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Gamestop stores will not exist as a physical location by 2017-2018


Electrical Engineering bitch!
It's the natural order of the technological progression. We have fast become the consumer of convenience. I don't miss the days of buying something and losing it. I do, however, miss the arcade days. What's happening to the gamestops is what happened to the arcades. Perhaps it will be a novelty at some point? Either way, careers aren't made at GameStop, so it's not high skill jobs we are losing in the end.


Brain Dead Bro
Yeah at least I won't have to go in and get 15 cents for a game that's valued at 60 dollars.
Find me a game that gets .15 cents and sells for $60 and I'll give you the 59.85 difference.

Prices and trade in values are based off supply and demand, I don't get how most people don't understand that.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
still, that going all digital BS is well....BS, and arcades ARE still around, just not as many as their used to be. Take GGA for example.

i dunno, i just a really bad feeling when i think about all this stuff going exclusively digital, used games would be a thing of the past. Unless they make it so u can access your account from every other system....but still i don't like it :(


Find me a game that gets .15 cents and sells for $60 and I'll give you the 59.85 difference.

Prices and trade in values are based off supply and demand, I don't get how most people don't understand that.
It was an exaggeration that you clearly didn't get. But if I buy a game and go to trade in two weeks later and they give me 25 dollars, that's criminal.


The Bat in the Hat
still, that going all digital BS is well....BS, and arcades ARE still around, just not as many as their used to be. Take GGA for example.

i dunno, i just a really bad feeling when i think about all this stuff going exclusively digital, used games would be a thing of the past. Unless they make it so u can access your account from every other system....but still i don't like it :(
It sucks don't get me wrong but its an eventuality. Nobody Buys CDs anymore, things like Netflix all but killed blockbuster, there's nothing people love more than convenience and when the internet eventually gets better downloading will become the convenient way of doing things.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
It sucks don't get me wrong but its an eventuality. Nobody Buys CDs anymore, things like Netflix all but killed blockbuster, there's nothing people love more than convenience and when the internet eventually gets better downloading will become the convenient way of doing things.
i still buy CD's :(. maybe keep them around but in lesser quantity? kinda like how u can still mail people letters even tho theres email. Its not as common anymore but it still happens, and still will probably always be an option. I feel they're should always be an alternative.


The main thing I'm not liking about digital purchases is what happens if the place goes out of business. Do you now lose access to all your content? Companies go under, it's not like it can't happen.

I've actually been playing Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Hexen, Heretic & Quake, all installed via DosBox.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
May have been brought up, but how will renting games work? Will there not be renting anymore? Also, will you be able to sale or trade your games?


Alright, I don't see any trick part about it, you asked a simple question that already has a precaution built into it during this generation of digital services from various providers, including gaming.
I guess you didn't notice that the post was a giant troll -_-


Mid Tier
Surprisingly I'm not against "digital only" game releases. It just makes sense nowadays. And I'm someone who does actively sell/trade games because I usually only play 1 game at a time. BUT there needs to be a trade off in price. A lot of people will see it as getting less if they still charge 60-65 bucks. And hopefully they have measures against piracy, and losing ur data.
if i have to be connected to the internet 24/7 to play my games i will be pissed, what happens when there is a service outage, or internet is down, just can't play games that you paid for?? digital only is fuckin dumb, there should at least be an option for them to send you a hard copy if you buy it digitally, still cheep for them, because discs cost next to nothing to press,

fuck the future, i'm going back in time,


im sure there are a million reasons why it may it may not happen, and i didnt read the thread, but its a very short timeframe, probably a bit overzealous. i think its unlikely because of the timeframe and also because 100% of gamers wont be ready for such a transition


The Netherrealm beckons
I don't see any good coming from this at all. Publishers will get the benefit of not having to spend money producing physical items anymore, but I can guarantee you games will still be $60 a pop or more. Also, it just means you have less of a say of what you can do with a product you bought. Want to bring your game over to a friend's house? Not with download-only. They might even begin some "limited number of installs" bullshit that has already started happening. Also, some people have ISPs that cap their download limit, of which some I'm sure have less than desirable speeds. What about them? Tough titties, right?

I worry about people who support download-only nonsense. It's like they want less consumer rights or something. As long as physical copies always exist, then you'll never hear me complain.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
The idea isn't dumb..... at all. It actually is a huge win for Developers

No disks..... so all the money they have for those (no matter how cheap a disk is... thats still a huge chunk)
no shipping
no middle man to sell it

Problem is the middle man to get it to you (IPs).

