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Question The Lets Be Real Thread.


A prop on the stage of life.
Where in the hell did anyone say that the pros were the only "leaders" in the community? Don't put words in people's mouths please.

whats the point of this thread really? its a bunch of scrubs who think theyr psychiatrits giving advice on how pros should act when they have never been a pro and dont know how its like... and why are all the pros being lumped together? they are all very diff people... for example some of them are very arrogant and not helpful like reo which diserve the flack they get.... but others are extremely helpful and supportive of the commnity like check so you cant lump them all together...
MY belief is that if you're coming to this site you're not a scrub. Again, I never even brought up how pros should act in my previous post.


Forecast calls for missiles
That's deep.
Top MK players have a deep relationship with the game.. trying to describe it requires deeper explanations.. And you sir are deep into MK. You'd have to be, in order to hold up all of NEC because you insisted there were guys out to snipe you in pools (guys you can body), and you were driven to protest by the sudden fear of losing.


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
STB TakeAChance

Like most of your posts in CrimsonShadow's thread, I don't understand the point of this.

People have said why they feel as they do in other threads (including Pig and 16 bit), so instead of saying "Ok, I see that. I don't agree with it, but now I know" you insult people who have actually voiced their opinion and began making claims that they are banding together to present some united anti-TYM front, that they are upset they aren't getting celebrity status or that they are putting themselves first.

All of these things you claim is absurd. If you actually were concerned with a resolution you wouldn't make a thread insulting everyone who disagrees with you. If you wanted the truth you'd read what these people already wrote.

This isn't some conspiracy or something. Main contributing top players who would frequently post aren't. MIT and DJT rarely say anything anymore. Maxter barely posts. M2dave rarely posts.

I apologize to CrimsonShadow because I have found a good use for MKi Rankings now. Look at it and see how many of those high-ranked people post regularly that used to. It's very few people, all top players, many unaffiliated with each other. It's not some conspiracy. I've talked with many of them personally, and it's not that they aren't getting attention or are "going with the crowd".

Some of these top players say they go unheard, that people don't listen to what they have to say. That people just ignore them and listen to other people when they are experts in this field. Well, its exactly whats happening right now. Some top players have come forward and voiced their opinions, giving their reasons on why they feel as they do and have become less active. Yet, people in this thread are saying "no, you are wrong, I think you are upset because you aren't getting attention".

This thread is literally an example of what they are feeling is happening to them.

P.S. The term Pro is dumb. Anyone who has bills in this community is paying them with their job, not their video game career.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Top MK players have a deep relationship with the game.. trying to describe it requires deeper explanations.. And you sir are deep into MK. You'd have to be, in order to hold up all of NEC because you insisted there were guys out to snipe you in pools (guys you can body), and you were driven to protest by the sudden fear of losing.

Obviously I am deep into MK. I just found your arm chair psychology to be funny.

Ironically lately I've been not as in deep or caring and I'm blown up for THAT too.


@stb goldfish for president of TYM/cosplay warriors everywhere.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I consider myself an ambassador for offline tourneys and female gamers. I may not be a top player, but I have stayed with and supported this community in every way I can and been through things that no one could ever blame me for saying fuck it all and walking away for.

There's so much I want to say. But I'll leave it at this. A piece of a conversation I was having with another player in reference to being turned off to competing at WB over the treatment of a female gamer;

"I'm still playing though. And they're going to see what class and sportsmanship is from a girl."

This community's greatest strength is also it's biggest source of drama; it is stubborn, tenacious and passionate.


What's a Smarrgasm?
How about we just leave them alone? Obviously they have reasons for not wanting to be here (could be different for each person) and antagonizing or poking at them isnt going to help. Begging them or pleading isnt the way to make them want to be back either. Give it time and things may heal. In all honesty theres not much reason to come to the site as much as usual cause of the slowing down (MK wise). I believe as we get much closer to injustice it will liven things up again and possibly even bring people back here where they will find a revival of discussion that is ushered in with the new game.

Just leave everyone alone and let them decide what they want to do. Injustice is coming and that can help to revitalize everything as MK has been going strong for almost 2 years and most of us have never experienced a game with this much life so we are not sure how to handle it this far in. Discussion has turned to drama for entertainment and just overall nonsense which is deteriorating a lot of what built us as a community. Instead of insisting for everyone to painstakingly stick it out here just let them get there breather and then come back when they chose to.

