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Very Important - Neutral Jumping Punch scaling mechanics


After running a few tests with Scorpion, I ran into an interesting aspect of the scaling mechanics.

Apparentely, starting a combo with neutral jumping Punch for scorpion somehow gives him a 10-12% damage boost in a particular combo.
Anything with a neutral jumping Punch in his combos boosts his damage greatly.

That meant it was either a bug in the percentage counter (showing the wrong %), or a scaling bug.

2,1 xx Spear, nj. Punch, dash, b+2, j.K xx Teleport, dash 1, 1 xx Takedown = 40%
Same combo as above but with crossover jumping punch instead of neutral jumping punch= 34%.

Considering the difference in both nj.P and j.P is a mere 1%, it made no sense whatsoever.
And neglecting to use either in that combo= 31%.
Basically, 31% is about right in that case.
And if you used a crossover punch, j.P (which is 4% damage), then 4% scaled to 3% and whatnot... it would end up as 34% I believe. It's fine and dandy.

The problem is that a neutral jumping punch, nj.P is not supposed to add 9% damage to a combo.

I ran a little test, and noticed that the neutral jumping Punch makes the scaling pretty crazy.

A simple combo like:

nj.Punch, dash, b+2, j.K xx teleport will translate into
6%+8% on the j.k and teleport respectively.

With a crossover punch instead of a nj.Punch you get
5%+6% respectively.

And just for shits and giggles, if you don't even use a punch, and start with b+2 instead, they'll do 5%+6% too.

Conclusion: after a few tests, I found out that it's not a % counter error. It's indeed a glitch in which every hit following a neutral jumping Punch does increased damage.

It also applies to every character in the game, and it only affects certain moves.

Another short example:


nj.P, dash, 2,2,2 = 16%
2, 2, 2 -> 5% 2% 5% respectively.

j.P, 2,2,2 = 17%
2, 2, 2 -> 5% 3% 6% respectively.

Odd, isn't it?

But if you do:

nj.P, dash, Uppercut = 16%
Where the Uppercut did 11%


j.P, Uppercut = 11%
Where the Uppercut did 7%

Different moves are affected differentely by the neutral jumping punches.
Actually, I'm starting to believe it's not just the neutral jumping punches. Several moves in the game interact very oddly between each other depending on which was done first, etc.

Run the tests yourselves.


Wow, very interesting. I assume the same issue would happen if the nj.p is in the middle of a combo as well, affecting the rest of the attacks..? I'm gonna go take a look myself :)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Hmm, interesting read. For the most part, my neutral jump combos offline/online have been the same. I've noticed sometimes it can be different based on character and/or online/offline.


Wow, very interesting. I assume the same issue would happen if the nj.p is in the middle of a combo as well, affecting the rest of the attacks..? I'm gonna go take a look myself :)

The first example is with nj.Punch after a spear.
There are several examples of several moves modifying the scaling in the craziest of fashions.

2, 1, 2 xx Slide (Corner)
2, 1, 4 xx Slide (Corner)

In the second combo, the Slide does 1% more damage (not even taking into account that the chain "ender" does more damage too).

Basically, in MK9, scaling is f'ing bananas.
It's up to us to find out exactly how it works.

And right now, I'm clueless. All we can do for now is try out combos with different nuances in order to discover which does more damage.
Trial and error.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I don't think it's a glitch, just a reward for doing a NJP in a combo. It's really hard to start a combo with NJP, and it can be difficult to do in a combo as well. So you get a reward for risking dropping the combo.


I don't think it's a glitch, just a reward for doing a NJP in a combo. It's really hard to start a combo with NJP, and it can be difficult to do in a combo as well. So you get a reward for risking dropping the combo.
To be perfectly honest:

a) It's not hard to do NJP in a combo. The reward for doing NJP is that you juggle your opponent and it does more 1% more damage than a DJP. That's it. That's your "reward". Also, in other examples, like Subzero's, it actually decreases the damage of the followup. Where's the reward there?

b) Several moves affect the scaling in crazy ways, not just NJP, as I've described above.

c) If that were actually true, it would be insanely silly. Otherwise we'd get rewards for doing dashes during a combo. Hey, it's hard. We should get a reward! =)