Then... services like Xbox can simply do what they've always done..... tag your gamertag to anything you buy. Even if you burn your xbox on purpose.... you still own that game, and could play it on anyone's xbox with access to your tag.

Seems pretty fucking convenient to me.... hell... they could probably even let you DELETE games off the HD... and re-download them..... solving the entire issue of "I don't have enough HD space"

The ONLY downside is the internet. That has to be "fixed" for the entire thing to work.

So in that aspect.... yeah... it is a terrible idea.
Exactly. Everything is a great idea, until you get to the internet aspect. In which case, this idea just falls flat on its face until that issue is solved. And I don't mean getting shit like 20mbps cable out to more homes. Obviously, I'm talking, at the minimum, like 200mbps fiber optics in rural areas even.

And that shit needs to be the same 20 goddamn dollars my household pays for goddamn DSL. Goddamn.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
At one time, i owned over 1500 cds at once. Over the years, i was force to get rid of most of those, still have at least 400-500 cds/albums. But fuck portable CD players! lol I love CDs too, i love to go shopping for music (used especially, never know what you'll find!) but I hate the fact CD's are such a flimsy way to listen to music. Disc skips, its probably getting scratched, etc. Laser burn? fuhgettiboutit! ugh! lol

I have a 160g iPod classic and Im constantly finding stuff to put on, take off, etc etc. I'm glad to have that much music in one place without having to destroy my personal stash :coffee:
Man its the most time /day consuming thing spending all day ripping your cds to itunes
most Boring day ever

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I can't fucking STAND this idea...its so fuggin stupid!. So if i buy a new game and download it, i gotta lug my console over to friends houses just so i could play it with them? Not only that, but i like owning physical copies of the game...it actually makes you feel like you OWN the damn game. Ugh, but they won't think about stuff like that will they? Nooooooo, cuz its all about the money money money!!! -.-
Well good point man but the way it works is the game will always be ready for you on your login account. The question will be can you go to a friends house, log in and play your library of games. If so then this is far better than anything we've had cause you no longer have to take discs everywhere

For me when i tour w bands on music i take my ps3 and xbox , Ive replaced mk 3x due to scratching the discs and injuring the laser. The solves my problem 100%

Dear god this. We bought our house in November and were shocked to find out the only "high speed" service in our area was and get this: 1.5mb down, and .5 mb up.

Re-read that.
Thats awful :(

This idea is just dumb, and the companies do not realize how unprepared a lot of the world is for something like this.

I guarantee it, Nintendo will have the best-selling console a second generation in a row.
WII-U is getting their backs blown out man

3rd party developers are NOT happy investing all that money into a very under whelming product on the store shelves

same goes for vita though but not near as bad in the overhead costs

I'm kind of curious what pressures are put on gamestop employees. I don't think my local guy is doing it right....maybe that's why I'm cool w/ giving him my business. The guy at my local store just ask if there is anything we want to pre-order today whenever I buy something, usually the answer is no and that really the end of it. We otherwise make casual conversation about random stuff while at the register.
See han's post

I hate going in there and being pressured into a fing power up card everytime, I on so many occasions have had to repeat myself

GS Employee "But sir youcould buy this used game and this ..."
GS EMployee "Are there any games coming out next week you'd want....."

I don't like where this is going, kinda removes the nostalgia. also what if your ps4 breaks? will all your games be lost? or are the games connected to your psn account? what if psn gets hacked?
Here in Canadia Land the average is 80g - 150g limit for home internet. If you want a no-cap ultra high speed (250 D/L 150 U/L iirc) it costs like $100+ and it isn't even available in most areas -_- Internet in Canada needs to step it up pls ;_;
Nostalgia will be mixed, plus i never knew you lived in canada

agreed 100% Pig Of The Hut. I used to work for them for many years and I'm really glad I don't anymore (for many reasons). As internet connections in the US get up to speed (pun intended) with the rest of the world, everything will be digitally distributed.

As a former gamestop employee, the pressure is tremendous to secure pre-order sales and subscriptions/discount cards, and it drives customers away. Those in gamestop's corporate offices did nothing except ask us to push harder...I wonder why? They just want the $$$, they figured the customer would always be there. They were wrong.

Unfortunately, those of us who enjoy the social aspect of gaming are becoming more and more scarce...people would rather shit-talk online behind a keyboard rather than meet like minded gamers and treat them respectfully.
too true

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
True, but re-downloading games isn't something that you want to be doing a lot. It takes some time to download, like at least 30 minutes.
external HDs will be huge during this time period

Some people don't give in to the pressure and won't push sales on customers unless a manager is there or something. One time I was there when the manager was there I bought my PS3 and Marvel 3 and the clerk asked me 5 times during the transaction would I like to preorder Mortal Kombat and he'd run down what I would get for it. Then, when he went to the back real quick he had another clerk assist the person behind me and the entire time they were talking about the preorder bonuses of Mortal Kombat to each other as some type of sly tactic. Needless to say I did not buy MK from them.

