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Lance Dopestrong Admits Doping


What do you guys think of this dopester and bully? He says he didn't feel what he was doing cheating. He had the power to blackmail people. He doped during all of his competitions.

He sold Cancer bracelets in the name of athleticism. What a fraud.

I had a discussion about this with someone, and, we've decided that he's coming out with this BS now cus sponserships and shit are backing out and demanding the money back, now he's freaking out how he'll get money and live, so he's coming out in hopes of rebuidling some bridges and have a source of income, I suppose.

So, what's the lesson here folks? Don't rig brackets guise.

"I'm da dopeman nigga"​


A prop on the stage of life.
I didn't follow this closely, but if you didn't have something to hide you wouldn't care about taking said tests. Up next: Michael Phelps doping(literally).


cr. HP Master
I've been saying for a long time that most popular athletes are probably doped up. It's sad though because he became a inspirational story to a lot of people and it gave courage and motivation to some.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Punch him in the dick (assuming he still has one by now...). I caught a bit of the interview, he didn't look too apologetic other than admitting to P.E.D. use.


Lose without excuses
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I don't see why doing performance enhancement drugs is such a big deal. It's not like they magically give you talent. They shouldn't be illegal, at least the ones that aren't harmful and potentially deadly. It's so dumb how society views this shit. It's like sex scandals in politics. It's like the only thing that matters for some reason.


I don't see why doing performance enhancement drugs is such a big deal. It's not like they magically give you talent. They shouldn't be illegal, at least the ones that aren't harmful and potentially deadly. It's so dumb how society views this shit. It's like sex scandals in politics. It's like the only thing that matters for some reason.
What? Do you even know what steroids do. It is a big deal. Performing on steroids makes a huge difference. I dont get your post.

If your talking about weed or coke than yeah banning that shit is dumb cuz it just hurts you


What? Do you even know what steroids do. It is a big deal. Performing on steroids makes a huge difference. I dont get your post.

If your talking about weed or coke than yeah banning that shit is dumb cuz it just hurts you
I think he did say as long as it's not harmful, which is my position as too. Only reason I support steroid bans is because it can create an atmosphere where you can lose your competitive edge if you don't... so you're forced into keeping up or damaging your body.

But if they make steroids that are 100% safe, that'd be completely legit to me.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Cycling is one of the dirtiest sports. So many of the best cyclists have been busted for doping it's a bit ridiculous. I know that many professional athletes take some sort of PED or steroid, but I am not one of those who think that all of them do. It's very tempting for athletes not just to be strong, but PED and steroid help with recovery and in return allow athletes to train more than they could without them. That said I am against PED and steroid use. Athletic commissions already allow for tons of supplements to be used and I would hope that PEDs and steroids are necessary for someone to become an elite athlete.


He's a cheater. I've also heard hes a ruthless cold hearted person in his personal life. Anyone who truly wanted to reduce cancer knows its not "find the cure," its actually "find the cause." He's told people to "go to hell" when they've tried to present him with this information in the past.