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Injustice: Gods Among Us Japanese Wii U Box Art Revealed?


It was recently reported that Japan would not be getting an Xbox release of Injustice and that only Playstation and Wii U would be available. Yesterday over at GoNintendo.com, what appears to be the official box art for Injustice in Japan was posted. We cannot confirm that it is official but it's a safe bet. Many are also commenting that they like the Japanese box art better. What do you think?


Credit: C-Sword
Source: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=197084


"The smart stuff"
What's glowing in Batman's hand? Kryptonite maybe? It almost look like Batman stole Green Lantern's ring because GL is looking at his hand.


Man of Tomorrow
Again, they just took promotional art/backrounds and shopped them into one image. GL looks off because he wasn't in the original art.


At least this game will have official Japanese release, which MK9 didn't have. That means, that we could expect some support from Japanese fighting community for this game as well. Just imagine Daigo Umehara, Fuudo, Tokido and others playing Injustice: GAU at Evo or probably even at Godsgarden and everywhere else. That would be really awesome and helpful for the game, cause now even Japanese gamers will be able to find and show things, than must be fixed by patches and NRS could take notes from them as well, not only western community anymore. I think this is great for the game as a tournament discipline. Will be awesome to see Injustice became absolutely worldwide popular.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
At least this game will have official Japanese release, which MK9 didn't have. That means, that we could expect some support from Japanese fighting community for this game as well. Just imagine Daigo Umehara, Fuudo, Tokido and others playing Injustice: GAU at Evo or probably even at Godsgarden and everywhere else. That would be really awesome and helpful for the game, cause now even Japanese gamers will be able to find and show things, than must be fixed by patches and NRS could take notes from them as well, not only western community anymore. I think this is great for the game as a tournament discipline. Will be awesome to see Injustice became absolutely worldwide popular.
Unless it gets an arcade release I dont see the top SF players picking it up, but we'll see.


Man of Tomorrow
Looks legit to me, GL doesn't look off he just isn't facing forward. Bat looks great tho

He looks more like an enhanced in-game model, the way the light hits him is a bit weird, the other four clearly came from some similar poster or something but GL looks shopped in.

Maybe it's the way his suit operates and the brightness of it but he looks really off.


Man of Tomorrow
It's not just that, even his skin tone looks off. Look at Clark, then Bruce, then Quinn, then GL. It looks in-gameish.


Just thinking about Japanese release I realisied, that we should have know about it beforehand. The reason is simple - this game was at Tokyo Game Show last year. There wouldn't be any point of bringing the game to Japan and then not releasing it there. But I still can't understand, why Injustice: GAU is evading Xbox360 in Japan, since most of Japanese top players are playing on Xbox360 online at home and on streams.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
Besides the light on the side of his face I don't see the difference
But even if its fan-made or whatever it looks better than our boxart.


I wonder, why they releasing it in Japan only at June 9th? Is it because they are going to dub Story Mode on Japanese language? Or could that mean, that they will get some more updated version of the game? Who knows, who knows...


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol not that Japan is known for playing American games anyway which explain the Xbox issue(I mean as someone else stated they didn't even get MK launch) but curious, do they have a DC fanbase? I mean I heard supposedly they love Supergirl(I don't know how true this is) and certain DC archs. Comics are obviously big all over the world mostly here, Canada, South America and Europe but not familiar with asia since they're into anime, manga etc

But I do think this is cool. Box art is lovely and I'll be getting this for Wii U in the future no doubt once it goes down in price(wii u I mean) my friend has it I like it, very curious to see how it plays for it with that pad.

I hope and wonder if it'll be online for Wii U.


The Netherrealm beckons
Only 1 guy on my friend's list is excited for Injustice. For those who didn't already know, I live in Japan and have multiple Japanese MK players on my friend's list. It is possible but I wouldn't hold my breath for a Japanese scene.


The Japanese may not support the game entirely, but with Justin Wong and KayaneFR already voicing their interest, you know that at least some top players will want in on it. Besides, there's always the attitude of "Well, it's another shitty, easy to play NRS game so lets play it and take their money while we bash the game".

I do feel that even if the top players in Japan don't hop on board right away, once they see some high-level play they'll come around.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@ Justice

Hmm, while I agree with some of that Not so sure about the whole "NRS games are crappy but i'll play it theory" I mean Japanese are human like you and me. It's not like they're this superior alien race or something like some people make them out to be in the world of gaming, one of my theories is they don't play Mk or a lot of worldwide popular American games because they're just not as good in it as say SF or Warcraft etc. I mean SF 4 and MK9 are both deep games yet aimed at the casual crowd which both NRS and Capcom admitted...

That all being said, this game may attract more Japanese players regardless of fame or not but I'll be very surprised if the best Injustice player is Japanese. Time will tell I suppose.