If it is other outside/personal reasons for not coming to TYM or interacting then theres nothing we can really do to change this. And simply whining or demanding unreasonable change isnt going to help. So can we please just attempt to be peaceful for now and let things move on as they should?


I'm a literal Sloth
Why does everyone think that all top players are in a cult to conspire against them? You clearly dont know these people at all if you think that, i consider myself good friends with A LOT of the people being "called out", and news flash, they dont post because of drama. What a surprise right? I may not be a top player, but my posts have been declining recently as well because of all of this crap, and topics like this really dont help at all. Theres a bunch of people that feel the same way as I do for sure but dont say anything about it ever.


TYM White Knight
I understand why some of you may feel that way, I just don't ever want to see any other pro try to blame their shit on the community, because quite frankly, it's not their fault.

I made a topic that had my own opinion and message within it. If you take it to heart and it rallys you enough to come in and defend...someone? (It wasn't designated at ANYONE individually) Then I feel at least my message has inspired you in some way.

Thanks for reading it, internalizing it and coming to your own conclusions about it. I greatly appreciate that. I hope that all further dialogue on this site can be presented in such a manner.


Forecast calls for missiles
Obviously I am deep into MK. I just found your arm chair psychology to be funny.

Ironically lately I've been not as in deep or caring and I'm blown up for THAT too.
We want to have the top players around. You are probably one of the best personalities in the community besides being a top player, which is exactly why I have the blow up type attitude. You guys should be here and you ain't and I'm just trying to wave a hand. If it's just cause you are genuinely less interested in the game and the site, that's fine! and good and normal. But as I understand it there were some guys who made it personal, and that's no good. Top players should avoid divorcing the community that defines them, and in some ways the site embodies the community

I know my arm chair psych is a bit much... it's just hard not to sometimes.. I know myself well, what is normal and not, what is good and bad, so I can conclude that I am rational. And I've met so many people and learned of their experiences. After a while you just start drawing parallels between what you observe and what you have learned.. and boom arm chair psych is born.

This thread should die, I apologize for my provocation gentlemen


I have seen cases where a newcomer or online player ask for help and Guidance.. Then a top player will give them the information they need to get them on their feet. Then another player from the offiline scene or in some cases another top player would try to shut his opinions down.

Top player vs Top player arguments has happened also.. Maybe its the top players driving themselves out. Ego's can lead to miscommunication and people not wanting to understand eachother and coming to an agreement.. So they leave it altogether.


The Free Meter Police
Dude! Beautiful first sentence, but do not adopt that final attitude! It ain't like that. Certainly you aren't implying that this tarnishes good memories in any way.

By the way I hope your name is a Meshuggah reference!
I will always feel the way I feel about this game and the times I've had and I'll do my best to spread the positive vibes to everyone else. I hope everyone else does the same thing.

And yes. Meshuggah. My life is Meshuggah. =P

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Meh... games getting old and its not aging well, simple as that. Couple that with other fighters being successful and to an extent more appealing. Online doesn't help either...

Get your in deph explanations out of my screen, this aint calculus broseph...


Forecast calls for missiles
I will always feel the way I feel about this game and the times I've had and I'll do my best to spread the positive vibes to everyone else. I hope everyone else does the same thing.

And yes. Meshuggah. My life is Meshuggah. =P
They changed the game dude! among my favorites for sure. I remember popping in Chaosphere and being blown away by the first track, and then seriously thinking by CD player was skipping when "New Millenium Cyanide Christ" came on :D I'm a drummer and a huge Tomas fan of course.


Shocking Your System
Realize the position that you are in. Injustice is coming, there will be an influx of new players and a revived scene. Use your current positions to lead the community at the release of injustice so that perhaps we can grow even bigger by the time MK 10 rolls around.
He's right on this one guys. Injustice is really looking like a "Grade A" product and we have a chance to take our community to the next level. Imagine if the capcom and the comic book scene hop on Injustice and then we get picked up by MLG again ? We need to be organized from the start of injustice so that we can have momentum going into MK10.