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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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Man of Tomorrow
Deadpool is not the only one: Chris snaps your neck/ attacks you with a barrage of knives and guns (and what about Snake snapping Ness/Lucas' neck in Brawl), Super Skrull pounds you into the ground with giant rock fists, Viper drives you into the ground head first while chopping your neck, Jill snaps your neck, She-Hulk throws a car on you that explodes, it goes on.

Many fighters do this but because they're slightly more cartoony with it it's gonna be a big deal in Injustice?

Yes it is stupid.

idk... maybe? i'm tired. you win, still don't want robin to take up roster space
It's not about winning, it's about understanding and I just don't understand.


bye felicia
Many fighters do this but because they're slightly more cartoony with it it's gonna be a big deal in Injustice?

It's not about winning, it's about understanding and I just don't understand.
Sounds like you understand it perfectly. -Blood, -Realism, -Kids, -Mature rating. Marvel = Cartoons shooting lasers at each other. Injustice = Adults killing each other. ahem. . . knocking the wind out of each other.


I always thought censoring and the ratings around them was a little silly. Like how you can't have real guns in a kids show but you can have lasers. I'd rather be shot by a gun than by a laser. Can you imagine how painful that shit would be? Shit's dangerous.


Don't give up!
I always thought censoring and the ratings around them was a little silly. Like how you can't have real guns in a kids show but you can have lasers. I'd rather be shot by a gun than by a laser. Can you imagine how painful that shit would be? Shit's dangerous.
Yeah but they make cool "pew pew pew" noises. At least when you're in searing pain it'll sound awesome.


Play Monster Hunter!
This is kind of a big stretch, but...
Since its revealed in the cover art of issue 5 that Damian is in and sided with Superman, well Nightwing sided with Batman.

What if Damian is 15 in the comic, and 20 in the game, or 13/18 w/e, and this

is actually Damian and he took up the Nightwing Mantle, he is fighting GA, who is on Batman's side, and i don't see NW or GA betraying Batman.

Damian is a big fan of Dick.


This is kind of a big stretch, but...
Since its revealed in the cover art of issue 5 that Damian is in and sided with Superman, well Nightwing sided with Batman.

What if Damian is 15 in the comic, and 20 in the game, or 13/18 w/e, and this

is actually Damian and he took up the Nightwing Mantle, he is fighting GA, who is on Batman's side, and i don't see NW or GA betraying Batman.

Damian is a big fan of Dick.
Nah, I'm pretty sure that's just an alt. It's almost an exact copy of his days as Renegade.


I would prefer if he was just an alt costume for deathstroke.
I say thee nay, vile one!
I think it would feel weird, if Red Hood would do the exact same things as Deathstroke, since I don't see him as that type of a character. Red Hoods usual ways to fight are two guns, a specific dagger and a lot of C4 and other explosive gadgets, while Deathstroke seems to be all about his rifle.

Damn, my body needs Red Hood in the game. Alongside Nightwing he is my favorite DC character and I even like him slightly more than Nightwing, so he would make the game for me complete.
Yeah, I know that we have a lot of Batman characters allready and chances are high that we get few more, but I honestly wouldn't mind Red Hood, especially because he has his own series now, his own teammates and so on.
I guess chances are high that we get him as DLC later on, if enough fans continue to bring up his name, which for now seems to be the case.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
now i made a thread like this a few months ago about what his moves could be and how ge could fit in the story but seeing as we have a DLC requests section ill do a less detailed version here also. Why should Red Hood be in Injustice?
1. He's a great fighter, possibly one of the best in the DCU with his All Caste training plus the training he got being Robin
2. He bested Batman (in current continuity)

yeah that happened.
3. Batman Under the Red Hood is one of DC's most succesful animated films critically and commercially
4. Not just "Robin with guns" or Deathstroke Lite - his fighting could tools include
All Blades (Bloodswords)

oh yeah and theres these

no batarangs no bow staff so he wouldnt be similar to Nightwing
no broadsword or rifle so he's different from Deathstroke but even if you still believe he's too similar look at the roster we got Shazam and BA who literally have the exact same power both in the game playing different, GL and Sinestro etc this is NRS palette swap gods he would NOT be a clone of anyone
5. Final reason is Red Hood is a lesser known character who could gain alot of fans from this game like he did from UTRH. he also has his own comic that has been ongoing since the new 52 relaunch.
Red Hood would be a great addition i request him alot because i see him as a perfect fit for this game not because im a fan. but being a fan makes it a little more personal, either way he should make the DLC roster imo, anyone agree/disagree after reading this?


Neutral Skipper
Red Hood is my favourite Batman villain (next to Harley) but only because of the kind of character he is. I don't think we really need him in Injustice.


I still agree Aquaman should have Black Manta to fight, Flash should have Captain cold but they still could slip Red hood in if there is a second DLC pass.