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ask johnny cage thread


use this thread to ask question/s about johhny cage we donn't need to make differets thread to ask a question

first post will be updated with the questions and answeres so that you know if your question was already asked before and what was the answere for it.


is it a good idea to use 1, 3, 2 instead of 1, 1 on occasion? i see that the 1, 1 string can be ducked and uppercut if it gets predictable
also should i use 2, 1, away+4 and sweeps to set someone up for 2, 1, toward+2 or a forward+4 into a combo

im assuming every knows how to read the numbers but in case you dont 1=fp 2=bp 3=fk 4=bk


Whats the best scrub combo for cage? I cannot get his 4,4 flip kick ender. When i try to juggle with 4,4 after a dash i always end up doing the f4 juggle kick and miss the juggle flipkick is there way to get around the buffering for that?


Whats the best scrub combo for cage? I cannot get his 4,4 flip kick ender. When i try to juggle with 4,4 after a dash i always end up doing the f4 juggle kick and miss the juggle flipkick is there way to get around the buffering for that?
You can do F+4 4,4 flip kick for 24%
or 2,1, f+2 shadow kick for 22%

those will get you buy until you learn to dash buffer his combo's


you just gotta know when to buffer, practice f+4 dash 1,1 dash 1,1 dash 4,4 flipkick for 30% which should be your bnb once you get it down, this combo is about rhythm


you just gotta know when to buffer, practice f+4 dash 1,1 dash 1,1 dash 4,4 flipkick for 30% which should be your bnb once you get it down, this combo is about rhythm
When i do the 1,1 it shows two inputs but he only punches once, but if I spam 1 he does the entire combo. Im lost on that one completely.


Well since i suck at doing the dash juggles. I came up with 1,1,4 nutpunch (23%) F4,4,4flipkick (24%). ends up being 57%, total of 62% with ex flipkick but its not really a combo. Works good on the AI though.


Nut punch and training mode dont mix. Test it out with a human to see if it can be blocked or not


is it a good idea to use 1, 3, 2 instead of 1, 1 on occasion? i see that the 1, 1 string can be ducked and uppercut if it gets predictable
also should i use 2, 1, away+4 and sweeps to set someone up for 2, 1, toward+2 or a forward+4 into a combo

im assuming every knows how to read the numbers but in case you dont 1=fp 2=bp 3=fk 4=bk
yea do some 13 and then 132 but remember that 11 can not be duck after the first 1 hit because 11 jail your opponent on stand stun.


Well since i suck at doing the dash juggles. I came up with 1,1,4 nutpunch (23%) F4,4,4flipkick (24%). ends up being 57%, total of 62% with ex flipkick but its not really a combo. Works good on the AI though.
To my knowledge, nothing is guaranteed after nut punch connects.
I was wondering what we mean when we say "buffer or buffering." I'm having trouble pulling off the 2,1,F2, dash, 4,4 combo. I have been able to produce it a number of times but not anywhere near consistent. I seem to F4 more often than not, or I only am able to get a single F in. I've seen people say things about buffering and I was a little confused. I was also wondering if anyone had any tips on dashing as I have trouble with Scorpion also. I would assume the new XBox controller w/ the new dpad would help but until then I'm running out of options.


yea do some 13 and then 132 but remember that 11 can not be duck after the first 1 hit because 11 jail your opponent on stand stun.
if their already duck blocking though johnny will eat a free uppercut if you attempt 1,1 so i've started using forward+3, 2 in its place, helps me mount an offense better

when you see johhny do his downward swing in 2,1, f+2 dash then 4,4 (special of your choosing) once you see him dash do 44. you should be kicking their toes lol


I was wondering what we mean when we say "buffer or buffering." I'm having trouble pulling off the 2,1,F2, dash, 4,4 combo. I have been able to produce it a number of times but not anywhere near consistent. I seem to F4 more often than not, or I only am able to get a single F in. I've seen people say things about buffering and I was a little confused. I was also wondering if anyone had any tips on dashing as I have trouble with Scorpion also. I would assume the new XBox controller w/ the new dpad would help but until then I'm running out of options.
The 360 controller (new d-pad or original) is a huge issue with the dash canceling in this game. While it's not impossible to perform the strict dash cancels with a 360 controller, it's certainly going to take more time to get as accurate as you need to be.

That said, how you start the combo determines when you input the 4,4~flip kick. For 2,1,2, ff, 4,4~flip kick, you need to dash as far as possible before inputing the 4,4. For b+3, 2,1,2, ff, 4,4~flip kick and f+4, 2,1,2, ff, 4,4~flip kick, you need to do a much shorter dash before the 4,4.

In all cases, you need to be inputting the dash as the last hit in 2,1,2 is connecting. You want to be in mid dash as the opponent is bouncing. It's also important to pause for a split second after the dash, before you input 4,4. If you input 4,4 too soon, you'll get f+4 instead. If you input it too late you'll miss the 4,4.

