sells.
If a female character has sex in comics, then let her have sex. It's a fictional character in a fiction world that has been created for mature readers. Calling her a slut, without getting the bigger picture makes actually you look like the immature person and not someone like me (who tends to behave immature, but in the end of the day I think before I post).

You on the other hand live in your pink bubble gum world made of animated shows and the twisted characters which you see in them.
Your avatar shows the Teen Titans Raven in a Robin suit, basically a very childish scene overall and that's the stuff you like.

You are free to like that as much as you want, but damn - have at least the brain to realize that there are people out there who are not into that kind of immature crap and character-basterdization like it tends to happen in such shitty, animated, immature shows.

Are you being fucking serious here? Character fucking bastardization? Fuck what I said about Mikayel being immature! This is so hypocritical I can't even believe it! They have bastardized Starfire, it's undeniable! Just look at her character now! She's got next to no personality, next to no costume and next to no character, and you have the nerve to say that the cartoons bastardized her?


I am Michael J. Caboose and I HATE BABIES!
I wonder how many are you gonna find like that? lol like i said ALMOST all of the females - even Wanda - it depends when - she also has open outfits
I think your problem is that you are a big Teen Titans fan and i get it, you had another image of her - but this is the New 52 and many characters have changed - and for now she is very sexual and unfortunately has a short memory - you'll just need to accept it - and like or not her, Arsenal and Red Hood ARE a team :)
You said all female characters wore a thong, I disproved you and you refuse to believe that I'm correct in saying you're wrong.
Now listen to any of the points Shadowknight or I have made. She was made that way SO SHE COULD BE SEXUALISED.
She's got next to no personality, next to no costume and next to no character, and you have the nerve to say that the cartoons bastardized her?
1. Starfire was wearing a tiny costume back then and is wearing a tiny costume now.
2. Starfire didn't have personality back then and she doesn't have personality now.
3. Starfire had sex back then and she has sex now.
4. Starfire was not an important character back then and she isn't an important character now.
5. Starfire was a sex-slave back then and she is ... uhm was a sex-slave now.

Don't pretend like you care about Starfire as a character, when you actually don't know crap about her. She was always a bad character and will it always be as long as DC continues to concentrate on their big 7 and 2-3 offsprings from these 7 characters.


Well-Known Gay Member
You said all female characters wore a thong, I disproved you and you refuse to believe that I'm correct in saying you're wrong.
Now listen to any of the points Shadowknight or I have made. She was made that way SO SHE COULD BE SEXUALISED.
ok let's put it this way - This is the new 52 and it is not aimed to be children friendly which Teen Titans cartoon was - if you think that way Selina is also very sexualised - that doesn't disturb anyone - so just accept how she is now or just simply ignore anything with her in it - it's easy - I am not even straight - i don't care about her boobs or her ass - but i am gonna say it again - MOST female heroes or villains look like they just got out of Playboy - in order to attract men and young guys - it's called Marketing
It is true she doesn´t have the unique power that for sure, but as far as I remember the only power person with projecties is cyborg so far but hey if they are going for the whole team thing (JL and TT we might get both who knowns, but it not like I will loss any sleep over her not getting in.


I am Michael J. Caboose and I HATE BABIES!
1. Starfire was wearing a tiny costume back then and is wearing a tiny costume now.
2. Starfire didn't have personality back then and she doesn't have personality now.
3. Starfire had sex back then and she has sex now.
4. Starfire was not an important character back then and she isn't an important character now.
5. Starfire was a sex-slave back then and she is ... uhm was a sex-slave now.

Don't pretend like you care about Starfire as a character, when you actually don't know crap about her. She was always a bad character and will it always be as long as DC continues to concentrate on their big 7 and 2-3 offsprings from these 7 characters.
You ignored me saying that they reduced her already skimpy costume even further.
She did have a personality - I didn't read much of her comics, but I know that it was more than what she has now.
I didn't say she wasn't allowed to have sex, I'm saying that it's 2013 and we should be over with this stupid female sexualisation, especially when she's had sex twice since her first appearance in New 52. That was the 80's, that was something extremely common in media.
I never mentioned her importance whatsoever.


I am Michael J. Caboose and I HATE BABIES!
ok let's put it this way - This is the new 52 and it is not aimed to be children friendly which Teen Titans cartoon was - if you think that way Selina is also very sexualised - that doesn't disturb anyone - so just accept how she is now or just simply ignore anything with her in it - it's easy - I am not even straight - i don't care about her boobs or her ass - but i am gonna say it again - MOST female heroes or villains look like they just got out of Playboy - in order to attract men and young guys - it's called Marketing
You're speaking as if you're a broken record. You've already argued this.


