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Guide Pig's Presents Sinestro Strategy Guide On How To Dominate The World

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

***Damage Listing On combos are coming.
***Video Guide of all this and more coming as well early next week.

Summary of Sinestro:

TAKE THE BELOW (positives and negatives) With A GRAIN OF SALT. Im open to others proving me wrong.

  • Extremely Strong Footsies (b13 has one of the longest reaches in the game giving him a solid whiff punisher)
  • Moderate to Above avg Zoning which can lead to free Trait Charges on hit
  • His trait is unique Threat that changes the game immediately when it's out and can lead to FTs across the screen and make every unsafe string/attack safe.
  • Great AA that leads to a combo or Trait charge.
  • Top 8 B3/f3 and with the trait out makes it even better
  • Great Walk Speed
  • Great Forward Dash
  • Above Avg Back Dash
  • Complete Swag
  • Worse Wakeups in the Entire Game, If he gets knocked down he is S C R E W E D. Projectiles have 0 invincibility on wake up leaving shackles and arachnid which are MEGA combo punishable on block.
  • Below avg Damage
  • No Low Starter (has strings with low in them and String he can whiff first hit so string will start with a low but you cant do anything after that hits without Trait)
  • REALLY Negative on Block with his Zoning options which will effect his MU chart in time Trait is very effective but you must sacrifice damage when landing shackles to land a charge to receive his
  • Can be used as cross up AA/combo ender
  • Heavily punishable on block
  • MB version Shoots tentacles off the Arachnid Construct towards opponent pushing them full screen away. Only active if first hit of the Arachnid hits.
  • Wraps around a hand around the opponent for a very short period of time letting Sinestro combo or charge trait
  • Hits anywhere on the screen and blows up dashing
  • Heavily Punishable on block
  • No Meter Burn Version
Fear Blast
  • Straight Projectile
  • Negative on block
  • MB version shoots 3 rocks and is safer than regular
  • Has above avg push back
  • Can be used after full/mid screen shackles to extend damage in combo
Impact Event (Boulder)
  • Overhead attack used as his best zoning tool Imo
  • Can be used as AA jump ins and after b3 hits.
  • MB version Offers second boulder and can be combo'ed after it hits into shackles or normals if close
Trait (pew pew pew)
Sinestro might be NRS' version of Sub Zero in Injustice where he was top 3-5 now 14-18

Tier List Prediction based on a ton of thought, Frame data, MU exp (Obviously this is a prediction that will develop in time):

Negatives of no reliable way to wake up, get up from pressure or hard knock down 50/50 setups, below avg damage, over rated/nerfed zoning makes him stay clear out of top 8-12 range but his footsies and tools when not knocked down keep him very viable. Will be a pest

Wake Ups:
  • Atrocious
  • Projectiles have 0 invincibility apparently
  • Shackles and Arachnid mega combo punishable on block
  • Get knock down, pull out a bible and pray sinestro players
Meter Usage:
With Sinestro it is my recommendation to use your meter all for hit confirming Boulder into MB Boulder, your 3x rock shot or Clash. It is not recommended you use meter for Super unless it will guarentee you the end of the match.

Review of his Crossups
Weak Damage but very effective on Jump Ins and Crossups. Hurt box of ji1 is very effective

Medium Damage and not very effective on cross up as its hurt box is very very limited on cross ups but serves as a good jump in attack

High damage attack that is an extremely good cross up and must be used at a high elevation point as the axe swings thru his legs and will serve sinestro players well on cross ups that can lead to his most damaging no meter combos. ji3 at the highest point should be used without fear because to make complete safe sinestro can cancel it to AXE (air) which leads to combo and makes him safe.

Power Of The Axe:
Few characters have a move in the game where they can jump in on Aquaman or some character with extroidnary AA ability and blow him up in return before he can touch them while being safe. Well Sinestro can do this with AXE (air DB1) which he then can land and start a combo for damage or ending in a trait charge.

