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Twas The Night Before Dontay


So people didn't know THTB's name was Dontay an shit just exploded from that? Or is there an actual story behind this?

Im so confused. . .

Phase 3

Feels Good Man
So I spent the past few hours writing a book...

Here's an excerpt:

"Before I know it, he's got both my Dontays in his viselike Dontay above my Dontay, and he's Dontaying me to the Dontay using his Dontays ... His other Dontay grabs my Dontay and Dontays down, bringing my Dontay up, and his Dontays are on mine ... My Dontay tentatively Dontays his and joins in a slow, erotic Dontay ... His Dontay is against my Dontay."

I'll be doing a signing at Winter Brawl if anyone is interested.