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The Truth About Tom Brady


Come On Die Young
Have you ever heard Tom Brady laugh? I thought I had too until I thought about it more. Most of us have heard Tom Brady speak many times, whether it be on podcasts, on streams, or in person at a tournament. His demeanor can often be a jolly one, infusing troll-speak into his stories and commentary, but at no point will we actually hear a human laugh. We hear little things like "Man these Jax players are the worst!!!!" spoken in a hearty laughing voice, but this may be faked.

What is happening here? Is Tom Brady a government plant to infiltrate subgroups of the population? Is he even human? I decided to do my own digging to uncover the dark secrets of his past to discover who this man REALLY is. Brady appears to spend most of the year traveling the country, training in Mortal Kombat at various players homes for days or weeks at a time in New York, Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, and other states. No one truly knows where this wanderer comes from.

Except for one connection. Tom Brady is known to train near his home at the "House of Goons" in Texas. Prominent Tekken players such as JOP and Eddie Pistons train here as well, so I decided to find out what this House was really about. When I finally found the location of this place, there was something quite peculiar about it. This was no house, nor an apartment, or even a gaming center. The address on the map was a large property with a desolate surrounding of trees and dirt roads. Upon further research, this address led to a long-abandoned mental hospital, with rumors of satanic gatherings and paranormal experiences. I needed to find more.

Thankfully, over this long winter break I have had a lot of free time to do as I please. I decided to take a trip over there myself to investigate this place and find out what was going on. I rented a car and drove down winding country roads to venture to this place alone, a clear mistake. As I crept up to the front gates, plastered with "Private Property" signs and surrounded by barbed wire, I began to feel a sense of dread. Waves of panic and anxiety swept through my body as I entered this dark, decrepit behemoth of a building.

I started calling out: "TOM! Are you in here?!". The place was silent. But the building was so huge, there must be something of importance to find here, so I continued to explore. I checked my phone, but there was no signal. Then I checked something else… I was getting a wifi connection! The name of the connection was "DOASUX", a possible reference to Tom Brady's past. But could it just be a coincidence? I didn't remember seeing anything nearby on the map, but it could be coming from some other area. I needed to keep looking.

After checking most of the front offices and waiting areas, filled with nothing but abandoned desks, filing cabinets, and rats, I ventured further into the patient wing of the facility. I found one room separated from most of the residential areas, with what appeared to be surgery equpiment. "What did they do to people here?" I wondered. As I slowly walked into the room to inspect the scene, I thought I heard a whisper. Was I losing my mind? I had sworn I heard something. Then it got louder.

"Let's be serious here"

Someone was there.

"Hello?", I called out.

"Let's be serious here".

I knew that voice. I've heard it a million times. It was Tom.


I was scared. I didn't know what was going to happen to me. I started running for the exit.

Suddenly a door opened at the end of the hallway and Tom Brady himself stepped out.


His mouth turned into a wide and devilish grin as "mannnnnn" continued to echo throughout the hallway. His eyes turned pitch black and he started running after me with an inhuman speed. I continued to run without looking back. It was my only chance. Suddenly I heard a deafening bang and everything went silent. I looked behind me and he had disappeared.

I exited the building and left as fast as I could, not knowing what I had just experienced. Something sinister is going on here. All I can tell you is to not go looking for that place.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Its amazing you got out alive :p

I actually enjoyed this story quite a bit, just add a few lists and it will be perfect, well maybe not S+ tier, but at least S tier.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


I Pikachu while you shower.
Fucking noob its at least A tier, too many bad MUs:

The truth about PND i2 Gaug3 8-2
The truth about Pikachu 7-3
The truth about TomlulsBrady 9-1
The truth about Cossner 6-4
What I'm a 7-3 MU? What's going on here? I don't want be associated with Tom Brady in anyway good or bad. The guy is bipolar and borderline nuts and in 7 years he will be sitting in a clock tower with a shaven head sniping school kids.
While rev0lver’s story may be true, he hasn’t told everyone the entire tale. I’m shaking as I type this, and I fear for my own safety upon making this all public. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take if it means clearing the air. Let’s face it, I’m not much of a Smoke player anyways.

