but there are defiantly some issues with the site and honestly i feel most ppl are too stuck up and nothing is really gonna change much. my most recent complaints that i havent said to anyone i guess ill say it here since i think it fits the thread topic but i use to post animated gifs in threads and i got warned not to do it.. but now i see atop player doing it and no one is saying shit. so to me it looks like the mods dont want to piss off the top players in fear of them leaving the site cause the top players do help in bring people.. but to let them break the rules and no one else.. its messed up. look how much shit reo did before they banned him. other people have done the same thing and has been shut up for it cause they are just a regular user..
Trust me, that is not the case anymore and admittedly, the PL thread should've been closed a while ago and it didn't make much sense as to why it stayed open past half of a page to begin with, even though we all saw that. And don't get me started on REO... >_>
But bottom line, I actually do appreciate this post, and I'm pretty sure everyone else does too.
In response to the drama always going to be there:
The only thing I want people to understand is to actually look at how the site looks in our views and what we try to do to help it survive. It's really, really easy to say mods are too strict when you don't see how negatively some of this stuff does impact the site, especially considering that a lot of it can be pretty much just personal beef. Think about it for a second...when you have people that may come to the site for the first time and the first recent topic they see is drama, or throughout a helpful thread there are personal vendettas being aired out, how do you think this impacts the site? It certainly doesn't help anyone for that matter.
As much as you can say "Just ignore it.", unfortunately people continuously reply to the topics (I'm guilty of this along with a bunch of others), and it's constantly at the top. It's negative, 110%, and turns off a lot of people, believe it or not. People start to view the site as a dramatic place.
For those of you dissatisfied, definitely try to run a forum for one common interest if you ever get the chance. I'm not trying to belittle anyone, but really, TYM didn't get where it was because we liked to be like WWE.