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Your favourite drink?


TYM White Knight
Caesars are good too...

Regardless of what anyone tells you...NEVER MIX BEER WITH CLAMATO JUICE. It's as disgusting as it sounds.


EX Ovi should launch
well depends on what colour is it kinda.
mostly its a aniseed like taste, do they have "blackjack" bars over your side the world? they ttaste very like it.
dont drink it raw if ya do get a chance to drink it though, its not meant to be drunk raw.

oh and the things you hear about tripping out on it, that only happens if thujone (sometimes called wormwood i think) is in the drink, most of the time its not now a days.
i collect absinthe bottles aswell :D
Had like 4-5 shots of some 79% Absinthe in Prague and was passed out in the stairwell of our apartment according to pictures, and someone picked me up and put me to bed and i didnt even make a sound :p
Note i remember nothing.
My first time drinking was the outcome of my first breakup lol.
All i remember is vodka and waking up shirtless in front of the fridge at my friends house lol


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Had like 4-5 shots of some 79% Absinthe in Prague and was passed out in the stairwell of our apartment according to pictures, and someone picked me up and put me to bed and i didnt even make a sound :p
Note i remember nothing.
lol yea thats why i like absinthe, i dont like the feeling of being drunk off beer etc, absinthe more gets you "high" than drunk
i got given a bottle from prague as a present before.
it was this mad blue colour that ive never seen in order brands, very nice indeed


Coors light, heineken

Jack Daniels on ice, Jack and coke, bacardi and coke, jagermeister, southern comfort pepper, peppermint schnapps, hot damn!


Makers mark
Beam white label+coke
Platinum vodka+redbull
Coors light
Dogfish 90 minute IPA
Super goose IPA
IPA's in general
Dos equis
Mens room red
Pike kilt lifter
Anything Silver City Brewery makes.

Once had a chocolate stout with a few shots of rasberry liqour in it... Amazing

Edit: Rainer beer cause who doesnt love the cheap local stuff.

iTz the Badger

6th Best Bane in Idaho
its good to see so many fans of Founders, me being from Grand Rapids and all, but disappointed to see so few fans of Guinness! the stuff is liquid gold!


Levi Cancel Sorcery
That sounds like a recipe for a severe throwup session.
My #1 rule when it comes to drinking...If you start drinking beer, do not go to the hard stuff. Unless it's jello shots...because who can resist jello shots?
I can start drinking hard stuff and then go to beer, but not the other way around.
This ^^^ reminds me of a little saying a friend taught me about beer and liquor...

it goes if you drink liquor before beer, your in the clear.....drink beer before the liquor, never been sicker. I can say it has stuck with me for everytime I go out to drink. lol

Now as far as my fave drink goes...I love me some Long Islands. Most of my friends cant stand that drink but for me I can put down quite a few. Thats normally my go to drink..I dont care for anything else. Im not much of a beer drinking but I kinda like budlight...not the best beer but it will do the trick.