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Question The Lets Be Real Thread.


TYM White Knight
Alright, obviously there is a huge rift right now.

But lets be real.

Most of the complaints I have seen so far have been pros feeling slighted, and sick of having to defend their views.

There is a clear rift between the support staff of this site and the pro players as well.

Obviously, more so than anything, the pros are talking amongst themselves and are utilizing a unified effort to send a message. I am not sure what that message is, but please for the love of god do not start Tom Brady'ing everything.

Before creating a post to bitch at someone for not thinking they are awesome and turning a blind eye to everything negative that you do, please just take a deep breathe, realize that you are doing what YOU want to do. You are meeting great people, enjoying drinks with your friends, around people who understand your dedicatino to a bunch of moving polygons. You are living the dream.

Stop acting all fucking depressed because you don't feel like you are a high enough celebrity, or that people or slighting you, or that you have to explain your actions.

Realize the position that you are in. Injustice is coming, there will be an influx of new players and a revived scene. Use your current positions to lead the community at the release of injustice so that perhaps we can grow even bigger by the time MK 10 rolls around.

Stop putting yourselves first. At one point it was all about the love of MK and the revival of one of the greatest fighting franchises of all time. Now it's about Epeen and stroking egos.

The reason you are here is because you love MK, and because you love the attention you get for being good at it. Without Mk, you would have no attention.

In closing, Stop Tom Bradying it up. Realize how good you have it, and how much fun you are having. Realize that we are all collectively doing the same things and stop taking heed to trolls, and at the same time...stop fucking trolling.


Administrator and Community Engineer
There is no secret coalition of 'pros'.. It's a bunch of separate people, acting of their own accord. Some of them have cited similar issues; but everybody has their own reasons for what they do.

Blowing them up, lumping everyone together, and trying to make it a conspiracy isn't going to help.


A prop on the stage of life.
You shouldn't need to be told you're a community leader...its just something that you do, because you love the game, and SHOULD love the people that share your passion. But apparently running into someone that disagrees with your views is enough to make you pack up and leave. Are we off course? Most certainly. Can we fix it? Well....my answer is yes.

> I enjoy having dialogue with the top level players. It makes meeting you guys that much better. I guess what I'm saying is that I really do miss you guys being here. GGA 16 Bit Pig Of The Hut REO


I don't see a point in this thread

Just because they are top players doesn't mean they should be the community leaders. Being obsessed with the top players makes you blind to what is actually there, a game with awesome community around it. Top players shouldn't be the ones push out information because people are too lazy to do that themselves. If no one else is throwing out tech, info, match up discussions then I can understand why they get offended when people disagree. A lot of the times its trolls but wouldn't you get pissed off if you were doing most of the work only to get trolled?

If I was waiting on REO to spoon feed me kabal tech, info, etc, then I wouldn't be anywhere near the level I'm at today. People need to stop being lazy and waiting to be spoon fed. Don't get me wrong, REO is one of the reasons I leveled up. He was the only kabal I could learn from. I honestly feel like the reason the other kabals have done well in the past is because no one knew how to fight him for a long time. No shots meant to be fired, just telling it how it is. How many 100% Kabal mains are left? They either dropped him or ended up picking alts. Kevo is a good example. He is only using kabal for his one sided matches now.

Also want to put this out there. If you can't see the difference between a playful joke and trolling then don't even bother posting.


Forecast calls for missiles
In order to get butthurt, you require an ego. All the overly dramatic top players who have left the site have egos. The problem is that their egos were developed within a video game. This type of ego is a vulnerable one, one that cannot be reinforced through time. I love Mortal Kombat, and it is not dead, but time has passed. Many large tournaments have been held. There is less chatter, less new info, less anticipation of future tournaments... all a result of the inevitable passage of time.

The top players started leaving because, consciously or not, they realize the "power" they had within the community is waning, and thus so is their confidence. No one who is truly confident in themselves and their convictions would ever back down or leave because of what *anybody* says. And although we will never forget their accomplishments, a new game is coming, and each of those players will have to start from scratch if they wish to receive similar praise.

16 bit's attitude of "I didn't really leave, I just don't care enough, this is dumb" is pretty transparent; the stagnant state of MK is not enough to keep these guys feeling happy and fulfilled. So they leave with great fanfare in order to fight the emptiness that is creeping in.

In general I call them all babies, but I acknowledge that success can be corrupting (even FGC success), so I let some of the silly behavior slide..

