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Things you must have in a character


I like characters that give me choices on how to play at any given point.

1. Good Zoning
2. Good Rushdown
3. Good Anti-air
4. Good Footsies
5. Good Mixups

Take look at the characters I main in the games I play and almost all of them have 3 or more of these traits.

SF2 Series: Ken
SFIII 3rd Strike: Ken and Makoto
UMK3: H.Smoke and Sonya
Killer Instinct: Glacius

Even in the games I don't play regularly, the characters I choose fit most of these traits.

AE: Cammy and Makoto
MK9: Shang and Reptile
Has to look cool and be male. I hate girl characters in FG unless she is named Chun-Li(but like playing as them in MMO for some reason).
good normals and specials all other moves need to be useful as well, but especially the normals. I dont want a character to have usless moves like subzero with the ice puddle and ex ice ball not being that usefull and his normals are okay but standing 2 is really what he needs to rely on.

if you look at characters like kitana and kung lao, their normals are great and fun to use.

edit: also I don't like letting people getting away with stuff, thats why I like how kung lao can punish almost anything that is punishable on block with his moves and kitana won't let you get away with bad footsies and whiffing stuff like youre allowed to.


Death is my business
Mentally / Physical damaged guys , evils with rules , stylish or weird mothafuckas.

Also i only play male characters.

I played Bryan Fury / Dragunov / Yoshimitsu in Tekken , Kabal / Sektor in mk9 , Doctrine Dark in SF EX , Vega in SFIV , Nightmare in SC and im 100% going to be maining Deathstroke / Joker in Injustice .

TL;DR: I like badasses


I love playing/need to have that obsurce/oddball/standout character, ya know? The kind of character that would make most people say: "WTF!?" whenever they take look at him/her/it. MK9 doesn't really have any characters that I find just plan weird or goofy. So thats when I useally restort to my next big favorite archetype: Badass Villains.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I tend to play around with many characters in a fighting game, whether they excel in some areas or not. If I happen to perform at my best with a particular character, then I've found my main.


draxx them sklounst
I don't really have a particular favorite playstyle or anything, so the biggest factor is that I actually like the character - sometimes my secondary character(s) are just fun to play, but my mains are always the ones who I enjoy as characters. There are a lot of recurring themes I notice in characters I pick though - costumes/color schemes that are heavy on purple or white, weapon users, command grabs (though I rarely play the big grappler type) or fairly fast projectiles, and usually terrible wake-up options.


Lawless Victory!
Characters that have one or more of the following qualities:
Underrated/low-mid tiers

I main Guile in SF, Stryker in MK and for IGAU it's looking like Deathstroke.

I find playing these types of characters helps you learn pure solid fundamentals as well as the game engine itself.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
I gravitate to evil... I loves me the villains. I main skarlet in mk and see her as a super boss blood thirsty assassin. I mained bison in sf and played a little akuma. I also like joke characters or characters that look funny or have something I can do to taunt. In sf I loved dan and hakan... time to oil up! In the old days I would play quan in mk4 and whif the weapon steal move all the time cause it made a sweet synth sound and did nothing other than move quans arms around in a funny way. Nowadays I troll with blood balls lol. I also used to love being invisible with reptile in mk trilogy and using the invisibility over and over again even after already invisible cause I would just be blowing up all over the screen, hilarious.

As far as gameplay goes I like quick characters. I also dont mind choosing technically challenging characters. Id rather be an underdog than choose a top tier character too.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


This one's for you
I usually start by trying whichever character looks the coolest and seems pretty quick & agile. I'll probably go straight to Green Arrow and Aquaman when Injustice comes out.
Then for actual gameplay I like characters with a fast walk/dash speed, easy anti airs, fast recovery on everything, and lots of dumb mix ups.