Best Strings:
  • Incredible range can be used as whiff punisher or pressure tool and is safe on block
  • Most common combo starter
  • Above Avg starter in terms of frames
  • Leads to a world of options for the Sinestro player
f2 d1 3
  • Contains a Low in the second hit
  • Safe on block
  • Fast String that on block leaves Sinestro in great spacing for footsies
  • Overhead Low Mid string that has a plethora of uses. You can whiff the b2 away from opponent in footsie range and b1 will still come out and hit opponent Low giving you a low starter and with trait you can finish the string out from this point (13) hit the trait shot into shackles for more damage or charge your trait if that was your last shot. Also String is used as his main combo string enderB2 is a fast overhead but is limited in range
  • Starts with overhead
  • Can be used to extend combos and start them
  • Deceptively fast
  • Ends in a hard knockdown overhead
  • Can be made safe with trait
  • Good hit box
  • Safe on block
  • Can be staggeredfor mix ups
  • Limited range
  • Above avg speed
Anti Air:
  • Top 5 AA in the game if not better
  • Huge hit box
  • Leads to combos/shackles/charge options
  • The threat of his AA increases his footsie options and zoning threats
Boulder (mb)
  • Full screen/Mid Screen/Jump over AA
  • Can be used as an AA and Meter Burned (MB) into a combo or charge. Decent wake up as well
Cross Up AA
Think like Kenshi's Cross Up AA Shoulder use, works well and is tight.

AA Combos
Coming soon.....

How Do you get the trait charged?
Anytime you land Shackles you have a choice. IMO if you start a combo mid screen or full screen away with Boulder MB to shackles or plain shackles by themselves then this is where you should charge. Full screen away you get at minimum 2 charge bars, med screen 1 bar charge and you can cancel out after the 2 bars charge and continue to hold back (blocking) constantly hitting the charge button which leaves you charging constantly in and out while being safe blocking. Feel free to throw out a zoning option or two to keep that threat and FEAR in your opponents head. Jump ins at max range you can read and B3 them. Most characters will freak out when they see you charging and make a mental mistake. Also you can use this to your advantage and charge as a bait with no real intention of charging then immediately cancel into another attack such as Boulder or projectile rock shot or maybe even a risky shackles while they are dashing.


Uses of the Trait:
B3 (Trait) release b3 (Makes b3 startup frames safe)
F3 (Trait) release b3 (Makes f3 startup frames safe) Thus giving you a far reaching overhead combo starter

Full screen/Mid Screen/Close frame trap
Trait Shot on hit - Shackles
Trait shot on hit leads to Shackles for further damage or if it was your last Trait Shot then use this time to recharge

Full screen/Mid Screen/Close frame trap
Boulder Trait Shot(can confirm for MB into Shackles)

Important Note:
You cannot combo after b213 as a startup combo string however with the Trait you can and this is a common them for a lot of Sinestro's strings. With the trait out you can now do B213 Trait shot shackles then choose to either do Rock shot, Boulder or re-charge trait if that was your last shot as they will be too far from you to land a jump in.

Trait Combos
d1 Trait shackles b3 ji3 b213

22 d2 trait 22 d2 trait f3 d1 shackles b3 ji3 b213 (If f3 d1 shackles is blocked use 3rd shot of trait to make shackles on block safe)

BNBS No Meter

Crossup ji3 Axe (air) 11 shackles b3 JI2 b213

JI3 11 shackles b3 ji3 b213

ji2 b13 b13 b1 shackles Boulder (Perfect place to charge trait as bait and cancel into mixup option)

f2 d1 shackles b3 ji3 b213

ji2 b13 ji2 d1 shackles b3 ji2 b213

ji2 b13 ji2 b23 shackles ji2 b213

Corner With 1 bar of Meter
Boulder MB b3 JI3 B213

Corner With Trait and 1 bar of Meter
JI3 - Axe (air) - 3 - Arachnid - Trait Shot - Shackles - Boulder MB d1/d3 (?)

