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[NSFW Images] Most Retarded Music Ever Thread

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Categories include: Retarded angry, happy, stupid etc etc.
So dont just do it based on pure retardation alone, get your sub genres of retardation on!
I'll begin...



Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
ANYTHING WITH JUSTIN BIBER or how ever you spell his name. My close friend has her stupid phone ring back playing one of his songs and i refuse to call her because of it. Nuff sed :)


King of the Jobbers 2015
You do realize that song+video is the epitome of pop idiocy? You don't even understand the lyrics, it reuses 90s cliches, it's engineered to be catchy and to require the least amount of mental power possible. It's made for retarded people.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
You do realize that song+video is the epitome of pop idiocy? You don't even understand the lyrics, it reuses 90s cliches, it's engineered to be catchy and to require the least amount of mental power possible. It's made for retarded people.
Yes, but that doesn't make it any less awesome. Gotta respect a billion views mayne ;)


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
You do realize that song+video is the epitome of pop idiocy? You don't even understand the lyrics, it reuses 90s cliches, it's engineered to be catchy and to require the least amount of mental power possible. It's made for retarded people.
Nothing gets passed you, eh?

lol @ you acting as if you've just educated people
Due to the nature of some of the thumbnail previews for these videos I'm adding an NSFW tag to the title. Just in case.


King of the Jobbers 2015
Yes, but that doesn't make it any less awesome. Gotta respect a billion views mayne ;)
A billion retarded people, screaming "Oppa Gangbang Style", words that hold no meaning at all but to koreans, like a billion retarded seagulls screaming in the middle of an ocean of mediocrity. If you think it's awesome, then you're pooping on the legacy of actual music. Just saiyan'

Nothing gets passed you, eh?

lol @ you acting as if you've just educated people
Why, saying a song is total garbage means I'm "educating" people? Or you are reading it that way because you don't like when people shit in stuff you like? Even though it's completely true.

Mark my words, everyone will forget that crap in a couple of years, as usual.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
A billion retarded people, screaming "Oppa Gangbang Style", words that hold no meaning at all but to koreans, like a billion retarded seagulls screaming in the middle of an ocean of mediocrity. If you think it's awesome, then you're pooping on the legacy of actual music. Just saiyan'
If you're just trolling, then gjgj. But come on man, it's a fun song lol. Call Me Maybe was just as retarded, but it's fun. I don't think anyone (American, Korean or otherwise) have made ANY claims that this was supposed to be a song filled with metaphors an deep meaning


King of the Jobbers 2015
If you're just trolling, then gjgj. But come on man, it's a fun song lol. Call Me Maybe was just as retarded, but it's fun. I don't think anyone (American, Korean or otherwise) have made ANY claims that this was supposed to be a song filled with metaphors an deep meaning
I'm being serious, I can't stand that garbage. The thread was about retarded music, and you're agreeing with me that it's in fact, retarded. What are you arguing about?