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General/Other Q&A with Kung Lao

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
112, spin, dk, 1, 2,4 hat toss,1,1,2,4 grab = 38-40%.
Though i might be wrong here. Long time since i drop KL.


Im having trouble connecting anything after

112, Spin, NJP, Dive Kick ....

The opponent flies too fast and far away. And I was never good at dashing and hitting 1 or 2. Is there a short cut? I dont need a 40%, but around 35% would be awesome.


Meterless midscreen: 21 spin, jik dive kick, dash 1, dash 24 1+3 2 33%, 31% without the 2.

1 meter midscreen: 21 spin, jik dive kick, dash 2 ex hat toss, dash 1, dash 24 1+3 2 41%, 38% without the 2.

no meter corner: 21 spin, jik dive kick, jump back kick dive kick, 24 1+3 2 38%.

Note that in the corner the 24 spin is not stance specific. Not sure if it matters after the patch though.


Meterless midscreen: 21 spin, jik dive kick, 1, 24 1+3 2 33%, 31% without the 2.

1 meter midscreen: 21 spin, jik dive kick, 2 ex hat toss, 1, 24 1+3 2 41%, 38% without the 2.

no meter corner: 21 spin, jik dive kick, jump back kick dive kick, 24 1+3 2 38%.

Note that in the corner the 24 spin is not stance specific. Not sure if it matters after the patch though.
Thanks, I got the 1 meter midscreen combo down now.


After doing the combos and variations of it, I found out that the uppercut, after the Ultimate Hat is much more consistent. Sometimes, the input for the 24 1+3 2 messes up. The uppercut is easier to land and has the same damage output, maybe 1% or 2% less, but it doesn't drop.


Come At Me Bro
Off the top of my head the usual kung lao bnb for ultimate hat is 112 spin, NJP, Dive kick, forward dash, 2 xx Ultimate Hat, forward dash, 1, forward dash 241+3,2 that's about 38% i think with a JIP starter its 41% iirc
exactly what i do but start with 21 i learned its kungs best combo starter more damage, faster start up and if its not hit confirmed i quickly press 212121 for some great chip n meter now that its safe. But i just wish 2,4 wasnt stance dependant i mean why?


Come At Me Bro
For a great 2 meter combo i use jp 2,1xxspin NJP jkdivekick >>2 ex hat jkEXdivekick >> d2 the last bit requires some timing but for the most part i get it pretty consistantly. 44 to 46% i believe 49% with tele3 start. Mainly use it if you know you will win but need big damage


"1 meter midscreen: 21 spin, jik dive kick, dash 2 ex hat toss, dash 1, dash 24 1+3 2 41%, 38% without the 2."

i replace the 1 with a 2 after the ex hat toss, more damage.
i dont know how much it does without the JP after the change tho.

JP, 2, 4, SPIN, DASH, JK+DK, DASH, 2, EX-HAT, DASH, 2, 4, GRAB, 2 44%
doing the JP, 2, 1, SPIN is safer and does the same damage as well :)

also i found it easier that after JP, 2, 1, SPIN,(do a DASH)then the JK+DK, it helps a lot, i hardly drop the combos like this due to it offline.
^Ideally, you want to hit 2 as Lao brings his opponent's leg up to its apex. Occasionally mashing works, too, but I wouldn't recommend it.


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
Question about kung lao's 2,4, 1+3,2 and 2,4 1+3, 4 combo

Im having a hard time with the last input of both combos because no matter how fast I press the buttons he does the sweep at the end is there a certain time im supposed to press the last input?


~ Rialt1 PrimE ~
Its a just frame input. Meaning there is a very small window for you to input the 2 or 4 for it to work. So yes it is a timing thing, best thing to do is to hit the training room and work on it till u get the timing as muscle memory. Of course, you could always just mash on 2 until it comes out lol. Hope this helps.


From my experience, I find that if you do it too fast, you actually have a higher likeness of missing that input.
I usually just limit it to three successive taps, with the same amount of time between inputs.
Starting from when they are grabbed, to right before the throw occurs.
If I had two cameras I would be able to show this, but I can't.


~ Rialt1 PrimE ~
I usually will wait until Lao lifts the leg up, and right about when he lifts it at its apex, i will double tap 2 or 4 whatever one im doing.


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
Yea im using kung lao as an Alt Main and ive been in practice mode and I ran into that problem.I appreciate the info.


Come At Me Bro
Possible new ex hat tech

Ive been testing the ex low hat for potential new tech and the ability to hold it has a large amount of potential. Off the bat ill say i use the ex hat as a bodyguard i make a mistake he backs me up, basically a 1 bar breaker exept this lets you start pressure and keeps the opponant standing. I also use it to get a free jump in if the hat hits or not. Example is dropping the low hat and jumping, before i land i set it off to stop any AA attempts and start pressure and a free jumpin. However i found out the hat can actually be planted in between rounds, yes, after a round finshed the hat stays there until you let go. It can also be held during an xray to possibly hit the opponant if they have an xray you can combo off like rain. I dont know what i can possibly do with this but i want to see the communities ideas and also see what you guys use the Ex hat for. Thanks.


EX Hat Corner glitch?

i dont know what it is. is it normal? can anyone explain this to me please?
its happened while doing some combos, but it only does it that ive noticed with the 2, 4 string....this sucks ass.
sorry for the not so steady camera work lol



Every time it missed, Lao is in open stance. So this never misses mid-screen? At least in the corner then, 24 Ex-hat looks to be stance-specific.


It's KL's stance. Kinda like 2,4 spin only hitting when he's facing a certain side
yeah just noticed that lol, wtf?

Every time it missed, Lao is in open stance. So this never misses mid-screen? At least in the corner then, 24 Ex-hat looks to be stance-specific.
no, never happened to me on mid screen yet, and ive done combos using the 2,4, exhat too,never paid attention to the stance as they never missed :(

this stan shit is so freaking stupid, even if i didnt main kl, id still think that...stance should be removed all together, as it serves no purpose at all.