Well-Known Gay Member
You're speaking as if you're a broken record. You've already argued this.
because you dont seem to understand -anyways i am not even gonna continue the argument about this anymore - my points is you complaining is not gonna change anything unless you do a petition or something coz writing on TYM is not gonna help - all you can do right now is to accept the changes in the character or ignore her character at all! So lets be mature and agree to disagree coz this is going nowhere
I'm not going to pretend I've read every comic featuring Starfire. But I have read one TPB of the Teen Titans when Cyborg re-established the team, adding Superboy, Tim Drake, and Cassie Sandsmark to the team. And what I read? Koriand'r had the bearing of former royalty as well as the attitude of someone who escaped enslavement. She went berserk on Wonder Woman because Wonder Woman showed up to drag Cassie to Themiscyra.

That said. Killzone, you've made it abundantly clear that you look down on those who got into these characters through the animated shows over the years. Frankly, I fucking hate that kind of elitism. Do you treat the Marvel crowd the same way? If someone got into X-Men because of the Bryan Singer films or the 90's cartoon, do you look down on them too?


Well-Known Gay Member
I'm not going to pretend I've read every comic featuring Starfire. But I have read one TPB of the Teen Titans when Cyborg re-established the team, adding Superboy, Tim Drake, and Cassie Sandsmark to the team. And what I read? Koriand'r had the bearing of former royalty as well as the attitude of someone who escaped enslavement. She went berserk on Wonder Woman because Wonder Woman showed up to drag Cassie to Themiscyra.

That said. Killzone, you've made it abundantly clear that you look down on those who got into these characters through the animated shows over the years. Frankly, I fucking hate that kind of elitism. Do you treat the Marvel crowd the same way? If someone got into X-Men because of the Bryan Singer films or the 90's cartoon, do you look down on them too?
it's not really elitism - its cause Teen Titans cartoon is very much made for kids i mean really - do not compare it with X-men TAS - those were much more "mature" - now i am not saying if you watch Teen Titans you are immature but let's just say it was more aimed for children :x


Well-Known Gay Member
When did I say you insulted me?

Also, you didn't seem to understand very well either.
Exactly I didnt insult you but you were insulting me - first called me immature than said i am a hypocrite and than i became a broken record...
And again let's agree to disagree ^^
That said. Killzone, you've made it abundantly clear that you look down on those who got into these characters through the animated shows over the years. Frankly, I fucking hate that kind of elitism. Do you treat the Marvel crowd the same way? If someone got into X-Men because of the Bryan Singer films or the 90's cartoon, do you look down on them too?
It's not elitism.

Let me ask you a question:
Do you think that knowing every single episode from the Teen Titans show and Raven being your favorite character from there justifies the fact that all of you run across these boards and bring Raven up in every single thread?

As I said it, this game is based on comic book characters. If WB / DC / NRS are smart, they're going to support the comic book characters and not animated shows.
Why? There is that funny webcomic somewhere above, where someone actually seems to believe that 2 million people watching the Teen Titans show is more worth than 100.000 people buying the comic book.

How much do these 2 million people pay for the entire show and how much do the 100.000 people pay for the comic books and all the other prior comic books and all the other comic books that will come afterwards? Huge difference in terms of money.
You can't justify that and you also shouldn't say that the 2 million people who watch the show still mean more money, because they're going to buy the game, because of Raven and Beast Boy who are "sooooooooooooooooooooo crash" in the show, since that would make you look stupid.
it's not really elitism - its cause Teen Titans cartoon is very much made for kids i mean really - do not compare it with X-men TAS - those were much more "mature" - now i am not saying if you watch Teen Titans you are immature but let's just say it was more aimed for children :x
I wasn't referring to you, actually. I've seen plenty of posts by Killzone and others that seem to froth with venom against fans of the animated shows. That is elitism and to me, doesn't make any sense. Who the hell cares how someone got interested in a character?


bye felicia
It's not elitism.

Why? There is that funny webcomic somewhere above, where someone actually seems to believe that 2 million people watching the Teen Titans show is more worth than 100.000 people buying the comic book.
Wikipedia said:
Elitism is the belief or attitude that some individuals, who form an elite—a select group of people with a certain ancestry, intrinsic quality or worth, higher intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes—are those whose influence or authority is greater than that of others


You. Are Not. Alone.
it's not really elitism - its cause Teen Titans cartoon is very much made for kids i mean really - do not compare it with X-men TAS - those were much more "mature" - now i am not saying if you watch Teen Titans you are immature but let's just say it was more aimed for children :x
He's talking about Killzone who writes novels on here about how Comic book readers are vastly superior to non comic book readers and how their opinion should be the only one that means anything