Corner with Trait
JI3 - Axe (air) - 3 - Arachnid - Trait Shot - Shackles - b3 - ji2 b213

Corner Swag Combo With one Trait and Super (4 bars of meter) This is the only Super Combo Ill post cause it's Swagtastic but in general Super Combos are a joke with Sinestro and his meter needs to be used practically.

JI3 - Axe - 3 - Arachnid - Trait Shot - Shackles b3 ji3 Super

Match Up Chart and Description:
Coming Sooner than you think.........

Sinestro Warriors:
Pigestro ( @Pig Of The Hut )
MortySINfeld ( @MortySeinfeld )
Karestro ( @Karried )
Crmestro ( @CRUM )
Sin Gauge ( @PND i2 Gaug3 )
Cubanestro ( @SomeCubanGuy )
Prinz Sinister ( @Prinz )
Scarnestro ( @FCP/EMP SCAR )
EvilSinestro ( @EvilNonsense )
Cruzestro ( @Cruz )
SinPhere ( @Chaosphere )
Construct The Mayo ( @Under_The_Mayo )
Seanestro ( @Seapeople )
Killin Natzees ( @Killin Natzees )
ArtNestro? Sabin
Who Else?

Sinestro Toughest MUs: (Expected to be 3-7s based on frame data and more)
Aquaman (Questionable)

Most Fraudulent Yellow Ring Bearer Constructed:
FC Champ

Tournament Wins/Accomplishments
Coming Soon.......

Major Wins
Coming Soon.......

Most consistent Yellow Ring Bearer
Coming Soon.......

The Number of times a Green Lantern has Fallen to the Yellow Ring in tourney top 8 play
Coming Soon.......

Biggest Enemy and threat to the Yellow Core that we must Destroy and install fear into
Green Lantern
Death - no matter who he mains.
Frost Cowards
Raven Cowards
Aquaman Girlie Men

Please let me know if i missed anything or am wrong about something I need to change, Thanks guys!
Tim Static
Tom Brady
GGA 16 Bit
Perfect Legend
GGA Dizzy

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Sinestro Superlatives

Tournament Wins/Accomplishments

Major Wins

Most consistent Yellow Ring Bearer

Most fradulent Ring Bearer

The Number of times a Green Lantern has Fallen to the Yellow Ring in tourney play

Biggest Enemy and threat to the Yellow Core that we must Detroy and install fear into

More Coming!!!!


what if sinestro turns out to be like, jade... i doubt it though... hes got some good tools... but what if man...

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
I too when not with my zombie, shall devote my lab time to finding stuff to help destroy the emerald menace

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Administrator and Community Engineer
Rofl. Remember, this is a guy who continued to use Mileena in the face of all odds, including a couple times when choosing not to use Kenshi likely cost him a trip to Grand Finals or more..

I'm not worried :D

Pigestro 2013

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Rofl. Remember, this is a guy who continued to use Mileena in the face of all odds, including a couple times when choosing not to use Kenshi likely cost him a trip to Grand Finals or more..

I'm not worried :D

Pigestro 2013
Yea I beat all the LAOs w mileena when Death teared about em

He can come at me w shots when he has stronger ammo cause he just fired a huge blank

+2 points pig

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Wait, who all are you picking up in total then? If you don't mind me asking.
Sinestro #1

If General Zod makes it as DLC Ill go full costume, full character, full 24/7 Zod of the hut will be born

Ill take on his perona completely throughout Injustice's run

Just in case he makes it ive saved links on His cape i found on the internet

Ill also main any character that pisses Death off or any character he whines about

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
Wait, who all are you picking up in total then? If you don't mind me asking.
I'm going to try to divide my time equally between, Grundy, Bane, Shazam, Sinestro, Doomsday and any other large built or grapple char

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