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Things I want in this Game.


Meow Hoes
Since I know people don't care, I'm gonna do it to get it off my mind

+ d3 +1 on hit
+ d4 +3 on hit
+ ex hellfire +5 on hit

Lui kang
+ d1 6 frames

Kung Lao

Sub zero
+ ex ice clone doesn't break if hit

+ yell is chargeable and dash cancellabe
+ if fully charged its unblockable
+ ex step up have armor

+ armor on ex push

+ d1 6 frames

+ ex lift drains meter
+ Ass hits overhead

Johnny Cage
- f3 is 11 frames
+ f2 is removed , I hate when it comes out

+ glow and flash able to be done the air Last a LITTLE BIT longer
+ 342 able to be done in open space
+ 2% percent damage buff
+ 2nd hit of ex high rang is overhead

+ Ex neck bite has armor
+ ex sai toss is like skarlets dagger ( 2nd hit is dash cancellable )

+ f3 low
+ df2 is +5 on block

+ he doest need it
- after net reset second bomb doesn't explode

+ ex slide is a launcher ( like mileenas roll)
+ ghostball disables wake ups

- resets removed
- f4 ex smoke bomb only otg

+ ex flame thrower has armor and +5 on hit

- cartwheel is -6 on block
+ 2 is a mid

+ second hit of ex db2 is chargeable and dash cancellable

+ choke is +5 on block
+ ex knife on an airborne opponent is like kitanas ground fan
+ ex choke has armor

- 2ndc is +5 on block
- iaGB is 0 on block and come out at 9 frames

+ Gains more frames off gun cancels
+ 4 on hit gives a free jump in

Shang Tsung
+ ex ground skull has armor
+ b2 ground skull is possible

+ f4 gives more frames
+ d1 has a bigger hit box
+ 3% damage buff


+ bombs freeze no matter what
± but second bomb explodes
+ tombstone teleport from MkvsDC

Quan chi
+ ex trance has armor On start up
+ rune trap remains

+ 1 is 10 frames
+ 4 is 10 frames

+ teleport is controllable ( front , behind )
+ b1 is an over head

- ex spirit charge is only +5
- spirit charge is 10 frames
+ ex spirit charge is 7 frames

+ lightning is over head
+ ex lightning the 3rd hit is chargeable for unblockable or dash cancellable

+ 4 teleport to b2 or b3 is gaurunteed

As you can see I nerfed top 5 and cage.
I think this might balanced the game. Some buffs might be to over the top though


Making Nightwolf's shoulder unduckable would be awful. It's already safe and this change would make it spammable. Give Nightwolf a good mid hitting advancing normal instead.


Meow Hoes
I don't really know what else he has. I was just thinking of scaling the damage

Sent from my LT28at using Tapatalk 2


All Nightwolf needs is F3 to be low hitting...he'd be a monster then. Making his shoulder not duckable would be overkill. We dont need another Reptile.

Though I do like your changes for Kano. What do you mean by "tomb stone" pile driver For CSZ,? All he needs is a teleport AT LEAST as good as Cyrax, he would be perfect then.

On the whole, I quite like a lot of that.


Laos_boy, this is the first MK game i've played since UMK3 way back in the 90's, so im not sure what that means. All I want for CSZ is a good teleport to get around the BS that is Kitana and Kabal air control.


Meow Hoes
Would making ex arc kick like dive kick ( sets up for combo ) be broken ? Just wondering

Sent from my LT28at using Tapatalk 2


Positive Poster!
Be prepared for a shitstorm. When I posted something like this, all the trolls came out from under the bridge. :)

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Skarlet only needs a 9 frames F4 and that's it.

The teleport should be of 2 inputs like KL, only with the difference that skarlet can use her air specials off it, or jiP/jiK from it.

DJ L Toro

make lao's 2 9 frames would make him ass. he'd literally drop 15 spots in the blink of an eye for that one change.
Edit: i just noticed you're also taking away tele instant 3. you literally just made lao the worst character in the game. congrats. he needs jump in mindgames or else he'd be completely free to jade, kenshi, kitana, kabal, fuckin quan chi. gtfo.

Edit2: I'm fine with your kitana changes. lbsh she needs it.

edit3: Jade's glow/flash lasting for 5 seconds would be beyond stupid. wtf would even be the point, she's be the best character in the game hands down no question.


This is one of the reasons i'm not posting much on these forums, same threads in different colors from different members =/. Geezz, how can you balance a game nerfing some characters and buffing others, when you buff the low tiers they will be already as good as the top tiers but if top tiers are nerfed the low tiers will be the top tiers now, Think about it, and most of these changes are so stupid that will make this game unplayable really. i agree lower tiers should be buffed but if top tiers are nerfed to their level they shouldn't get those buffs.
And Cyras Does Needz it. GTFOH =)

DJ L Toro

This is one of the reasons i'm not posting much on these forums, same threads in different colors from different members =/. Geezz, how can you balance a game nerfing some characters and buffing others, when you buff the low tiers they will be already as good as the top tiers but if top tiers are nerfed the low tiers will be the top tiers now, Think about it, and most of these changes are so stupid that will make this game unplayable really. i agree lower tiers should be buffed but if top tiers are nerfed to their level they shouldn't get those buffs.
And Cyras Does Needz it. GTFOH =)
agreed 100%
You're seriously overpowering Scorpion by giving him good footsies...and I mean OP. There is a very, very, very valid reason why NRS made his footsies crappy in the first place.