How much did this cost?I recently had a custom Hitbox built by DaRabidDuckie. It consists of an acrylic case by Tek Innovations, a Joytron Paewang Revolution PCB, a Toodles SOCD cleaner and all Sanwa buttons.
The red switch on the side interchanges the functions of the LB/L1 button with the Back/Select button to allow for jab plinking (aka b-linking) in SSF4. Although Duckie most likely won't be working on clear cases anymore, I am extremely happy with this build, and it's a pleasure to play on!
I expected that. Was just wondering how much you personally got it for.. If you kan remember and are willing to tell me of course.Red Reaper Custom sticks always tend to run on the expensive side. This was no different than an equivalent arcade stick, quotes of which you should be able to find easily.
Kool. I wouldn't think they would have the Hitbox Layout since, if I remember korrectly, it's patented.Red Reaper A stick vs. buttons isn't a huge difference, really.The company I referred to that sells these acrylic cases also has an option for a Hitbox layout when you're placing an order. Regardless, as a direct answer, this dual modded & b-link capable sexiness ran me in the mid 300s.
IMHO, both PDP MK sticks (TE & Klassic) are quality stuff. FWIW, I'm very anal about the quality, fit & finish of arcade sticks. I was VERY surprised PDP made such a quality stick. I've had both sticks since both of their launch dates & never had an issue. The only rant/prob I've ever heard about these sticks is that they're somewhat a PITA to dual-mod. Also, the TE version has E-switches (easily replaced) whereas the Klassick version has Cherry microswitches (much better!). If I wasn't so lazy then I'd change out the Happ Comp stick (for an iL Euro stick) & the microswitches. For the Klassic stick, I'd just change out the Happ Comp.Hey everyone,
I wanted to know if I could your honest input regarding stick options I've been considering for a while.
In the past I've always played fighting games on stick (I was an arcade junkie) but decided to switch over to pad for Mortal Kombat 9. After much though, I think it would be ideal to have a fightstick at my disposal; not having one restricts me from playing other fighting games that (imho) do require one.
I was tempted to purchase the Injustice: Battle Edition because the game and stick for $149.99 is an excellent deal, however, the lack of information regarding the sticks components has me second guessing the option. I do prefer the bat-top and convex buttons but that's all we know so far. Some people complained that the MK9 stick was sub-par and required some modding so to me, those are warning signs. Any thoughts on this?
My budget is $150.00 (CAD) and only need a PS3 / PC compatible, no XBOX dual mod.
I've been looking at the Hori Real Arcade Pro V3 SA "Kai"; I can get it for $135.00 shipped to my door and I've read on SRK that this model is good and has no reported problems.
I've read some reviews on both but would like some additional feedback / opinion from my trusted TYM community.
Is this a good bang for my buck or does anyone have additional suggestions. Remember, I live in Canada and shipping could be a little higher.
Thank in advance.
You can map "Select" to the face button's, "Start" & also L3 & R3 to the face buttons, "L1" & "L2" buttons.KRYS9984 That Hori looks pretty great, actually; it has all Sanwa parts and good design features. I wish they had more info regarding the button remapping, because if you can map Select onto a face button, you can plink with Select in SSF4 (if that is of any importance to you). Honestly, I wouldn't look further if this fit my budget and needs. ^_^
Copy&Paste your post in here & I'll tweet it out: wanted to give everyone a heads up (if you haven't seen it yet). is offering $60.00 off certain Madcatz fightsticks:
I also wanted to give an update regarding the recent post I made.
I actually got a chance to try out the Hori Real Arcade Pro V3 SA "Kai" and it was a little underwhelming. The stick felt a little light, the case felt a little thin and I couldn't get accustomed to the typical Street Fighter layout as seen on all the Madcatz fightsticks. I'm really used to playing on a straight button layout (as seen on most arcade cabinets) or arc shape where the 4 center buttons are slightly raised from the left / right ones.
I decided to take a chance and put in a pre-order for the Injustice Battle Edition; hopefully the PDP stick will deliver and won't require mods to get it running smoothly. However, the Gameshark deals seem really good and I don't want to passup the offers. The most appealing option (to my taste) seems to be the Soul Calibur Soul Edition Stick because of it's button configuration and larger space between the stick / buttons.
Does anyone have any hands on experience with it and can share their thought of this item out of the box without any mods?
Tim Static CaliJokerstyle mine is broken I noticed you showed images / mentioned this stick in previous posts, any thoughts?
The HRAP V3-SA Kai edition stick weighs 4.88-pounds while the Madcatz SCV stick weighs ~6.25-pounds so unless you're throwing it all over the place when in use, it shouldn't be a prob. Then again, I'm a table-top player (versus a lap player) so it has no effect on me unless a stick's insanely light (such as those 2-pound tiny dreamGEAR Micro or flimsy Exar sticks) but I can somewhat see if it having more of an effect for lap players. Even then, the wrist rest angle of the V3-SA is much more comfy for extended periods of play but that's just me. Keep in mind the V3-SA Kai edition has a modified Vewlix layout in the sense that the spacing between the joystick lever & the left-most buttons has a bigger gap (I'd say ~0.5" - 0.75") versus the regular Vewlix layout....I also wanted to give an update regarding the recent post I made.
