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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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Man of Tomorrow
street fighter (i think you're talking about zangief) doesn't really show brutal moves as these.
There's hardly any "brutal" fighting games out but there's many games that have teenagers doing, or going through, outlandish things.


bye felicia
Compbros, randomdude
Not that I support either of your absurd lines of logic, but it should be noted that DC doesn't set the standard for whats considered mature in a video game, the ESRB does. DC is frequently pretty lenient on what it will allow, but if the ESRB rates it higher than a T its no go. This is why the Joker headshot got censored "after approval" in MKvDC.

Unfortunately the ESRB has historically been history pretty anti-child abuse, so Robin eating supers like Bane's or WW's is definitely not gonna fly.


Man of Tomorrow
Compbros, randomdude
Not that I support either of your absurd lines of logic, but it should be noted that DC doesn't set the standard for whats considered mature in a video game, the ESRB does. DC is frequently pretty lenient on what it will allow, but if the ESRB rates it higher than a T its no go. This is why the Joker headshot got censored "after approval" in MKvDC.

Unfortunately the ESRB has historically been history pretty anti-child abuse, so Robin eating supers like Bane's or WW's is definitely not gonna fly.

What constitutes "abuse"? Because Persona could easily be seen as such, so could Street Fighter (Makoto), Soul Calibur (Talim), Tekken (Xaiyou), etc....


bye felicia
Dude, I don't make the rules and I don't understand the logic, ever since the age old N64 Duke Nukem ruling of Porn store is mature, Gun store is Teen, I have thought the ESRB was completely out of its gourd. Namco has been squeezing impalements, execution and torture out of its T ratings since the first Soul Edge with the only concession that limbs stay on, clothes stay clean and only sparks every fly. I personally felt that MKvDC still maintained a wealth of shit that crossed the M line, but according to the ESRB, its okay for teenagers to be exposed to ritual executions, as long as they are done by fire or sword rather than gun.

But I try not to rag on the ESRB too much. It was a reactionary group put together to counter hyper overreactive senators and soccer moms who had no idea what they were getting pissed off about. Its gotta deal with all 3 major territories unique "spin" on what is and isn't appropriate for all age groups in an entertainment medium that is still very young. They are bound to fuck it up from time to time.


Man of Tomorrow
I know, I just don't understand why it's even a question of "would it be allowed" when an oily old man can literally grind on top of a teenage girl and it gets allowed.


bye felicia
well, like I said, you just have to cut them some slack sometimes. Its not like a movie where the MPAA can sit through it in 2 hours and digest everything it has to offer and make a ruling. The ESRB has to do a trillion games a week and they generally only get to see what the company "submits" to them. Is it really worth classifying everything SF4 has to offer as mature if there's one pervy thing with one character in one outfit using one super?

Compare that to every single super in Injustice being done to a 10 year old, with appropos visual and audio effects indicating very clearly what is being insinuated on screen. Maybe not enough to keep us, who've been completely jaded to it, up at night but even you could see how "my kid has a game where you break childrens backs" would be a phone call made as early as April 17th.

I can't believe I never realized before now that's why there's no teen titans in this.


Man of Tomorrow
even you could see how "my kid has a game where you break childrens backs" would be a phone call made as early as April 17th.

"My kid has a game where a guy stabs an ax into a child's stomach and swings her around" - Soul Calibur.

"My kid has a game where a guy breaks a child's neck and then shoots them on the ground and another guy that pins their feet to the ground with swords and shoots them in the head" - UMvC3.

"My kid has a game where a child's back is broken" - Injustice.

I just don't see a difference.


"My kid has a game where a guy stabs an ax into a child's stomach and swings her around" - Soul Calibur.

"My kid has a game where a guy breaks a child's neck and then shoots them on the ground and another guy that pins their feet to the ground with swords and shoots them in the head" - UMvC3.

"My kid has a game where a child's back is broken" - Injustice.

I just don't see a difference.
the point is that it's more graphical in injustice


well yeah but the aesthetics are different, that's a LOT of sparks and no blood, it looks silly, this game looks darker


Man of Tomorrow
So cuz it looks a "bit more real" then it's too much. Even performing the combo at 18 secs on a 15 year old Talim is fine because of a little spark?



Both Dick Grayson and Cyborg were among the founding members of the Teen Titans. As was Raven if she makes it in.
Only Dick was. Original Titans were just Kid Flash, Robin, Wonder Girl, Aqualad and Speedy. In the show, yes they were founding members. Comic wise, they came late in the game.


bye felicia
Compbros, again, you're preaching to the choir. Between the blatant sex appeal (of underaged characters, no less) and the over the top weapon based violence I absolutely do not understand how Soul Calibur is rated anything less than Mature and has not been for years. So if you're asking me, personally, then yes both SC and Injustice are over the line. As for Deadpool? You're talking one character out of a cast of almost 40, most of which are completely tame or outwardly jokey and again, no blood. Same with wolvey, all the sword users, and a psychotic raccoon with a gun. Believe it or not, it was actually Nemesis they were the most worried about ratings wise. His level 3 super didn't fly with the board, thats why its all confusing and retarded looking. Thats how fucked up the ESRB system is. Trench coat tentacle monster = adult, totally hip gun toting swordsmen = teen.

That said, we're not talking about one move or even one character in Injustice. Everybody in this game is beating the absolute shit out of everyone else, with slow motion camera zoomey battle damagey goodness. We got Deathstroke unloading on people point blank, rocketships to the face, and Batman (the people's champion) running women down with his car. According to the edicts of modern US society, that's just the going ons of consenting super powered adults. But the second you introduce an "innocent defenseless child", its a mature situation.

And you can plainly see how retarded the double standard is, because as long as they get up and pout after getting sent through a wood chipper, its "kid friendly", but that same 13 year old won't understand why a man wouldn't get back up after being punched out of orbit.