If you're missing the 4,4 it means that you're inputting the dash command too late, or canceling from the dash into 4,4 too late.


an even easier combo to do for 3% less damage is 2,1,f+2 dash f+3,2 (special of your choosing) if you do shadow kick it does 26 or 29 with jump in. this combo should be johnny's mid screen 2,1,f+2 bnb due to damage and consistency over dash 4,4

this was discovered by jop and told to me today. and i put it on here for all the cage players so enjoy


I was wondering what we mean when we say "buffer or buffering." I'm having trouble pulling off the 2,1,F2, dash, 4,4 combo. I have been able to produce it a number of times but not anywhere near consistent. I seem to F4 more often than not, or I only am able to get a single F in. I've seen people say things about buffering and I was a little confused. I was also wondering if anyone had any tips on dashing as I have trouble with Scorpion also. I would assume the new XBox controller w/ the new dpad would help but until then I'm running out of options.
My philosophy with doing dash 44 is that essentially, you let go of the arrow keys as soon as you input the dash and then input the 44, with a slight pause in between the dash and 44.
What would be the best way to gain meter against someone like Smoke? I played a first to 20 with a friend and found myself only throwing one forceball each match. Since he basically can counter all of them on reaction. I couldn't really make a lot of mistakes since he killed in me in 2 combos.

I actually haven't played any other mortal kombat games. So correct me if I'm approaching Johnny the wrong way. I've been basically comboing into nut punch and using all my meter for enhanced nut punch similar to a shoryuken. Anti-airing with his flip kick. My midscreen combos are usually 2,1,f+2 dash 4,4, flip kick or f+4, dash 2,dash 2,dash 2,dash,4,4 nut punch. I figured all the meter I'd get come from the pressure/mixups after nut punch and the damage from doing nut punch instead of flip kick would be made up from chip. I've always figured nut punch as his best move after corner combos since other players have to take anything you throw at them without a wake up move.


your focus shouldnt really be trying to gain meter in this game, its something that just happens, i guess if you wanted to build meter like a mad man you coud do multiple flip kicks since on block they are incredibly hard to punish
Has anyone ever had a glitch occur with the Johnny Cage Parry? I'm not talking about the infinite parry either. I was trying to breeze through challenge 300 in the tower with the Johnny Cage glitch. I'm not sure what I parried but I immediately held down back sometime after the activation against Mileena. Instead of the parry occuring, Johnny decided to block during the cutscene animation for x-ray. The black background occured as a normal x ray and the camera angle changed like usual. Johnny, however, was just on the floor blocking and Mileena standing still.

Also, if you activate x-ray after kintaro dies(I was wasting meter because I was stupid, not sure if there was some timing involved). The screen turns black and you hear Mileena getting hit by the x-ray parry. Once all the sounds of Mlieena getting hit is over, her cutscene happens and the match starts with her hp reduced from the x-ray damage.


Knight of Asura
I'd like to ask does anyone know if Cage has any inv. frames on shadow kick? I always seem to pass through people that have a move like

Jade's shadow kick, Night wolf's Shoulder charge, Kans shoulder charge, Jax's leaping punch, and Raiden X ray once.


Also, if you activate x-ray after kintaro dies(I was wasting meter because I was stupid, not sure if there was some timing involved). The screen turns black and you hear Mileena getting hit by the x-ray parry. Once all the sounds of Mlieena getting hit is over, her cutscene happens and the match starts with her hp reduced from the x-ray damage.
what you heard wasnt mileena gettin hit by an xray but johnny was giving her the business off camera, she was tired from it thus her health lowered.


Hey Im kinda new to MK (I mean ive played most of them over my time but never tried to play overly seriously before. But this ones too good to pass up really.

I been trying to get cages 2,1 F+2, dash 4,4 Shadow kick/shadow flip combo down

Sadly ive encountered a few problems.

For one my dash is either too slow or doesnt seem to reach far enough to catch the 4,4.
And the bigger problem seems to be that after the 4,4 it doesn't allow me to do the shadow kick/flip.

Ive seen videos of Johnny being used and this seems to be the staple combo with him (that and the wall one with lots of pokes :p...which is awesome) so I really want to learn it but for some reason it just won't work. Is there something I have to do after the 4,4 to let me use his other moves right away (ive tried it just doing 2,1,f2 shadow kick and that works fine. Comes out right after...but 4,4...nothing.

so really....is there any trick to dashing quicker and to getting my moves to come out after 4,4 quicker.


EGP Awesomo

Hey Im kinda new to MK (I mean ive played most of them over my time but never tried to play overly seriously before. But this ones too good to pass up really.

I been trying to get cages 2,1 F+2, dash 4,4 Shadow kick/shadow flip combo down

Sadly ive encountered a few problems.

For one my dash is either too slow or doesnt seem to reach far enough to catch the 4,4.
And the bigger problem seems to be that after the 4,4 it doesn't allow me to do the shadow kick/flip.

Ive seen videos of Johnny being used and this seems to be the staple combo with him (that and the wall one with lots of pokes :p...which is awesome) so I really want to learn it but for some reason it just won't work. Is there something I have to do after the 4,4 to let me use his other moves right away (ive tried it just doing 2,1,f2 shadow kick and that works fine. Comes out right after...but 4,4...nothing.

so really....is there any trick to dashing quicker and to getting my moves to come out after 4,4 quicker.

It took me about an hour to learn the combo but the trick with. 4,4 is to input the command for shadow kick/flip as quick as possible so just press 4,4 b,f+4(or d,b+3) right away don't wait for a hit confirm. Hope this helps


I got 2 questions.
First, are there any lag friendly combos with Cage? I'm liking him a lot but the buffering and dashes is hard enough. Throw in some lag and I never even land the first Dash 11 in a combo string.
Second, is there a nice combo to finish 21F2? I've been using shadow kick to finish since the flip kick seems to whiff.


Ill play around a bit more but its[REDIRECT][/REDIRECT] not like I'm doing it too slow and it whiffs its not doing the move at all