I actually got a chance to try out the Hori Real Arcade Pro V3 SA "Kai" and it was a little underwhelming. The stick felt light, the case felt thin and I couldn't get accustomed to the typical Street Fighter layout as seen on all the Madcatz fightsticks. I'm really used to playing on a straight button layout (as seen on most arcade cabinets) or arc shape where the 4 center buttons are slightly raised from the left / right ones.
I decided to take a chance and put in a pre-order for the Injustice Battle Edition; hopefully the PDP stick will deliver and won't require mods to get it running smoothly. However, the Gameshark deals seem really good and I don't want to pass up the offers. The most appealing option (to my taste) seems to be the Soul Calibur Soul Edition Stick because of it's button configuration and larger space between the stick / buttons.
Does anyone have any hands on experience with it and can share their thought of this item out of the box without any mods?...
No prob! That's cool, to each their own regarding which button layout since it's all personal preference. Completely forgot you mentioned in an earlier post you live in Canada. That SNES CPFS was my very first ball-top joystick lever I've ever used. Hated it at first but now I appreciate it very much so.Nucking Futs!
Thank you very much for your previous posts; he information you've provided will help a great deal in my decision to purchase the ideal stick(s).
The modified layout on the "Kai" model was a lot more comfortable than the standard one. Even the Street Fighter / SFxT models are still too close for comfort and as I mentioned, the viewlix layout does not feel natural as opposed to the noir layout (imo).
Ideally, I would like to keep the items stock and potentially swap out minor parts such as the joystick and buttons. The artwork on both the SCV and Injustice sticks are really nice and I don't have an issue in that department, my main focus is comfort and button layout / case construction.
I've also heard people say that the Injustice stick appears to have Sanwa parts (even though not confirmed). If this is the case, I'm more than happy and will use this as my main controller for fighting games that require one (MK is fine to play on pad and Injustice seems the same).
I still feel like I should pick up the SCV stick just because it's constructed well, has an ideal layout and an excellent price for a quality product. I actually got to see one in person last week during offline casuals and was completely blown away at how beautiful it was. I was feeling rushed to jump on the SCV deal on GameShark, but I found a seller on Ebay who is offering it (has 10 in stock) for a lower price and this buys me some time. As mentioned, I am located in Canada and sometimes the crazy deals on Amazon and Newegg do not apply to the Canadian versions which seem to have a lot less stock / inventory listed.
One last question, I haven't had much hands on experience with the newer generation sticks seeing as my last one was the SNES Capcom Power Fighter Stick from the 90's (which I still have and works well). I just wanted to know how I can make a stock madcatz stick feel like the american style arcade cabinets / components? I played on the MK TE stick and really love the stiffer spring return, multiple direction capability and obviously the bat-top. I've seen (and like) the Sanwa bat-top conversion kit but the clicky, sensitive joystick turns me off. If I'm not mistaken, Suzo Happ components don't really work on Madcatz products without having to do a big overhaul. I'm really looking for input regarding the right combination of replacement parts such as a new joystick or a stiffer spring for quick return, etc.....
Thanks again Nucking Futs and to @CaliJokerstyle as well. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
No prob! I completely forgot to mention Paradise Arcade Shop is legit too! They have a kit that includes all of the components of the silent JLF & a few bonus items (bigger actuator, circular & octo gate inserts, etc.) for $55 plus shipping (for reference, the silent JLF by itself cost $70+). Also, they've got two other options if you want to convert your standard JLF into a silent JLF.I ordered a Sanwa Silent Stick through Arcade Shock last night. I had no idea they were based out of Los Angeles. Thanks for the recommendation Nucking Futs!
Not to be an a$$ but why would you buy a stick if you don't know if it's any good (unless you're going to flip it) especially one that cost $150? To answer your question, assuming you're referring to the Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 (EX if it's the 360 version) Premium VLX (as in, VewLiX) then yes, that's a heck of a deal if it's in mint condition (with the black wooden stability option board) as those go for $300 - $350 easily on eBay. Which site are you referring to for $430? Because it retails in Japan for 30,00 yen (~$313 USD; $300 on the U.S. official site) & is no longer in production although the Diamond version (PS3-only) still is. Great quality, gorgeous design, easy & quickly to open internals, built to last & a weight to match it's price (12.1-pounds). I love it so much, I bought three (well, I have two now)! IMHO, it's by far THEE best mass produced arcade stick ever but that's just me....I just bought a Hori Real Arcade Pro EX Premium used for $150 wanted to know if this stick is any good
looked at there site and they are selling it for $430 so I think it might be good but I wanted to know yalls opinions
a friend of mine gave me his wii and some games for free I already have one and the games suck so I traded them in for store credit needed an arcade stick and saw one in store I know it wasn't the best idea but I don't always make good decisionsNot to be an a$$ but why would you buy a stick if you don't know if it's any good (unless you're going to flip it) especially one that cost $150? To answer your question, assuming you're referring to the Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 (EX if it's the 360 version) Premium VLX (as in, VewLiX) then yes, that's a heck of a deal if it's in mint condition (with the black wooden stability option board) as those go for $300 - $350 easily on eBay. Which site are you referring to for $430? Because it retails in Japan for 30,00 yen (~$313 USD; $300 on the U.S. official site) & is no longer in production although the Diamond version (PS3-only) still is. Great quality, gorgeous design, easy & quickly to open internals, built to last & a weight to match it's price (12.1-pounds). I love it so much, I bought three (well, I have two now)! IMHO, it's by far THEE best mass produced arcade stick ever but that's just me....