The true story of the House of Goons

It all started in Texas, where I was saying goodbye to some Tekken players at the House of Goons. Apparently, after I left they were moving out and heading back to their home state, New York, because they "claimed" to have seen an entire new area appear in their basement. This was odd, you’d think that as gamers we’d all be very well versed with our basements, but this was not the case. There was something sinister down there, lurking. When they told me this, I knew that they were paranoid and it was just them imagining things. Or, so I thought. 3 days later, they moved out to New York and sent 9.95 a text message saying that they will not be going anywhere in Texas ever again (even for MLG) after what they've "seen".
About a week later, I decided to go to their old home in Texas to find out what was wrong. Shortly after my arrival, I was ready to check out the House. It was a dreary day outside; there were clouds for miles and wind so strong I could barely scamper a straight line from my car. Before I left my car, I was sure to check my fanny pack for my supplies: Knife, tinderboxes, oil, a lamp, a lockpick. Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, I left the car in 1st gear with the e-brake on, killed the engine, and locked up. I turned around and took a long look at the house.

The windows and the door were all boarded up. Everything was damaged badly as there were heaps of floorboards scattered all over the front yard - it was a mess. I slowly crept to the front door as there was a sign hanged on it saying: "Nadie Puede Entrar" which translates to "None may enter." I was quite spooked… normally the sign would say "Do not enter", since that's what most signs say when houses are abandoned. I figured it was just a precaution against border hoppers trying to squat in the house.

Eventually, I tried to remove the boards on the front door, but this was almost impossible since they were very tough to remove. After about 30 attempts of removing one board, I finally managed to get the door open. Stepping over the other remaining boards, I opened the door and stepped inside. There was a very horrid smell of decrepit blood, I struggled to avoid gagging. I should have left, I wanted to leave, but I felt strangely drawn to this house. I had to continue.

The entire house was wrecked to pieces and there were vines growing along the stairs and rooms, as if nature was taking control over this house. It was taking back what was rightfully its own. I really don't know how this house managed to get so wrecked in about a week, quite insane.

I found the door for the basement, so that's one thing, but the door had blood stains on the handle. I thought that the people didn't have a chance to escape and got killed as soon as they went to the other side of the door, holding the handle. It had to have been the Koreans who were visiting after MLG, although I couldn’t find any remains. Once I entered the basement, I could've sworn I saw a dark figure on the back of the room going through a wall. I figured it was just my imagination; you only see that stuff in the movies. With a gulp, I accepted it to be a trick of light and continued descending. I checked the whole basement, empty. Nothing but blood and vegetation permeated each room. I went to the end of the hall, to the room I thought I saw the shadowy figure phase into. Knife in one hand, lantern in the other, I was ready to launch a quick stab towards anyone or anything waiting for me. I tarried for a brief second, gathering the courage to strike. With my voice cracking in terror, I yelped as I turned the corner and struck my arm out, stabbing deeply into the empty air. As I lunged forward, I felt what I could only describe as a powerful thud in the small of my back. I lost my footing on the slippery floor and fell; breaking through the wall. I stood up and looked around hurriedly, only to see a very long hallway ahead of me. Behind me was nothing but a statuesque, motionless figure posed behind me. Like a mannequin, but it was translucent and radiated a faint blue light. I never thought to take a close look, my instinct was immediately to run. Hard. Fitting for a smoke main, this was the only option I saw. I turned, and to my surprise the statue was not following me. I was safe.

For now.