DJ L Toro

OK, here's my real talk. first some responses:
Lulzlou 99% of people here or on the internet in general dont actually know what trolling is. people either need to learn the art of satire or shut the hell up in my opinion on this issue.
i agree with the "top player ≠ community leader" bit
STB TakeAChance If your post isnt directed then why are you using ton brady's name. dont do that. otherwise i somewhat agree with the purpose of your post which is that instead of creating the destruction of our own scene we ought to be fostering its growth. Therefore i'm going to have an idea that i post pretty soon when i flesh it out more.

My real talk that needs to be said:
Mods, do your fucking job and this bullshit wont happen. The common complaint is that you close stuff before anything is resolved, but the opposite is true. you let issues that are not going to be resolved here escalate until people get pissed off and leave. There are topics that are very clearly going to be disruptive and they should be closed IMMEDIATELY and not be given a chance to escalate. If people insist on it, time them out for a day.
This is not 4chan or ICQ or whatever fucking random topic forum. This is a focused Mortal Kombat and Injustice forum (with other fighting game discussions). "Trolling" how it is on here should not be permitted. Here it is used to intentionally derail a discussion, generally about legitimate tech or strategies. When it's used in more lighthearted discussions it's always used at the expense of another.
There's a difference between talking smack and animosity or defamation. The latter two happen on this site all too often and it's unacceptable.


The Free Meter Police
All I know is, I love everyone and everything about this game/forum and all of this makes me really sad. All of the fun I've had meeting everyone, playing everyone, and going to tournaments is now apparently just a bunch of bs. Thanks guys.


Forecast calls for missiles
All I know is, I love everyone and everything about this game/forum and all of this makes me really sad. All of the fun I've had meeting everyone, playing everyone, and going to tournaments is now apparently just a bunch of bs. Thanks guys.
Dude! Beautiful first sentence, but do not adopt that final attitude! It ain't like that. Certainly you aren't implying that this tarnishes good memories in any way.

By the way I hope your name is a Meshuggah reference!

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
In order to get butthurt, you require an ego. All the overly dramatic top players who have left the site have egos. The problem is that their egos were developed within a video game. This type of ego is a vulnerable one, one that cannot to be reinforced through time. I love Mortal Kombat, and it is not dead, but time has passed. Many large tournaments have been held. There is less chatter, less new info, less anticipation of future tournaments... all a result of the inevitable passage of time.

The top players started leaving because, consciously or not, they realize the "power" they had within the community is waning, and thus so is their confidence. No one who is truly confident in themselves and their convictions would ever back down or leave because of what *anybody* says. And although we will never forget their accomplishments, a new game is coming, and each of those players will have to start from scratch if they wish to receive similar praise.

16 bit's attitude of "I didn't really leave, I just don't care enough, this is dumb" is pretty transparent; the stagnant state of MK is not enough to keep these guys feeling happy and fulfilled. So they leave with great fanfare in order to fight the emptiness that is creeping in.

In general I call them all babies, but I acknowledge that success can be corrupting (even FGC success), so I let some of the silly behavior slide..

That's deep.


whats the point of this thread really? its a bunch of scrubs who think theyr psychiatrits giving advice on how pros should act when they have never been a pro and dont know how its like... and why are all the pros being lumped together? they are all very diff people... for example some of them are very arrogant and not helpful like reo which diserve the flack they get.... but others are extremely helpful and supportive of the commnity like check so you cant lump them all together...

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I honestly believe that this entire topic should be dropped until the release of Injustice. After about a week after its release, MAYYYYBE it can be re-visited then if everyone feels like the current state of affairs requires it at that time.

In the meantime, I highly recommend that everyone just coast and soak in the Injustice news. And continue to talk about MK, if you're an individual that is still playing it.

Or post funny shit. Which I intend on doing a lot, these next two months.


Forecast calls for missiles
whats the point of this thread really? its a bunch of scrubs who think theyr psychiatrits giving advice on how pros should act when they have never been a pro and dont know how its like... and why are all the pros being lumped together? they are all very diff people... for example some of them are very arrogant and not helpful like reo which diserve the flack they get.... but others are extremely helpful and supportive of the commnity like check so you cant lump them all together...
I 100% agree that "lumping" is no good. But depending on what points we are trying to make, in the specific case of top MK players it might be possible to generalize... for example, I think that a guy who leaves the site and *announces* in any way that he is leaving... clearly had something very personal at stake. Self-serving type of move. He either was arrogant, hypersentive, had an ego, has a vendetta, or can't settle his shit like a man. Lousy qualities to have in a top player (or in any community member)


Dead Kings Rise
whats the point of this thread really? its a bunch of scrubs who think theyr psychiatrits giving advice on how pros should act when they have never been a pro and dont know how its like... and why are all the pros being lumped together? they are all very diff people... for example some of them are very arrogant and not helpful like reo which diserve the flack they get.... but others are extremely helpful and supportive of the commnity like check so you cant lump them all together...