That's where it becomes tricky.I like DLC when it's well done. If it's JUST alternate skins, then it's not very well done. But NRS seems to actually care enough to put really hard work into their DLC.
If it's NOT JUST ONLY alternate skins, then they're maybe offering you the DLC to force you to buy it as it's the case for fighting games. What else could a fighting game offer you besides the characters?
In FPS games it would be like superior weapons or new additional missions, where you're like: "Aw damn, I actually can't miss that shit" and you're ... forced ... the buy it, since you want to have the best experience.
Cashcom is known for bad business practice like that. Look at them ... they created 12 additional characters for SFxT took them out of the game, without taking them from the disc and decided to sell them afterwards to earn more direct money.
Or how about Asura's Wrath, where you were able to buy the >>> REAL ENDING <<< one month after the release of the game? Is that DLC done right for you?
The only DLC done right in all of the games would be either DLC that has been created POST release of the game, when everything was done and they released more to keep you occupied, but unfortunately it's hard to judge stuff like that nowdays, since so many abuse that system.
The other good way to handle DLC would be - well, basically the stuff that NRS is doing right now ... few months pre release of the game the artists are pretty much done. The last few months go only into balancing the game, tweaking it, programming the last bits and the artists just sit around... that's the time for them to spend more time and come up with additional visual-content and offer that as DLC / pre-order exclusives, just the way NRS is doing it.
There are more than enough people out there who are WILLING to spend money to have unique looking characters, or have a look that they simply like and they're willing to spend money on that.
While others who don't bother about such stuff still get to experience the full game.