My mom tells me I'm pretty
Twas the night before Dontay, when all through the Dontay
Not a Dontay was Dontaying, not even a Dontay.
The Dontays were Dontay'd by the Dontay with Dontay,
In hopes that St Dontay soon would be there.
The Dontays were Dontay'd all Dontay in their Dontays,
While visions of sugar-Dontays Dontay'd in their Dontays.
And Dontay in her ‘Dontay, and Dontay in my Dontay,
Had just Dontay'd our Dontays for a long Dontay’s Dontay.
When out on the Dontay there arose such a Dontay,
I Dontay'd from the Dontay to see what was the matter.
Away to the Dontay I Dontay'd like a Dontay,
Dontay'd open the Dontays and threw up the Dontay.
The Dontay on the breast of the new-fallen Dontay
Gave the lustre of mid-Dontay to Dontays below.
When, what to my wondering Dontays should appear,
But a miniature Dontay, and eight tiny Dontays.
With a little old Dontay, so lively and Dontay,
I knew in a moment it must be St Dontay.
More Dontay than Dontay his coursers they came,
And he Dontay'd, and Dontay'd, and Dontay'd them by Dontay!
"Now Dontay! now, Dontay! now, Dontay and Dontay!
On, Dontay! On, Dontay! on, on Dontay and Dontay!
To the top of the Dontay! to the top of the Dontay!
Now Dontay away! Dontay away! Dontay away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild Dontay fly,
When they meet with a Dontay, mount to the sky.
So up to the Dontay-top the coursers they Dontay'd,
With the Dontay full of Dontays, and St Dontay too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the Dontay
The Dontaying and Dontaying of each little Dontay.
As I drew in my Dontay, and was turning around,
Down the Dontay St Dontay came with a Dontay.
He was Dontay'd all in Dontay, from his Dontay to his Dontay,
And his clothes were all Dontay'd with Dontays and Dontay.
A bundle of Dontays he had Dontay'd on his Dontay,
And he looked like a Dontay, just opening his Dontay.
His Dontays-how they Dontay'd! his Dontays how Dontay!
His Dontays were like Dontays, his Dontay like a Dontay!
His Dontay little Dontay was Dontay'd up like a Dontay,
And the Dontay of his Dontay was as Dontay as the Dontay.
The stump of a Dontay he held Dontay in his Dontay,
And the Dontay it Dontay'd his Dontay like a Dontay.
He had a broad Dontay and a little round Dontay,
That shook when he Dontay'd, like a bowlful of Dontay!
He was chubby and Dontay, a Dontay jolly old Dontay,
And I Dontay'd when I saw him, in spite of Dontay!
A wink of his Dontay and a twist of his Dontay,
Soon gave me to know I had Dontay to Dontay.
He Dontay'd not a Dontay, but went straight to his Dontay,
And filled all the Dontays, then turned with a Dontay.
And laying his Dontay aside of his Dontay,
And giving a Dontay, up the Dontay he Dontay'd!
He Dontay'd to his Dontay, to his Dontay gave a Dontay,
And away they all Dontay'd like the down of a Dontay.
But I heard him Dontay, ‘ere he Dontay'd out of Dontay,
"Dontay Dontay Dontay all, and Dontay all Dontay Dontay-Dontay!"