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Whats your Fighting Archetype?


RYX plays ugly characters who take no skill but go under the radar.

This is disturbingly accurate...


Man of Tomorrow
Compbros plays psychotic characters who mash on projectiles but end up mid-tier.

No......yes? I dunno.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Law Hero plays generic characters who encourage mashing but end up mid-tier.

Story of my life...


The Ignore Button Is Free
xKhaoTikx plays stylin’ characters who have FAIR DAMAGE and inspire fanfic.

I mean, i guess lol
"Alien Substance plays psychotic characters who grab everything and win for free."

Let me check:
Kratos, Noob Saibot, Stryker, Liu Kang, Freddy, Sektor...nope, not that accurate........as of yet.


thing just randomizes shit. first time it said i play easy characters who do fair damage and win for free. second time it said i play fabulous characters who abuse glitches and inspire rage.


Shaolin 19 plays loud characters who take no skill and inspire rage.
I mean, i play subzero,sooo i kinda inspire rage lol

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Infra Dead plays waifish characters who grab everything and inspire rage.

There's no grapple characters in this game!


Critical Limit plays loud characters who 50/50 you to death and inspire fanfic.

Well I do play Skarlet and Scorpion....

but Ermac and Noob are probably my best characters.


BC_Rayman plays fabulous characters who mash on projectiles and win for free.

I do play Kabal and Sektor, so not entirely inaccurate.


I$AAC plays manly characters who DP everything but go under the radar.

Well, Kano does have upball


Up the Irons!!!
"Tyler plays ☆fabulous☆ characters who grab everything and inspire fanfic."

Well, Cyrax IS fabulous and I do command grab a lot. But fanfic?

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
Darth plays girly characters who have great footsies but sucks with them.

Omg, i was exposed :oops:


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Juggs plays ugly characters who grab everything and are popular but bad. #fgarchetype http://en.shindanmaker.com/317630

I hate grapple character, never used them. "ugly characters" is highly subjective. I usually don't go for popular characters, and never really use low tier.

This shit failed for me.