Other times I'd go it'd literally be "will that be all" and that's about it. Hell, one time I picked up KoFXIII at like 8 at night a week after release and me and the clerk were talking about fighters during the transaction and he gave me the preorder bonus soundtrack despite me not preordering the game.

Believe it or not but i either start beign creepy on purpose or start talking about random shit like light poles and red lights and the woman or man working gets the picture

same thing w tele marketers except i usually ask them uncomfortable questions like would you make love w me if i got aids

i hope it's just gamestop. some people just don't have credit cards

This is ALL stores, its an industry change not company change

Downloading games has it's Pros and Cons.

Biggest Con, There is no refund. No more testing the game out to see if you like it or not. Normally, it if sucks I take the game back. Now:

*Buy/download a $60+ game
*Turns out to be trash.
*Reenact one of the GameFly commercial.
I expect since developers will be making more money selling their games without a middle man more resources would be available for demos .

Reading this thread makes me really paranoid about everything.

:( sorry

Gamestop kinda sucks anyways. I go there like twice a year maybe max.

Which stores do you like more

The topic of games being solely purchased through digital distribution has been going on for several years. It's true, in the future, retailers like Gamestop will become obsolete, much like Blockbuster. And frankly, many developers not only cannot wait till that happens, as revenue from resales (used games) only goes to the retailers, but they strongly support services like Steam.

Now, will stores like Gamestop die and digital distribution become the standard in 2017-2018, specifically? I doubt it. I'd estimate around the early to mid 2020s.
The end is near man, google just a little about it and you'll see huge red flags everywhere. When ps4 and durango systems are released then gamestop will really start feeling the heat
They would have to come up w some hella incentives for system trade ins and used system credits but that can only go so far.
Possibly take a page out of best buy's busiesss plan and start their own "geek squad" refurbishing scratched discs and fixing all systems and i mean ALL

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
True. There's just something genuine and nostalgic about holding a CD then popping it in and listening to it, same with DVD's, VHS's, reading a comic book etc. Everything is electronic, digital now. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing but if you're going to buy something, I'd prefer to see it, touch it, examine it first. Online you can't really do that and thus is a gamble with certain things you know?

As for the GS closing down by 2017, if it happens...there's always a Best Buy right across the street from my local GS anyway lol so I'll just go there. I highly doubt BB will shut down given the crazy amount of business they make daily not to mention various other things they sell besides just games that sell big, especially around the holidays. The one where I live literally put Circuit City out of business and it was few miles away.

but Best Buy does very well in a few areas because they're the only cog near the crowd. You have to consider the company on a World Wide success rate, I live in a very popular atlanta area and it's been a hot minute since ive seen best buy packed like back in the early 2000s. Times are changing and the company will need to overhaul some of their business mechanics to survive in the times.

There is going to be very little reason to go to best buy to purchase anything VG related

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I don't see any good coming from this at all. Publishers will get the benefit of not having to spend money producing physical items anymore, but I can guarantee you games will still be $60 a pop or more. Also, it just means you have less of a say of what you can do with a product you bought. Want to bring your game over to a friend's house? Not with download-only. They might even begin some "limited number of installs" bullshit that has already started happening. Also, some people have ISPs that cap their download limit, of which some I'm sure have less than desirable speeds. What about them? Tough titties, right?

I worry about people who support download-only nonsense. It's like they want less consumer rights or something. As long as physical copies always exist, then you'll never hear me complain.
its more about acknowledging the change is definitely coming and prepping everyone for it

Theres no turning back imo just like w CDs

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
if i have to be connected to the internet 24/7 to play my games i will be pissed, what happens when there is a service outage, or internet is down, just can't play games that you paid for?? digital only is fuckin dumb, there should at least be an option for them to send you a hard copy if you buy it digitally, still cheep for them, because discs cost next to nothing to press,

fuck the future, i'm going back in time,
naw just to download them not play them but thatd be an option too

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
im sure there are a million reasons why it may it may not happen, and i didnt read the thread, but its a very short timeframe, probably a bit overzealous. i think its unlikely because of the timeframe and also because 100% of gamers wont be ready for such a transition
google it and see for yourself

their hurting very badly as a company and w these new systems going in their newfound dedicated direction the coffin is sealed my friend