Alright curbo, I agree on what you're saying about how competitive CoD takes team chem and spawn control but I feel Foxy is right. If you look at the maps in halo you'll see that it's the more natural arena shooter. Sure we have some crappy asymetrical maps that one could argure are unbalanced BUT halo has some kickass symmetrical maps (Pit, Haven, Narrows) and Forge which lets them make even more (Simplex, Onslaught). You still need outstanding map knowledge in both games but halo is different. You need amazing awareness of whats going on during a match. You gotta know where your teammates are, who needs help, where the enemy is (no radar), weapon spawn times, team morale, and you have to think about all these things while maintaining a good shot. And theres an art on out Dmr/Br'ing another person. There's strafing, verticality, and jumping. Heck I even claw bumper jumper just so I can look around while I jetpack. I'll stop my ranting.. I respect BO2 alot and their competive scene but it just doesn't get the blood pumping like competitive Halo does.