After running for quite some time I hit a large door and this time there was a sign saying "林鬼 UNDERGROUND MENTAL HOSPITAL" Wtf, why the fuck would there be a mental hospital underground? Dafuq are those symbols on the sign? I see no point to that whatsoever. Once I opened the door, I immediately saw strange figures lurking around these depths; they quickly noticed me and disappeared, except for the figure at the reception desk. I crept towards the musty old desk, there was nothing but a rotary phone and a fish bowl with a dead goldfish inside. Looking to my left briefly, I saw one of these doors labeled “LK4D4”. I couldn’t be bothered to interpret this, so I continued walking towards the desk. The enenra suddenly asked, "What are you here for?" I didn't really know what to say at this point, all of my sense of fear was gone at this point. I was rocked by an insurmountable dread. I just walked away, going to one of the corridors. I felt like my body was moving for me, I couldn’t control where I moved. I recall that figure saying, "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" in a voice I can barely describe. It was as if the figure bellowed at me, but it was quieter than a whisper. I don’t remember hearing these words, but they echoed within my bones themselves. They seemed to drag on forever, but a quick look at my watch showed time was progressing as swiftly as ever. The rigging in my watch was solid.

I was seriously creeped by this place but I couldn’t stop moving forward. I eventually made it to a room which said, "Room #101 Menoutis, The”. I immediately knew that this was no ordinary Menoutis, this was a very certain Menoutis. A Menoutis whose cries could be heard from orbit, a deafening roar of sadness filled the soul of this Menoutis. Thanks to my curiosity, I opened the door and it shut behind me abruptly when I entered the room.

And there it was, the ghost of Tom with a bloody knife, and several corpses piled up on one end of the room. I faintly saw a nametag on one of the bodies, which read “hector”. There was nothing else in there besides chains on the wall and several blood stains all over the place. I was starting to think this "kid" was like an emo or something, blaming the world and killing every innocent person. A funny feeling in my gut told me to get the fuck out as Devin was staring at me with his black filled holes for eyes. I then ran to the door.


"Fuck!" I yelled trying to pick the lock out. While I was doing that, I felt an aura that Tom was coming closer. I turned around and hell he was coming closer... except he wasn't walking... he was sliding. Smiling. This was no ordinary smile, this was a smile with the most unnerving, sinister tinge I have ever seen in my life. And it was coming towards me, getting closer. That awful mouth began to stretch to inhuman proportions, and nothing but a faint rumble erupted, quickly increasing in volume. Mmmmmmmmm - My entire being was filled with this hellish sound – mmmaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA - I got so damn nervous now as it was getting harder to pick the lock. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN- and by the time I managed to unlock the door, I immediately got grabbed by the arm and he whispered out in a voice full of contempt, “How many top Kabal players have you ever beaten with Sub-Zero?” and stabbed me in the back. The pain seared throughout my body, and my back was filled with an intense, frigid sensation. The last thing thing I remember was him tearing the blade through me, and hearing the crack of the hilt breaking off.

I woke up with a startle in my bed, in my own home.

It was all a dream... just a dream. I'm glad that's all over then. Even to this day though, I still have no clue why I had that dream. It hasn't recurred in ages though, so I guess I should be fine now. Looking back on it, I can laugh about it to an extent. I can laugh about this entire ordeal revolving around an Ohio player travelling outside his state.

It's been about 2 months now after that dream. rev0lver spoke to me about his noticing that Tom never laughs not too long after I had the dream, right around when I went on Christmas break from college. I’m not sure what his motivations were, I figured he was just trolling like he always is. But, there was always this nagging thought in the back of my mind that maybe this was something more. I guess there really was more to this story.
We should totally make this a thing. Start a club: A conversation thread where some crazy/imaginative people work together on making MK community creepypasta recipes (stories). We could even make an official thread here in the off-topic section and submit our works into the Creepypasta Wikia for our community to see! Update the original post of the thread with links to the pages on the Creepypasta Wiki.


Come On Die Young
Frothy nice stuff. I wanted to make mine big but I wrote it in like 15 minutes while talking to guamo on facebook lol